So I think we have an oversensitivity issue here.
How a Chartered Organization obtains it's money and it structures it's budget is none of the BSA's concern nor is it their business.
If the Chartered Organization has a Bingo or a Raffle to raise money for the Troop - that is their business. The Troop is benefitting what the CO does, and the BSA has no say in how they operate it. If it is a BINGO then it needs to be handled legally, with the Troop or Crew Benefitting.
Can a Unit run said Bingo or raffle? No. PERIOD. However - there is NOTHING that says that the chartered organization can not do so for the benefit of. However - for any benefit, the rules are plain as day - DISCLOSURE, DISCLOSURE, DISCLOSURE.
It is not the Unit's business how the CO operates either - and they shouldn't. They should only focus on ensuring that they are running their program according to IRS rules and regulations (i.e. 1099's each year for Scout Accounts, Fundraising for the program that is planned every year.)
The only thing the Unit should do is mind it's own business - as the CO minds theirs - and yours - as they OWN the unit. Not vice versa.