One of our den leaders, in the pack for 2 years, is insisting that his son earn popcorn prizes for booth sales because that's how his old pack did it. Our pack has never worked this way. Booth sales, which are run by the pack as a whole (pack leaders set up, bring inventory, arrange location), have always been used to calculate each participating Scout's contribution, so that they can earn the ability to "pie a leader". They don't get individual sales credit for booth sales, and they don't earn prizes. He apparently missed this info last year and this year, and is being really difficult about it. When we pointed out the difference in effort involved in door-to-door sales vs. booth sales, he said he didn't care.
How does your pack handle booth sales? Do you keep a sales sheet, gather customers' addresses and orders, and track them as individual sales for each scout? How does that work, if there are multiple scouts at the booth? Can you submit for prizes for booth sales?
If you, like us, track as an overall sales number and reward each scout based on the hours they contributed, what do they earn? We just give fun stuff that the kids enjoy (being able to smush a whipped cream pie into a leader's face) but I've heard that other packs give each scout a percentage of sales to be used for summer camp, etc.
Thanks for any ideas you can offer!