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  1. In my opinion, this new 'ceremony' isn't captivating enough. This new ceremony is (at best) a REALLY boring campfire skit. I heard about some lodges doing the previous ceremony disrespectfully/more intimidating than necessary. I'm really confused why they decided to change it, aside from receiving a few complaints about the performers. My lodge is planning to dispute the change (because we have been doing the previous ceremony, and doing it well) if we have pack leaders cancelling due to the change. I absolutely hate to criticize this ceremony as much as I do, but it is seriously that bad. I've been a part of the ceremony team for two years and I can't picture this new ceremony having any positive effect on anyone. In short, the new ceremony is hokey in nature (even for younger scouts!) and boring for everyone involved. The previous one had everything that this one does not. (Sorry for turning this into a 'reddit rant' or whatever, but these are my thoughts on the new ceremony.)
  2. I can unfortunately confirm that the rumor is true. I received the new ceremony procedure today and it clearly states that "at no time should any member wear Native American costumes".
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