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Everything posted by mrjohns2

  1. It is so sad. They renamed the big zip to something like “<someone’s name> Eagle Taking Flight” or something like that. Ugh. Scouts notice the over focus too.
  2. Actually as @MikeS72 said, this is due to past problems. I too have read many of the case files that were released a few years back by a law firm. Many involved the abused Scout going over to an adults house outside of a Scout activity.
  3. Our council must have enough cookie revenue as our troops don’t have to even pay that. I was a troop leader for about a year. I got to do their “recharter” which took <5 mins online. Also! Our council camps use campdoc and allow fully electronic med forms.
  4. My wife just re-uped my middle daughter’s troop. Scout: $25/scout national dues, $5 local. Adult: $25 only
  5. When you say "simple pin back", what do you mean?
  6. My bet is that they are restocking with a new medal of equal janky’ness from a different supplier.
  7. Harry did some real soldiering.
  8. This is no longer an acceptable Venturing uniform (tan with venturing green loops). You’d all have to wear the green venturing shirts.
  9. I agree 100%. Such a true and accomplished Scout would / would have earned this medal.
  10. It would best to ask your camp what they want from a uniform uniform policy. Some councils want to emphasize that their staff is made up of unit scouts / scouters, so then no. I’d say sure, but you would need to remove your unit numbers and position patch. I’d then get a camp staff position patch.
  11. One would have thought they would have been working on the plan when not in court and would have unleashed this at the meeting. Instead, they unleashed the fee increases. 😞
  12. My guess is the important part is non-prorated. They are getting 2x the fees from all new Cubs in one year. So, instead of $50 in Sept, they are getting $105. The adult fee was low hanging fruit. They need operating cash and this is it. Not good. Just needed.
  13. This seems to be more transparent therm the report to congress? It also includes the membership of the national committee. https://oa-bsa.org/uploads/publications/impact-reports/2022-OA-National-Impact-Report-Digital.pdf
  14. Agreed. He also passed the SM conference. I think the OP was right in doing an appeal. It isn’t like a suspension 2 years prior labels him a felon for life. Sounds like he turned things around and should end awarded eagle for having completed the requirements. Unless there is a huge detail the OP chose not to include, it seems pretty open and close.
  15. Our council, so far, has no fee. They have been very conservative with their money. So, I support the FOS and we usually meet our stretch goal. The council gets funds and no council fee. Zero. I know we are lucky and in the minority.
  16. It does seem that bad, but the $16 per Scout seems bad. I guess it depends if your council has a council fee or not.
  17. As part of the bankruptcy, they had to lay out a plan to solvency. One of the items planned was higher dues each year. I thought it was a $3 increase last year (72 to 75). That was probably less the a COL increase.
  18. Simone had the dates from the last 3. I think it has been in June, July, and the big one a few years back in October. I think last year it was in June so they can start charging it in July.
  19. Someone on Reddit also said they heard it will be announced after NAM. A different person said it will go to $99. I bet not, but we will see.
  20. Any rumors on the next fee hikes for Scouts, Adults, and the unit fee?
  21. Pretty easy to check it out. https://www.bechtel.com The ATVs are pretty close. The stupid knockoff Lego adventure for Webelos were almost there.
  22. Well, Bechtel foundation, Bechtel company any difference?
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