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Everything posted by mrjohns2

  1. The whole point of the bankruptcy was that if each person was granted a fair judgement, the BSA would quickly run out of money for the remainder of those abused. Thus pennies on the dollar is the situation we are in.
  2. That is what it has to be. KPI are so, so, key. They have to have them internally even if internally they are held tighter.
  3. My Webelos den did the “Protect Yourself” test adventure last year. So, they got to cover it as a group even if parents did t really cover it.
  4. I have never heard of silver tabs being described that way. District committee members and CORs are the first group that come to mind. An MBC would be a council or district position if they choose to wear a uniform - thus they would wear silver tabs. Silver tabs are for district or council positions, assigned, commissioned, or volunteered for.
  5. BSA rules are made by BSA committees. They are just as enforceable. Each committee has at least one staff member that represents the professional staff. I don’t understand your point.
  6. The National BSA’s OA National Committee is making those rules. I don’t buy your “national isn’t making them” since it is a committee of the national council. Thus, national is making them. Your argument is akin to the national advancement committee making a new rule “doesn’t come from national since the committee is mostly volunteers”. Yeah, so, that is how national works.
  7. It is funny since they are able to do a number of things that due to the national oversight of OA, the OA isn't allowed to do. Bare chests, face paint, AOL ceremonies, adults conducting ceremonies, etc. are not allowed in the OA. Mic-O-Say gets away with a lot.
  8. I am going with my daughter. I am debating on being on staff vs the contingent. I’m not currently an advisor, I only provide the lodge executive committee with their safety moment. I attended 2 as a youth. So - attend as a staff or with the contingent? Thoughts?
  9. They said they are cutting one of the electives. I agree, too much book/classroom MBs. As a nerd, it was great/fine with me. But that isn't the program. The more Scouts is like school, the less Scouts we will have. They get enough school at school.
  10. I had a chance to find a Library of Congress article on it that I read as well. A patent for girls’ empowerment | USPTO "Early in 1912, Baden-Powell and Low crossed the Atlantic—Baden-Powell to integrate British and American scouting under one transatlantic organization, Low to start the first Girl Guides group in the United States. At Low’s instigation, the first U.S. Girl Guides induction ceremony took place in Savannah almost immediately. ... So trusting was Baden-Powell of her judgment that he even allowed Low to re-designate her “Guides” as “Scouts” in 1913. To reinforce the connection with Baden-Powell’s Boy Scouts, Low had the Girl Scouts’ uniforms switched from blue to khaki."
  11. No, for the first year or 2, Low called them Girl Guides and then CHANGED to GSUSA. We have the official GSUSA sanctioned history.
  12. Napowan will be sold off by the PAC (merged old Chicago Area plus others). They recommend going to Owasippe. https://myemail.constantcontact.com/Camp-Napowan-Property-Update.html?soid=1127193000603&aid=9Y0yimgjomo
  13. As a youth officer who ran 4 or 5 ordeal weekends, this was true for boys. Especially when we held our ordeals in late October. Our opinion was "these are First Class Scouts". Not all seemed to have learned the skills a First Class Scout should have.
  14. Especially when a unit has its own EIN, opens banking and savings accounts with people unrelated to the CO, and has no reporting or auditing done by the CO. Are these really the CO's assets? Show me where they could assert that? They don't control accounts, they don't make withdrawals or deposits, and they don't audit them or provide any oversight. Nor do they really know of their existence. The Girl Scouts are very different in that each year you have to file a financial report and reconciliation. Our GSUSA checking is technically a sub account at a local bank. I almost had 350 units statements going to my house when the banker was setting our account up. She was like "oh, woah, ok, I almost had all statements going to your house from all units".
  15. Thank you for the update. I had not heard about this latest news.
  16. We ordered these inexpensive knives from Amazon for $13. They cam with a sheath.
  17. That is a funny statement. There is no "setup" since it is in Internet Advancement which uses the my.scouting / Scoutbook login. The training hasn't been released, nor has the sandbox environment, maybe that is what they mean? It won't be "open" for recharters until 10/15.
  18. The OA is not a unit activity. Not at all. So, it has nothing to do with the CO.
  19. I found the formatting of the screen and software objectional. It seem slipshot.
  20. The concerns are there, but there is no pre 1975 history. Also, some orgs are "dam the torpedoes" types that are willing to shoulder the burden of risk.
  21. Those uniform infractions are up to one’s unit. So, most adults don’t have “much right to say” anything about a youth’s uniform. The SPL and SM of the troop do, though.
  22. There isn't an official ratio of adults to scouts on a Scouts BSA campout, right? Just "the appropriate number registered leaders beyond 2 for the activity" or something like that? I couldn't find the ratio for Cubs when I looked for campouts. Is there one from national? Or is that just local? Thanks for the help!
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