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Everything posted by mrjohns2

  1. In both cases they are saying because the COR must approve of all adults on a campout.
  2. Yes, I saw the hint where it says to be registered in the position you are performing in the unit. So, if a Cubmaster comes on a troop campout, they can't be a Cubmaster, but man, it is very vague.
  3. Well, now I am crazy, I thought I saw it in the G2SS or FAQ. But, I thought it wasn't just rumored, but rolled out. Now, I don't know.
  4. They are now saying you need to be registered with the unit, at a minimum, not just registered.
  5. For me, I was a tiger in 1982. So this would have been 1983-1986. Crossed over in 1987.
  6. No. Most cub scouts and even scouts didn’t wear the world crest as they didn’t participate in an international activity.
  7. When I was a cub, the world crest was o my for international participation. We wore the world conservation award on that side, not the Jamboree side.
  8. This fall I’ll have my 3 years in for commissioner and will able to earn the commissioner key (one year short when I had to transition from SM to CC). So, I’ll be at 9 knots. An interesting thing is that all of mine have been earned vs. awarded / honored to received. I’ve only been active with the district for almost 3 years, so not clearly distinguished for things like the district award of merit. If I am ever so lucky to earn or be awarded another knot (say in 2 years I could earn the Doctorate of Commissioner Science), I’ll have to decide to go against the guide to awards and insignia and wear 10 knots. So far, I’m in 100% uniform compliance. 🪢
  9. Ummmm.... there shouldn't be. It has been a long time since one could wear it where the world crest is now. It was never in the Jamboree spot. The guide to advancement is pretty clear. It is a temporary insignia now.
  10. No, they weren’t. The bigger climbing area wasn’t open, some zip lines weren’t, and the tree top canopy tour were not opened. Very sad. The other Jamborees were great. This one? Meh!
  11. To sum up the last jamboree in a word? Sucked. I visited 3 days. I had been to 2 past jamborees, one as a youth and one as staff. My 2 daughters, niece, and BIL were with the contingent. It sucked. Many parts of the “Disneyland of Scouting” were just not operational. No arena shows. Sucked.
  12. Agreed. I hope the other troop isn’t requiring him to pass the youth instructor sign off and the adult sign off.
  13. Is it a requirement to have a youth sign off before the adult does? If so, then you are clearly adding requirements. Cut and dry. Plain and simple. In this can, plain and added complexity.
  14. I hope you are not having the scout do everything twice? That would not be good.
  15. I learned that from a retired Command Sargent Major. I was telling him about how one year at camp an Air Force reservist folded it in squares. He said "meh, as long as it was done with respect, it would have been ok." I was shocked!
  16. Yes, and at Roundtable, we try to include something similar related to the topics covered.
  17. No, they don't. You are mistaken. The key 3 delegate position is to delegate, software wise, key 3 access. A member of the key does not get automatically, nor needs, the key 3 delegate role.
  18. Well, it is a belt loop vs a patch. Is it that big of a deal?
  19. You can't charge $3.50 for those beads!
  20. Thank you for the history lesson. I didn't believe you, so I looked it up. You were right. This is from the USScouts.org neat page on the changes over the years. From 1972-1979 Camping was not required. 7 years. A whole Scout generation. The strike outs didn't copy and paste. The reds are removal and greens additions. I earned my eagle in 1990 and Cooking wasn't required, but Safety was. 1967: Camping, Citizenship in the Community, Citizenship in the Nation, Conservation of Natural Resources, Cooking, First Aid, Lifesaving, Nature, Personal Fitness, Safety, Soil and Water Conservation, Swimming.[11] 1972: Camping, Citizenship in the Community, Citizenship in the Nation, Citizenship in the World, Communications, Conservation of Natural Resources, Cooking, Environmental Science, Emergency Preparedness OR Lifesaving, First Aid, Lifesaving, Nature, Personal Fitness, Personal Fitness OR Swimming OR Sports, Personal Management, Safety,.Swimming.[10] 1979: Camping, Citizenship in the Community, Citizenship in the Nation, Citizenship in the World, Communications, Emergency Preparedness OR Lifesaving, Environmental Science, First Aid, Personal Fitness OR Swimming OR Sports, Personal Management, Safety.[11] History of Eagle Scout Required Merit Badges (usscouts.org)
  21. This is 100% the staffing choices of your council. I can speak to our district’s posting since I could see it in commissioner’s tools. Our charters were submitted like many in early December. Our registrars hit them hard between Christmas and new years. Many were pre-posted. We had like 35 posted on January 3rd. Then another 15 by January 10th. The other 15 were slow since those units didn’t have their act together. I don’t know how long the CBC takes. If you send your adult app (photos) at night, the registrar will process it first thing the next morning. They hit the system late in the day and are about 90% in the system overnight. By the following day the show up in all systems.
  22. They get a cut of the ones that they coordinate.
  23. What I am saying is they can forbid any fundraising they choose to. If they don’t want to approve any other fundraising besides popcorn for 6 months, they can do that.
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