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    Oakland, CA

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  1. This is rather sad. Changing the program/award is fine. But pulling all of the medals before any announcement is ripping off those scouts that earned the medal.
  2. I don't think our council has put out specific guidelines yet. No real camping has been done since all parks have been closed until just recently. My troop will try a quick local camping trip next weekend. But so far only 2 have signed up. I think we've been conditioned so hard to stay home and be safe that it will be hard to get people back in person. The longer we miss the social interaction, the harder it is to start it up again. We need to practice safe interaction. We need to practice being together in person with masks on and distant.
  3. One interesting part of being on our Philmont trip last year was watching the boys figure this out. They had chosen the route based on activities, but after a couple of days, these teenagers really needed sleep. And so they started talking about the activities, and what was worth getting up early for and what was a lower priority. The other thing was reviewing their work with them. why was it taking them 2+ hours to get up, get breakfast, pack and leave? Once they realized if they could pack up in an hour, they could sleep longer! They started dividing up tasks and really getting efficient with their time. It was great to see. So let the boys prioritize what activities they want to do. If the boys at summer camp want to skip the campfire and stay in camp playing cards, the SPL should go with the group's decision. I guess I'm preaching to the choir.
  4. I took WB what, about 3 years ago now. The leadership stuff was mostly what i had heard before from my corporate job. But a refresher is always good and getting the Scouting perspective is good as well. I found the best benefits were meeting other scouters in the council and hearing of others experiences. And getting a broader view of the Scouting program as a whole. We mostly have our heads down working in our respective roles in our respective units. But reviewing the patrol method again, reviewing how a good committee works to support the unit, allows you to see opportunities to improve that you didn't see before. I think that perspective is the real takeway.
  5. Just to get back to the gas question, I saw where you can't bring them on an airplane. So i can't see any reason to try and ship gas canisters ahead of time. Should be easiest to just buy a few once we get there and then any new ones needed at food pickups. Right?
  6. Regarding the Arrow of Light ceremonies, I think the packs around here just used the same ceremonies that they have used for years. While the OA lodge said that the new script (skit?) was available, there was no push to use it. Packs did their ceremony. Arrowmen shot arrows in uniform with sash. Boys were happy. Parents were happy. OA helped out. If Den leaders were somehow forced to use the new script, then there is no role for the OA, and the thing would be done in ten minutes.
  7. My guess, from my liberal Northern California perspective (😃) is that for Arrow of Light/Crossover ceremonies, there are parents who are not involved in Scouting who can take offense to the regalia. Taking the time to explain in detail the history and role of the OA isn't practical and takes away from the Webelos. I think it is fine to just wear the uniform and sash when supporting these ceremonies. I would hate to see any loss of the Native American culture within the OA due to similar reasons.
  8. I'm not sure I really understand the question, but thinking about camporee/jamborees... I think one reason is that we are all in a program we enjoy, so it is natural to get together with other members and interact, share experiences, and develop relationships within the program. I think also it expands the program. Boys looking for more leadership can work to put together these events. Camporee Committee member is a leadership position in our troop. Camporee's often involve competitions--opportunities to show off skills and patrol pride. Jamborees often involve activities that are not available at the local level Marketing--we often have Webelos come to our camporee, partly to show off cool scouting activities. It is also the opportunity to bring parents together for training and/or service.
  9. How do gas canisters work at Philmont? I believe when you get food, you can drop off empty canisters and get more. But do you need money? Do they have a tab they charge you when you get back?
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