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  1. Even if the REI one rips you could always call them and they’ll ship you a replacement free of charge
  2. Honestly when I’ve asked the scouts there said they don’t want to cook at summer camp. Why? They said to focus on having fun and merit badges and not having to worry about it. i think this is the majority opinion and that’s why we struggle to find camps that let the scouts cook.
  3. I like my north face jacket I got it at TJ Max , for $47. It had a MSRP of $159. I’d try looking for deals. I love that jacker, it has a little bit of lining to keep you warm, but isn’t super heavy. Good Luck at camp!
  4. Boy Scouts of America National Executive Board Resolution Reaffirming Duty to God WHEREAS the foundational values of the Boy Scouts of America are reflected in the Scout Oath and Scout Law; WHEREAS the first part of the Scout Oath declares “On my honor I will do my best to do my Duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law;” WHEREAS the Declaration of Religious Principle in Bylaws of the Boy Scouts of America states that: The recognition of God as the ruling and leading power in the universe and the grateful acknowledgement of His favors and blessings are necessary to the best type of citizenship and are wholesome precepts in the education of the growing members. No matter what the religious faith of the members may be, this fundamental of good citizenship should be kept before them. WHEREAS the twelfth point of the Scout Law is Reverent and while the Boy Scouts of America is absolutely nonsectarian in its view of religious training, Reverent means that a Scout is faithful in his or her religious dutiesand respects the beliefs of others; and WHEREAS these faith-based tenets have been a part of the Boy Scouts of America since it was founded and, notwithstanding any changes to Scouting programs, the commitment of the movement to Duty to God is unwavering; Now therefore be it resolved that the National Executive Board of the Boy Scouts of America hereby reaffirms its unequivocal commitment to the Declaration of Religious Principle as a fundamental component of the mission of the Boy Scouts of America. —- The Boy Scouts requires a scout to be religious, it does not specify what religion. This is a major gray area. However this means atheists and not religious people are not allowed in the Boy Scouts. Therefore not to blame anyone but you signing that off is not allowed as a scout must be religious.
  5. Thank you guys for all the advice. I leave for camp tomorrow, hope everything helps. I’ll add suggestion for others as the summer progressss
  6. What camp do you work at? Just out of curiosity (resident scout camp or day camp )
  7. I’d say designate a “lifeguard” from your of our safe swim adults (or ask BSA Lifeguard from a Boy Scout Troop), but remember to be in the water the boys need to have a buddy and the “LG” should call buddy checks every 5 minutes. The buddies should stay together, this is not only the rules but good practice for the future when they attend BSA Resident Camp as Boy Scouts i know the rules are strict but the G2SS is to be taken seriously
  8. DE - District Executive DD- District Director DFS- Director of Field Service DA- District Associate (Basically Para-Professional DE) SE-Scout Executive ASE- Asst. Scout Executive I thought VOA was Venturing of America (nothing to do with the OA)
  9. Our unit asked our meeting place (not the CO) for a room in the basement for storage. They approved and we now emptyed our trailer into the room. When we go on camp outs they scouts(PLs) give the QM a list of the equipment they need and it is put in the trailer. It not only covers us in case the trailer is stolen (parked at a former troop members ranch ) but it also teaches the boys to pack lite and not bring everything and the kitchen sink. Because they’d have to carry it up the stairs!!
  10. There is no requirement to type. Neat writing should be acceptable. However if you can’t read it that’s a different story...
  11. My unit does the breakfast but no so fancy, scrambled eggs $5 a ticket. We get lots of rotary sales (we go to their mtgs.) they usually buy the tickets and don’t show up, even though the event has semi-poor attadence we still profit. the money goes into the scouts accounts, where they can pay for camp outs. 80 % for seller, 20% to those who work the event
  12. Good point make sure the staff (MB instructors and management) know about it, the staff should be trained in the subject and willing to help to the best of their ability
  13. I say the scout treating him self is fine. Like Brian says many youth have more experience and training in 1st aid than the adults. Make it a point to notify SE and Camp Director. Also tell the scouts that they should always let an adult leader or SPL know about injuries even if the were self treated no matter how small they are
  14. Waterfront, so flip flops when on duty and tennis shoes for lineup/ dinner.
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