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Everything posted by mrjohns2

  1. Agreed. If they had asked CHILDUSA and other child advocacy organizations, they could have disabused them of that notion. Big time. Tim Kosnoff, even. With being off by an order of magnitude, all money is/was off by an order of magnitude. Huge difference.
  2. This is what was generating current operating income for them, though, so they will need to make that up. With falling membership, I assume that means to cut staff? Could that be $150,000 of annual income?
  3. I was a tiger that year! We had a poster with stickers, too, if I recall.
  4. It is a national mechanism on the national forms site. So, your SE is either not telling the truth or ignorant of the alternative process. Annual Council Unit Registration Agreement https://www.scouting.org/resources/forms/
  5. We are a weakly linked troop and it is going well. We have 11 registered, with 8 active. We have had 1-3 cross over each year. We meet on the same nights as the boy troop, but in a different room. It has worked well. I really dislike hearing about linked troops being a girl patrol within a boy troop. That isn’t the intent of the program. I feel like it is because adults didn’t like the program as designed and they are choosing to bastardize it.
  6. The plan seems pretty simple. The Methodists have said that Scouts can still meet there. So, the council charters the units using the new "council charter" option. The units continue as though nothing changed.
  7. Seems pretty clear, forced merger? How would you like to be on the council on receiving end of that bag o poop.
  8. There were a couple of councils who refused merger. I believe both won the lawsuits. The cookie is crumbling: Girl Scouts face financial troubles, declining membership - New York Daily News (nydailynews.com)
  9. I can't relate, directly, to being in the same room as my abuser. I was on a church board where a member was told to stay away from a particular 7 year old. The mom had bad vibes from the older man from when she was in 1st grade herself. He was then found tickling her, in public view. I had to be part of the board that questioned him. He did recall being told to not interact with the girl. The board voted unanimously to band him from being a Sunday school teacher (he was not one), that he should not interact with that family, and to always have a second adult with him. The church community blew up with 2/3'rds taking his side and 1/3 taking the side of the board and child protection. The arguments went on for 6 months. We ended up leaving the church as it was no longer a happy place for us. Was it hard being in the room with him or his main supporters? Yes. I had to have a "annual pledge drive" in house meeting with his main supporter. It was one of the hardest things I have done. Again, I have lived a very protected and sheltered life. Would I do it all over again? Yes. Would I ban someone I know to be a good person? It is hard to answer in a hypothetical. I would like to say yes. Then, I would like the acquisition to be very credible. It is all very hard stuff.
  10. I see the situation. I still think action needs to be taken. SoL doesn't matter for being kicked out of Scouting. Ideally they would hire a person that isn't from the community, but then again, this is the job of the council executive. I read enough of the IVF to see an approximate process. The get creditable accusations, they fill out the forms, the notify the person and national that they are now in the IVF. This needs to be done.
  11. I assumed they would all be on the IVF, but that is a big assumption. This process may have been the first time the victim has spoken out.
  12. If I were a former CO, I wouldn’t sign the Facility Use Agreement. I would just treat the unit like any other outside group and have the unit sign MY facility use agreement.
  13. It would have been good for him to do so as a balance to the grandstanding. Yes, the BSA has been around a long time and has helped so many. The other side of the coin is so many have been hurt. Too bad he didn’t take the chance to request it.
  14. I am open to the entire district. I don’t get a lot of Scouts, so yes, talking with units may be key. I think Scouts should work with Scouters outside of one’s unit. So, your thought about introducing yourself to multiple units sounds good.
  15. The internet. Tracking decades of allegations in the Boy Scouts - Spreadsheets - Los Angeles Times (latimes.com) Ok, sure, those are the ones that came out that were about abuse. But 5000? Pretty clear that was a big portion of them. I do agree with the other poster that said that none of the embezzlement ones were there. Good point.
  16. I have read about 60 of the files. Every one, ever one, was about abuse. They seemed to be split 50/50 - 1/2 about allegations of abuse in Scouts and the other 1/2 was about a Scout arrested for abuse and to take their name off of the registration. If you think that they had little or nothing to do with abuse of any type and were for other things, I wonder why all 60 of the ones I read were 100% about abuse?
  17. You should talk to your district and see if there is a max. My district allows a max of 7 MBs that you can council.
  18. Actually, I didn’t. We just have some in our first aid kit as we take it on all campouts. Since we are Scout led, we just have the normal quartermaster is responsible for restocking. We also have a “guide” if it is your first period.
  19. There is no “Troop Adult Quartermaster”. Quartermaster is a Scout POR.
  20. Thanks for the clarity as I now see your point. I first thought you were crazy, but you were like if this adult was so extreme in his patch policing, his actions could be taken the same way.
  21. @ThenNowHang around after the case is closed. You will see the same or bigger discussions on particular requirements of particular badges, uniform minutiae, and a million other esoteric important unimportant things!
  22. This is not at all true. It may not have been appropriate, but is not physical abuse.
  23. Yes, CORs are voting council members with seats on the district board. Thus their only “power” is on council wide votes and any bylaw provision that may or may not allow them to bring forth a motion “from the floor”. The council board and council executive board are approved by the voting members. I believe, though, those who hold the positions are chosen by a “nominating committee” which is like a pollitt bureau. Cuba and the Soviet Union had elections. No contested positions, but they were elected. 🙂
  24. All that you say is true. But what am I to do if I still believe in the program and my 3 girls and wife enjoy it? Damm the torpedoes and full speed ahead. KBO (keep buggering on) as Churchill said. I don’t serve on any national committees, so all I can do is my part “and leave nothing on the field”. It is all that most of us can do. Am I worried about the longevity as the program as we’ve know it? Sure. Are things going well in My neck of the woods? Yes. Has my boyhood camp that I spent 4 summers on staff at been sold? Yes. It hurts, but my current council is humming along well. KBO
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