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Everything posted by mrjohns2

  1. That is a good point. You are supposed to be registered just if you want to stay at a meeting.
  2. Some / most in our area want a drop off, not a “let’s get involved”.
  3. We have used this very reason to have more moms register. We have them on the committee to help with BOR and a backup for campouts. We have had parents rush through YPT and applications in the nick of time.
  4. Well, there are no exceptions. The girl troop needs more registered female leaders. If one can't attend, the girl troop members can't attend. They can't even "tag along".
  5. @SNEScouterIs this a new appeal due to the Supreme Court or is this “the process still playing out”?
  6. Maybe the unit should start to meet with him to start to clear if any issues proactively (1/quarter?). Drive the narrative vs being hit by it.
  7. You may not wish to share these, but it is hard to have perspective without these details. I guess the council can force you as they are the keepers of the form approvals.
  8. Agreed. No idea. I have become exhausted with things like this and haven’t reached out to advancement people to find out how many are affected. To me this says we don’t want non-scouter MBCs.
  9. Don’t interact with that troop anymore?
  10. This is the prerogative of the CC if the COR agrees with them (or if they are the COR). It may destroy the unit, but they do have that authority.
  11. No. Based on what you have said, there would be no grounds for removal. One does not get removed for “bad leadership” as you say.
  12. Just what they do in other non-profits and for profits. Advise, set some policy, and hire those that run the day to day.
  13. @dk516 Great synopsis. It is very consistent with what I have heard / gathered. Based on your notes, in December, we will recharter and those who rechartered before will be due at that time. Got it. The odd part was the "March 2024 Unit Renewal Changes". What does that mean? What changes beyond the rolling payments?
  14. I am getting back into admin stuff after vacations. In my.scouting, there is an update for the new non-prorated fees. This odd comment was in there "Charter renewal will remain the same through the December 2023 recharter cycle and then, in March 2024 the unit renewal changes will be implemented." Any clue what that means? Is it me or are they making this up as they go along?
  15. This is interesting. The National Jamboree had on some staff maps areas shown as quarantine health services and quarantine housing areas. Not used, but it was in the plan.
  16. Training isn’t tracked in Scoutbook. In my.scouting? I would guess you have multiple IDs. One doesn’t “submit” records into Scoutbook. Are you talking about internet advancement? Even then, I bet it wasn’t lost. They have too many systems. I bet your records weren’t lost but spread amongst different user ids. That isn’t a Scoutbook issue, but a council issue. They are the ones who record (and can change) the date.
  17. Every time (literally every time) someone posts to the Scoutbook forum with data being dropped, it is figured out. It has NEVER been lost. Sometimes, the Scout had created a new account and then it appears it is all missing. It is sorted out pretty quickly.
  18. It is up to the unit to use it how it works for them.
  19. What if your council hasn’t communicated a list one way or the other? Our council has some nice properties that aren’t far for us, so we nearly always use them.
  20. Yes, but as part of the first camping award, you have to have pioneering. So, imho, the award is well structured.
  21. From my coffee table book on the history of Girl Scouts (First Girl Scout: The Life of Juliette Gordon Low, by Ginger Wadsworth 2012), it says GSUSA was founded as Girl Guides in March of 1912, but quickly changed to GSUSA in 1913. It even talks of Girl Guide letterhead used in Jan 1913 first calling themselves Girl Scouts. They said in 1913 and a bit later, some still used the term.
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