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About octo

  • Birthday February 25

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Uwharrie District, NC
  • Occupation
    Camp Durant Staff
  • Interests
    Lodge 70, Old North State Council Memorabilia
  • Biography
    Avid Scouter

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Junior Member

Junior Member (1/3)



  1. Just wanted to tell y’all. Very excited for what the future holds.
  2. So this weekend my lodge is hosting there summer inductions and I was inducted into the OA last year during the same event 1. When does the brotherhood ceremony happen? I will not be able to be there on Friday night because of previous plans but I was wondering when the actual brotherhood process start? 2. Who would I need to get in contact with about this? My lodge is not good about giving out the contact information of those in charge WWW
  3. So I am the SPL of a small troop from in the ONSC. I am the only member of the OA in my troop that is still active. I would love to start going to events but I'm not too sure about going to fellowship and conclave solo is the best idea. I just recently got my ordeal membership last August and I plan on getting brotherhood so I would like to be active In the OA. Any Ideas or stories of doing OA events like these solo?
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