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Everything posted by Navybone

  1. I do not think it is too hard, but that is OK. the challenge will be how it is led. If MB Counselors take a laissez faire or dismissive/negative tone while leading this, then it is not only a wasted opportunity, but could actually strengthen counter-DIE efforts.
  2. Based on the comments on this site, I think BrianWylie1, who asked the question, was pretty clear in why they looked at a small group on how to implement the merit badge. I would not assume that the leadership has not seen the response on sites like this and others.
  3. That is one definition from a scholarly article. Not the normal definition by any means. Another is the definition Ford uses when they discuss diversity, equity, and inclusion. And Ford is not a Marxist company. ”Equity seeks to ensure fair treatment, equality of opportunity, and fairness in access to information and resources for all. We believe this is only possible in an environment built on respect and dignity.” fair treatment, equal opportunity, and fairness are consistent with how BSA operates and the scout law and oath. There is no reason to believe this definition is not consistent with the BSAs approach to equity. There is nothing to suggest that the BSA would suddenly adopt a Marxist philosophy regarding scouting.
  4. There is nothing to indicate the CRT is what the badge will be based on. Maybe an open mind?
  5. I do not even know where to start. Equity is not the idea that everyone should get the same outcome. Wherever you got your definition, it is a corruption of the idea of fairness and having an opportunity - as in everyone should have the same opportunity. Same with your definition of inclusion and diversity. BSA has pretty much already articulated what their intent is and how it is absolutely inline with scouting. There is nothing Marxist (or socialist, or communist). And if BSA was turning into a Marxist organization where everyone is made Eagle, I would think adding a new requirement might be the last thing they would do. Don’t you think they would eliminate requirements....
  6. What part of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion would people disagree with? They would disagree with the ideal of creating a culture that welcomes and respects diverse perspectives? Do we not want Scouts to be an organization that creates a sense of belonging and builds communities where every person feels respected and valued? Should scouts not denounces racism, discrimination, inequality and injustice? This is what BSA is saying when they talk about the principles behind the new Merit Badge. And I would say that if a scout or a scouter does support all these principles, then they are not living up to the values of the Scout Law - Friendly, Curious, Kind, Brave.
  7. At no point did I degrade the comradeship of seven boys on a patrol camp out because they are all white or male? But if they excluded scouts based on their skin or religion, then I call into the question the leadership of that patrol and troop, and do call into the question the lessons those scouts are learning. Because then they are not friendly, courteous, or kind. i am confused by you need to add an ethic slur, even if you are of that ethnicity. It is neither numerous or of value to the discussion. More does the use of the term black sisters, unless your intent was specifically to highlight that a large family may be camping. In that case, it makes no sense.
  8. But diversity and inclusion is not saying you need a black friend. It means that you are willing to work with or be friends with someone who is not just like you. It is not about quotas either. In no way is it about attributing value because of their group identity. what do you think diversity and inclusion means?
  9. We do not need to make the concepts of diversity and inclusion hard. Break down diversity for an adolescent: diversity is recognizing the people with different backgrounds, schools, areas of the county or world bring different point of views and ideas. It’s like why a person from the south mayneat one meal for the holidays where someone from the Midwest may eat something else. Or why coca-cola is called soda in some parts of the country, but called pop elsewhere. and inclusion is simply allowing others to participate, regardless of their background or where they are from. It allows them to be part of the patrol and make the troop stronger. any of those concepts too hard for an adolescent? by your own admission you believe in the concepts of diversity and inclusion at their most basic level. You included others into your professional,or personal life and based on their actions and performance, were part of the team or social circle. That is what we should be encouraging our scouts.
  10. I find it crazy that when I don’t agree with very conservative beliefs I am accused of being a liberal or in this case, “drinking the lefty cool aid,” when I am any hit go but a leftist or a conservative. I strongly believe in giving people opportunity, listening to them if they have good ideas, and building inclusive teams for results, specifically not excluding them if they are different than I am. I am a believer it some of Patton’s concepts : If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn't thinking. And have diversity of background, education and thought is a very effective way to not have everyone thinking alike. And you only included part of the quote I attributed to YOUR post. Here is what you attribute the following to JP:” Diversity" doesn't mean "a wide ranging group of ideas". It means "increased influence by people more generally aligned with leftist ideals" (usually from groups that deem themselves "oppressed"). Your right, no one said wide groups of ideas is bad, be that is not what JP said diversity is. He says it is increased influence ...with leftist ideals, which is complete BS.
  11. You are right, you never claimed that it was an academic institution. But Prager attempts to come off academic institution, which is obvious, based on its name. We find ourselves in an era of internet based "facts", and understanding the bias within the source of these facts is often just as important as the facts themselves. And PragerU has a very strong right leaning bias. That means it is not neutral in its statements or videos, but promoting a specific agenda. And in this case, it is against the ideas within diversity or inclusion. So much totneh point, that is has distorted the ideas behind these statements. - Jordan Peterson is noted for his research, if you are support the ideas that political correctness has gone too far. His ideas are not mainstream and he considers himself as a conservative. Again, know the source. You attribute the following to him: "Diversity" doesn't mean "a wide ranging group of ideas". It means "increased influence by people more generally aligned with leftist ideals" (usually from groups that deem themselves "oppressed"). This is not fact, it is 100% opinion and only supports the idea that including a wide ranging group of ideas is bad. And to be clear, I was calling out PragerU as a source and revealing its bias for anyone who may be unaware. I was not offering a counterpoint to any to its statements, no matter what I think of them. I will not convince you otherwise on a message board like this - its imporssible. All I can do it make sure that there is no doubt on the bias of the source.
