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Everything posted by mrjohns2

  1. I assume if the council didn’t pledge the land, then they keep the excess as they are paying money. A more specific question is what happens to the excess of land was pledged and it greatly exceeds the estimate? What if it undersells?
  2. They get added to Scoutbook 24-36 hours after they are registered. No RSVPs other than for registered adults, parents, or a Scouts. No access beyond your own children if you aren’t registered.
  3. You have to be an admin in both units and select both units with a check. We do that for joint pack, boy troop, and girl troop activities. It isn’t perfect, but not bad. The email thing will be sorted out.
  4. This is possible with a Scoutbook. It doesn’t have the website hosting. We do that at GoDaddy.
  5. Sept 1, they need to be registered as well if overnight.
  6. At what milestone does the org “leave bankruptcy”? To me that is when this wrapped up.
  7. They aren’t a unit leader. Just a parent helping. What is your question?
  8. Oh, no, yeah, they talk through that. That is when the rubber meets the road as a patrol to know who is going , who is buying food, and who is tenting with whom.
  9. Interesting as the youth members of my troop want the Native American imagery removed.
  10. Sure. That is why it was a troop family campout, not a pack one. It was natural for the Webelos, but all families were invited. For example, we had a mom and her older and younger kids last year. From there, her daughter attended all campouts. We could tell her mom was skeptical, but the time on the campout helped a lot.
  11. We tried to help that with a family campout with 2nd year Webelos and the troop, but I guess that is over.
  12. Outings? No. Food (menu) and who is buying (grub master), by patrol.
  13. We use Scoutbook. We have the due date as the meeting the week before the week of the event. We are flexible when we can be about deadlines.
  14. This is too bad as this is a key resource in our district and council. That committee is key in approving individual advancement plans and merit badge subsitutes.
  15. Ok! I’ll try to remember tonight. I’d love the feedback. I truly try to live in a robust glass house with my uniform.
  16. Non-uniform wear. Done. Period. A Scout is also obedient and trustworthy. Not following the uniform standards is neither.
  17. If you want to be ignorant, feel free to carry on as I can’t argue with chosen ignorance.
  18. Oh, god. Non-uniform wear means not to be worn on the uniform.
  19. You don’t plan on having them wear the eagle mentor pins on their uniforms, do you?
  20. Every person in the db has a number. To be registered, one needs to fill out an application, sign a background check auth, do youth protection, pay $45, and get the ok from your COR. Big difference, no change in number.
  21. Sorry. I confused it with IOLS. The online ILST wasn’t that great, IMHO. The Scouts would benefit from older Scouts presenting.
  22. I didn't know they were public facing. From what I heard is that a couple of councils participated in an official test of online ILST and it was determiuned that wouldn't be an option going forward.
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