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Everything posted by mrjohns2

  1. I thought if you were past the SOL, via the plan, you could still get something vs nothing. No?
  2. Is this one of those things where they rename the BSA to something like "BSA Legacy" and then coming out of the bankruptcy they name the new organization BSA? "BSA Legacy" is the one that continues as long as the trust continues. I thought I have seen that before when the car companies went out of business. The pensions etc. stayed with the old GM etc.
  3. Scoutbook allows printing on the forms from Scoutshop or blank blue paper.
  4. Our council sent a letter saying that they don’t anticipate having to sell one of our 4 camps. They believe they have the funds. I don’t know if I would have been so optimistic without having all of the data.
  5. I think this points to the core issue with any plan or offer and local and national: there just isn’t a ton of money/assets to go around. Not a lot even if totally liquidated, but obviously a lot less if orgs are allowed to continue. Thus the need for bankruptcy in the first place and the root of the low payment figures per case.
  6. This is key to improvements. Very important data that, when made public, will require the BSA to make changes.
  7. It is clear you don't know the history of YP and how it is not a monolithic and unchanging system. I know that Youth Protection has changed a lot over 35 years. I was a Scout in 1987 and can assure it, is not the same program. Heck, it is not the same program it was 3 years ago. Even in the last moth they have made changes to Scoutbook.com that have made it even harder to contact Scouts without being a registered leader. Things will get harder and more restrictive next year and the year after. 2 months ago they made clear even more items of YP based on new FAQs. I think the BSA model can be made reasonably safe, and has been. Can it improve? Yes. Are the changes and clarifications they continue to make just like ones they make to airline procedures and they learn more? Yes. It is nifty that as new data comes about, one can adjust. I think that there have been plenty of plane crashes over the last 100 years. Yes, I still fly, since they are getting better and better every year. Plans made last year are not the same as those made in 1910. Are you thinking the BSA can stop abusers from being OCD about abuse? That the BSA cannot stop. What the BSA can do is to make sure that units apply the YP policies and always have a second adult present to identify the abusers putting themselves in position to commit abuse. Even the facilities have changed a lot of 35 years. Wide open, "gang" showers with no lockable doors. Anyone could wander from the youth to adult and back. Our current camp, all showers are individual and lockable. Huge difference. Were these in place in 1987? No. They have been built in the last 1-10 years depending on which shower-house. Each step like this will reduce risk and will eliminate loopholes. In the end, like any activity a child participates in, a parent will have to make a judgement on the relative safety. Should I enroll my child in a program, should I let them go on this out, and should I let them go with these adults and other Scouts. That in the end, will still have to be true. It is clear you do not trust the BSA and YP to protect children. Other parents will make a different judgement call. My family will do so knowing the program for that particular event, the adults in charge, and our own tolerance for risk. Just like everything else in life.
  8. Sorry! $80M, not $500M. I would add the $42M to the $80M since they are basically saying they are going further in debt to make the other payments as well. That without the infusion of the $42M, they couldn’t operate.
  9. No real protection in place for Scouts? You must not understand how current YP works. Is it perfect? Obviously not. Is it improving all of the time? Yes, more rules, more strictly enforced. With the BSA taking out a $500M loan to go into the trust, how is that different than selling off the properties? The cash is there just as if they were sold off, no?
  10. This is all true. This will allow removal of many redundancies. It should be the next re-architecture after bankruptcy.
  11. The fees are the same for Cubs or Scouts. $72, prorated to the month you register plus $25. So, if we have 4/12ths of the year left, you scale the $72 down to $24 then add the $25. For leaders, it is $48, scaled to the month, no $25 fee.
  12. I assume that is due to your local council fees? $25 + $24 is only$49 to register in September.
  13. That means they would be down to $10M without the infusion. Basically, broken no?
  14. One of my jobs as an engineer in an manufacture/ industrial plant is drive what you describe. We can drive productivity by studying the process, giving people the tools, systems, etc to literally do more with less. Don’t cut willy-nilly. Study the work process, determine what is needed, and find the needs with the staffing reduction. We do a 5 year pay out. Automate with the budget being about a 20% rate of return. This stops a lot of “pie in the sky” since we have a budget. It also stops “just lay off the people a d so more with less”. Do more, fewer people, but have great supporting systems. I’d love to take it on. Real world ideas - no paper forms allowed, Scoutbook that is integrated with all of the other systems, etc. I’d buy BlackPug and really integrate it. Boom! It would be paid for by the savings.
  15. It looks like a council office and store. https://www.humboldtlistings.com/idx/1007-Wood-Street-Eureka-CA-95501-mls_259440/?SavedSearch=20140710193939388326000000&PropertyType=A&pg=1&OrderBy=-ModificationTimestamp&p=y&n=y
  16. You make this statement with no proof. Some councils, like ours, are the merger of 7 councils. None of those records were digitalized 20 years ago when they merged. Who knows how well each of the old councils kept their records. Council offices changed many times. Do they have some or many enrollment records? Likely, all? No.
  17. LMGTFY https://lmgtfy.app/?q=Puerto+Rico+Scout+Camp
  18. Also, some skills and new knowledge, at least for me, takes time to percolate. A day in between helps me a lot.
  19. I wonder if it is rural, or just the number of Scouts in the council.
  20. Well, taking out a $500M loan seems to be the way they avoid Les the loss of the bases. LCs could do the same assuming someone would grant such loan and payments could be made. Taking on the loan for the HA bases to stay may or may not be a good gamble.
  21. Our Pack's system is fairly simple. Charge the Scout for everything. Then, allow the Scout to apply their fundraising contribution to those charges. This then allows families that don't wish to participate in fundraising to opt out. It also allows families that have a greater need, time, or desire for their Scout to earn their way, to participate. On top of that, we offer a few camperships to close the gap when needed.
  22. How does that work, though, for the insurance portion? That is where the real money will be.
  23. I took a stab at really merging hierarchies. Our rangers do a great job of supporting units at camp, but I guess they are staff vs. line. I see the program director out at enough council events to include him in line. I don't get what all of the office admin people do since we only have 1 registrar who sometimes gets help from 1 other admin. 1 SE Line 11 9 DE/Field Directors 1 Director of Field Service 1 Program Director Staff 14 3 Rangers 1 Marketing Specialist 2 Development Director 5 Office Admin 1 Director of Support Services 2 Accounting
  24. Welcome! Your local Scout Council, District, etc. could always use volunteers! I made the mistake of not jumping back in after college, but before kids. With this being the best experience of your life, you could help others do the same! (assuming you are not already)
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