  12. Diversity and Inclusion are not leadership qualities. Leadership qualities are decision-making, empathy, character, and integrity, to name a few. There is no "diversity" quality in an individual. Believing in and utilizing diversity and inclusion are very effective approaches or beliefs to lead and manage teams and organizations. They are not some left wing agenda item, but based on the idea that individuals have value, and their value is based on their past and experiences, such as how they were raised, education, etc, and that by bringing them in and developing them as effective members of a team, it creates increased likelihood of organizational success and spurs on innovation. If there is effective inclusion, there is no "rest of us", as inclusion would include you. In face, excluding you would be the opposite of inclusion. This is NOTHING like what JoeBob is saying, and I support nothing he said in that post..
  13. PragerU or Prager University is NOT an academic institute and is nothing more than a very conservative mouth piece. It has been called out multiple times for stating opinions or propaganda as facts, although none are backed but any academic-level research. None of its research or writings meet the minimum academic standards.
  14. This may be one of the most concerning things I have ever seen on this site. There are multiple studies, academic or business related, that illustrate the value and importance of diversity and inclusion. There are countless successful leadership philosophies the herald the importance of diversity and inclusion. Honestly, I think you have made up your mind and are not interested in anything actual proof of the values of diversity or inclusion to an organization, a leader, or to an individual.
  15. Good point. But with today’s political division, they were in a no win position.
  16. Why? They were trying to recognize success of women to the highest court in the land. Regardless of your political leading, there have only been 5 female justices. It is wholly within their mission to provide examples that women can do Anything they put their mind to. That is a positive message for young girls and women as they grow,
  17. most of our focus is on how to work on cooking. With the advancement and Cooking MBs requirements, have not totally broken the code on group cooking.
  18. The best advice I heard about leadership was from my department head when I was a brand new Ensign. He told me to get a small black book that fit in my back pocket. One one side, write all the leadership traits and styles your admire and the on the other, all the traits and styles you don’t admire. That passive collection of leadership and management techniques taught me more than any classes or seminars. And over 20 years in, I have given that advice to many a young officer or sailor, and now to scouts. regarding authenticity, while still an Ensign, I quickly realized that the sailors in my division could tell when I was up front and honest or when I was trying to sugar coat or “say the right words.” Bad news delivered straight and honest is more effective than attempting to soften the news. I am, and have been for a long time, a believer in authenticity as a leadership style.
  19. I too hope that the President and the First Lady, as well as the two Senators and others who work in and around the President who have tested positive, only experience a mild version of COVID and recover soon. The country needs them to recover. It would be easy to take a potshot at the President in this era of partisan politics. But politics aside, we have to remember that the the President has significant responsibilities to the defense of this nation and its well being, and we need a healthy Leader. It makes me think of the line in the Scout Oath, “to do my duty to God and my Country.” Maybe this will be reduce the bitterness of politics today and the focus can be on all our leaders duties to Return to working together to protect our citizens and focus on implementing the safety protocols to reduce the spread of COVID. If a person as protected as the President can get it, we all can. wash your hands, avoid large groups, maximize meetings outside rather than indoors, social distance, wear a mask, keep yourself physically strong so you can do your duty.
  20. We have been very successful conducting SM conferences and BoR using zoom and other platforms. While not perfect, These events are not required to be conducted in person. We can still provide an outlet to Scouts who are motivated or looking for an activity during the period. Our experience has been positive, from the scouts and their parents.
  21. This thread gets no where. BSA has explained its position “We wholeheartedly mean exactly what we said – that we support Black families and Black communities and that Black Lives Matter. This is not a political issue or an endorsement of an organization; it is a human rights issue and one we all have a duty to address. We stand with efforts to address racism and injustice and to promote equality and inclusion.” but then this thread devolves into a political discussion, not at all addressing racism and what the words and intent of BSA are. i come here to get away from the constant agreements from one side or the other that are a waste of time. I have given up trying to have a conversation on this thread. I stopped coming to the site for some time because this was all anyone posted on. I recently came back, but see nothing has changed. if I am going to spend time online for fun, it is worth my time figure how to support my son’s troop during COVID.
  22. I think Bryan does a fine job explains the BSA position: “We wholeheartedly mean exactly what we said – that we support Black families and Black communities and that Black Lives Matter. This is not a political issue or an endorsement of an organization; it is a human rights issue and one we all have a duty to address. We stand with efforts to address racism and injustice and to promote equality and inclusion.” he is talking about human rights, equality, and inclusion. Why would anyone have a problem with that? is BLM perfect- no. Are riots ok - no. Is instigating or fomenting violence by left or right wing organizations ok- no. Is racial inequality on - no.
  23. Correct, we should be very interested in a foreign (Russia, China) power is. trying to impact our country. And they are not stopping at the 2016 election, they are trying on this election, did on the 2018 election, and will continue to try to divide this country. They have done it in other counties, most notably France. The intent of my post on this was to point out that what you read is not only biased by our media, but but external influences who are trying to further divide this nation.
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