I am working on starting a new EMS Explorer Post. Since the Exploring program uses the same YPT and the Guide to Safe Scouting (GTSS), I am looking for ideas on how to be compliant with this program. In my state, students can become certified as EMTs at age 16 and are permitted to run on ambulances at that age as long as there is a 21+ year old adult crew member with them (state regs). How would an Explorer program be compliant with the GTSS while Explorers are on the ambulance? It is not feasible to have every staff member of the ambulance company become registered leaders. Ambulances in the sponsoring organization are typically staffed with two EMTs (age 18+) and the Explorer would be a third crew member until s/he turns 18 and and become a full crew member.
GTSS: "Two registered adult leaders 21 years of age or over are required at all Scouting activities..."
How do I sell this to the sponsoring organization? I can't have three extra people on the ambulances. There would be no room for the patient.
GTSS: Re. restrooms - "The buddy system should be used."
Do we need a buddy to accompany a 19 year old to pee when they are in the station? 😆 Srsly?
I understand the need for youth protection (I used to own a house 150 yards from Jerry Sandusky's, we're both members of the same church, etc. No, I didn't know. But everyone one around here is hypersensitive, especially local BSA.).
Thanks for ideas on policy.