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Everything posted by mrjohns2

  1. @Eagle1993 Thanks for your reporting through this whole process. Based on one of your bar graphs, it looks like they started at ~$230M? With $25M left, I wonder what their payroll and power bills are. That isn’t a ton of buffer to even cover normal inflows and outflows. It really seems, like maybe you and others had said, they didn’t have many months left.
  2. Well, the troop is a program of the CO. So, if they want their troop to have their logo, I don’t see what the issue is. Now, it may sound heavy handed. You can always let them know that changes will happen as supplies run out or if they want to buy more for their troop, that would help love it along.
  3. It is a failure of leadership on national’s side. I bet they haven’t even challenged it.
  4. Yes. We pass through all expenses and all fundraising. So, if a family truly doesn’t want to fundraise, that is fine, just pay. 50/50? Fine. Tons of fundraising? You almost and some have, covered it all.
  5. What you may see even at the district level is caution about commitment to the work. I felt like at first some were sure if I was just making a lot of noise, but would be gone in a few months. Once I “delivered” a few items, I felt more trusted. Different then being trusted by parents, but you could tell that some weren’t sure if I was truly committed if I agree to something.
  6. This is all it should be. Unless there is some type of dues sharing agreement. We calculated it out and basically, by March, 90% of all expenses have been incurred, so our 2nd year Webelos pay full dues. The 10% we use to pay for a plaque / arrow.
  7. I really like the idea of being a commissioner. Unit or otherwise. That can get you involved in the district level, but that doesn’t mean only meetings. You can help with a camporee, or Klondike derby, or other such events that will allow you to directly help scouts have a great time. Very sad you for the cold shoulder. What they said wasn’t true.
  8. I have been doing a lot of observing and am just sad about the OA and its trajectory. The program was so important to me from 13 to 20 years old. My oldest daughter and I attended a few lodge events, conclave, and NOAC. I didn't hang out with her so she could make connections. She made some connections, but really didn't like the program. She volunteered to be an elangomat and will do so again in a few weeks. NOAC made it clear to her that she really isn't interested. My middle daughter was just elected. She wasn't too sure as she "just wanted to be a normal scout". So, she will do the ordeal in a few weeks, but I don't see her "going all in". Chapter meetings seem worthless. Ceremonies stink as they are in uniform (I'd like the black cloths option) and the lines are read poorly from paper. I don't see it being meaningful in my family. It'll last another 20 years or so, at least, but it will go down hill. I was on NOAC staff and it was very very poorly organized. We weren't even told about the thank you gathering for staff members!
  9. Correction accepted! Our advancement coordinator buys the patches and the SM gives them to the SPL to handout. I really like the @DuctTape's approach. We usually have a bit of a delay (a couple to a few weeks) before the new leaders take over. Elections in Dec and June for terms starting in Jan/July.
  10. At our summer camp, the health officer is a qualified CPR instructor. You are welcome to choose to ignore the MB pamphlet and the guide to advancement. I can only point out the proper information.
  11. Well, the MB pamphlet does say you have to learn it from a certified instructor: “Learning CPR requires careful instruction from a certified teacher. Perhaps you can practice CPR at Scout meetings. The American Red Cross, American Heart Association, and Emergency Care and Safety Institute offer classes, too. Your Scout leaders can help you find training to learn this lifesaving skill.”
  12. This is often the problem with national. The focus is on eagles and national high adventure bases. Such a tiny percentage of Scouts fit into those categories. But that is where the glossy brochure is at.
  13. I‘m not saying the policy is inconsistent, I’m saying your interpretation is not consistent with the advancement policy. This time, it isn’t the BSA.
  14. This seems inconsistent with G2A. It doesn’t say CPR certification, but just CPR wherever it is required. That is all inclusive - ranks, MBs, etc.
  15. It is a complicated analysis that could show different stories depending on how one slices it. I think e do of 2022 compared to end of 2021 is an important measure as is April 23 compared to April 22. Comparing April 23 to end of year 22 is interesting, and important, but bakes in some ebs and flows.
  16. They both say instructors. I guess the first could be a lower case i instructor as in anyone instructing as long as they just completed the end user class. I read it as they both have to be certified instructors.
  17. I didn’t record the numbers, but I recall the total being around 1500 at the lowest.
  18. Has he told the coach he isn’t interested in any coaching, but here is my proposal, please process?
  19. Good luck argument semantics. Seems pretty simple to me.
  20. The scout is turning it in to the designated district person. Turn it in and move on. Or you can choose to make a big deal out of it. Your choice.
  21. I think you are going to have to get over it. Our district has a designated person to hand the project into. Just turn it in. Done.
  22. They aren’t saying you need to use a coach, just give the project proposal to a coach. It seems like they are the ones you turn the project proposal into. Keep it simple.
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