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  1. Hello, New to forum. I used to be the Life Scout to Eagle Coordinator for my troop and have been asked to take the position on again. I used to be able to track the progress of the Life to Eagle Scouts using an Excel Spreadsheet that would assist in the filling out of the Eagle Rank Application. The spreadsheet was developed by another scouter from another district. I have searched all of my files and searched using many terms on Google and can't seem to find that spreadsheet. Does anyone know where I could get a copy of that form again? It was a valuable tool as it would check on and verify the minimum requirements for the Eagle Scout applications. I was able to keep the scouts and parents up to date as to their progress (especially useful when a Life Scout was working under the deadline of turning 18). I would appreciate anyone being able to point me into the right direction or direct me on another tool that can be used for this purpose. Thanks!
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