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Everything posted by mrjohns2

  1. No, the 72 hours is one activity. The "not continuous" part means you can't leave and come back to reset the clock. Units may be more strict, but that is the rule as national sees it.
  2. The leader who left was with a troop? Meh, I don't feel like it is that big of a deal. As long as there were enough adults to still support having enough, no biggie. Your other points are good, though. I think the biggest thing is the great program you talk of. I guess for some it just isn't enough.
  3. I was worried my WB was going to be full of silly stuff and too much rah-rah. It wasn't. I had a good time getting to know the members of my patrol and we are still connected. I thanked the staff for not making it too corny. They said they would make it as corny as the participants wanted. You don't sound like you want to try WB again. If you did, I would suggest doing it in another council. I am looking to be on staff this next year, if chosen. One reason is I want to influence the culture of it. The other is to be a good patrol guide and not focus too much on the staff.
  4. I completely agree. There are the rules and the. Above that there is the right thing to do. In our troop, after one or 2 campouts we have them register as a member of the committee or an ASM. It depends on how much they like camping.
  5. If I wasn’t an adult in a troop, or their unit commissioner, I wouldn’t do it at a COH. Do it where you normally do Scouting. Keep it to 5 mins.
  6. Our district has done pretty well going up by 425 to a total of about 1525. If you compare the council to 2017 or 2018, it is horrible. From almost 14,000 down to just over 7000. Ugh.
  7. This has been debated and clarified. It is not a multi activity odometer. It really means something like summer camp. You can leave at hour 71 and come back and have it reset. Yes, you could go on multiple 48 hour campouts.
  8. We pass on all costs to the Cubs and pass on all proceeds to Cub accounts. So if you don’t do fundraising, you will owe all costs. If you work hard at fundraising, you will pay for all. If you go half way, you’ll be neither up or down. So you’ll owe about half.
  9. Methodist or Catholic unit? Seems pretty sketchy to do this outside of normal recharter.
  10. Scoutbook is very much governed by national. So, this is something they are at least tolerating. There are many many other items that national has chosen to enforce in Scoutbook (deep in the minutia of advancement etc.).
  11. Very odd, but word on the street, no change to the sections yet (no areas in the OA). So the OA will maintain the old sections, but move to their own regions. How stupid.
  12. I know we don't want the bankruptcy to last forever, but this seems to be one of those cases of where the autonomy of councils is called into question. If one was a well funded council and was forced to merge with another by national, it seems odd that they would have to accept the liability. Correct, it doesn't make it any less real, but it does call into question any of your recollection and the facts are totally in question. If one can't articulate what happened where, the whole system falls apart.
  13. Like everything, Scouting is local. Our council requires ALL adults attending camp to be registered. Our troop does not, but we rarely have an adult on a campout who is not registered. I can't think of one in the last year. This is often debated, but it has been clarified. The national policy is that the event itself has to be >72 hours. The "consecutive" they mean the time the adult is at the event. They can't leave and comeback to reset the clock. It is not cumulative over time, though, so 48 hour campouts each month do not trigger this 72 hours. Those events, though, must have at least 2 registered adults over 21.
  14. Aren’t NST leads volunteers? So, no costs. Regardless, reason to spend on this vs other areas is to recognize that the BSA must become more diverse. If the BSA remains mostly white, it will continue to become increasingly irrelevant.
  15. We’ve been using the as hooks and wearing masks. We have had good compliance. If I was OP I’d meet in the church and wear masks.
  16. Have him register as an adult leader. It seems clear that he could at least be the "supervising adult" for the Wolf. It leaves the tiger out, but that may be the best and clearest approach.
  17. I feel like the Guide to Safe Scouting bounces between using guardian and legal guardian. So, it seems at times it specifically talks of guardian vs. legal guardian. It may be good to register the boyfriend. For sure he could be the another registered adult. 2 cubs, one being a tiger, makes it harder.
  18. Actually, it isn't. For example, that page doesn't have the other Lutheran award for adults. So, again, one must go to their denomination / religious group and see what is offered. Thus the "bottom line" is much more complicated. That is more the "top line".
  19. I don't know which design you are going for, but it seems like there are a lot that look like this one going for $10. OA Papoukewis Lodge 289 S1b Fort Steuben Area Stuebenville, OH [STS323] | eBay
  20. Agreed. Also, what would a unit do about the bankruptcy? Not much. So, as long as a couple stay a bit informed, for the most part, the units shouldn't spent energy on the bankruptcy. It would be a waste.
  21. Well, the knot is a BSA award that represents a non-BSA award.
  22. 21, not 26, but 21 is still past the OMG that is too many districts level! It says they serve 36,000 scouts. Really? That seems crazy too. It blows my mind that the tools and other items of the BSA can scale from councils with 300 scouts to councils with 36,000 scouts.
  23. It still doesn’t make sense. DelMarVa’s website… ”The Council covers fourteen counties and is divided into 8 Scouting districts.”
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