I guess I am an "Old School" Eagle Scout...1965...Only 1% of the Scouts were Eagles back then. Yes it was harder. You had to swim and you had to pass lifesaving and earn the lifesaving merit badge--no choices, no substitute of "emergency preparedness"...If you could not swim, you could not be an Eagle, ...if you could not jump in the water and face your own demise--your potential death--to save another human who was drowning--then you did not become an Eagle--Period, no debate. Sorry, that's the way it was. Simply put, its a lot easier to be an Eagle without facing a true life threatening situation. ..and I flunked lifesaving the first time at Camp Rotary in July of 1964. The next few months I worked hard at becoming a better swimmer and passed lifesaving with a lot of difficulty and no excuses...it was hard, very hard, but there was no way I was not going pass lifesaving and be prepared to do so into the future...and I'm still ready today, if necessary....and, by the way, I saw someone became an Eagle at age 11, sorry, no way...it was impossible to become an Eagle at age 11--the time limits for each rank prohibited it.... and with all do respect, I have doubts as to an eleven year old being able to pass lifesaving--just too small...he could not cut it back then. I'm not saying that today's Eagles do not have the character necessary, but the standards have been lowered....and that is a shame....Now I see why 6% and not 1% of the Scouts are Eagles...