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Everything posted by mrjohns2

  1. IF they are subject to FOIA, it would only be in relation to how the grants are used. Not "in general".
  2. Maybe? Maybe not less tarnished, but less irrelevant. Irrelevance is likely a bigger threat.
  3. Out of all of the changes, I am pretty sure National doesn't care much about the loss of camps. They would rather there be 1/2 the camps. Then those camps could be filled closer to capacity and have funds to at least staff and do routine maintenance.
  4. All 4 parts within 60 (?) days? Sometimes people do one or 3 and don’t do the 4th for a few months and it won’t count them all by design.
  5. It has been decently bad for us. -no way to remove a volunteer from the unit roster, so have to sign that the roster is approved even if someone is dropping -if you choose to opt-out a volunteer, no indication on the roster screen -cub leaders who are not returning, but their cubs are, started and abandoned their renewal. Now, we can't pay for any adults until those people log in and cancel their started, but not completed, renewal -people double charged (2 so far) -people charged something different than what the receipt says -7-8 days to indicate paid, even though the money was removed from the checking in 18-36 hours -early on, a DL marked their cub opt-out on accident and had to have registrar reset
  6. Thanks for posting. I’m actually qualified. It is quite the assignment. I bet one could argue one of the hardest professional jobs as it makes almost no one happy. Only 7 years from retirement, so I “have to” stay where I am.
  7. You have a lot of good points. Who is your Comissioner? Very easy to see at my.scouting. Login, go to your unit, click on organization manager, then unit dashboard. The dashboard should really be the landing page and get rid of the menus.
  8. Even though our system is healthy most of the time, it can break for a time when one commissioner drops out. With each having 2-4 units, if one leaves (or 2), there is a big gap.
  9. Our district has a pretty good commissioner corps. We are always short 2-4 unit commissioners and 1-2 roundtable commissioners. But we do have groups of both and we do get the job done. We seem to do a good job recognizing those with plaques and knots as appropriate. Our district is one of the top in the council, though. With 7 or 8 districts, ours sold 45% of the popcorn in the council. 2 of the last 3 council commissioners came from our district and 2 of the last 3 council presidents came from our district.
  10. And "boy axe". I have the long version too. In late 1990's they were still Plumb.
  11. And know you also know why the old timers complain “how come none of the younger volunteers stay around after they are done with their units?” Same reason.
  12. This is now very easy for key 3’s in Scoutbook. Just a few clicks. 🙂
  13. You think so? I see a number of areas where we are short of the "gold standard". Plenty of areas of alingmnet, but some key gaps. Conducts structured interviews [not required at all or even given examples of what to cover] Calls and speaks to at least 3 references [not required at all] Video surveillance technology in all spaces where adults have contact with children. [no required, not sure how we would get access] Repeat training at least annually [every 2 years] The Code of Conduct explained to children and parents and posted on the organization’s website [not explained to children] Posts victims’ rights throughout the premises, on the website, and in an employee [no victims rights spelled out] Establishes regular benchmarks and milestones for meeting prevention goals [unknown, not plublic] Considers external audits to probe for other areas of weakness in program and policies [unknown, not public]
  14. Too bad the article didn’t say if what was sold was close to what was expected. Any one have any idea? What about properties now that a couple of years have passed since the evaluations were given and real value received.
  15. The peaks have interesting demographic connections. Percentage of scout age children, boys before and all now, would help eliminate these impacts.
  16. I assume a big difference is Perdue wasn’t 1.5 years into implementation, right?
  17. Thank you for pointing that out. It caused me to go look and confirm. Yes. 😞
  18. They can? Each rank now has a knife safety adventure.
  19. Amen, amen, AMEN, aaamen! AMEN! This is the patrol method and how Scouting NEEDS to be done.
  20. I've only done the training, I never saw that part before. Very interesting and a resource the BSA should adopt. The training is required annually. It isn't too far off from the YPT. They cover an angle that isn't discussed as being a BSA issue - quid pro quo. I never thought about playing first string or getting game time at all would be used as leverage against a youth athlete.
  21. SafeSport is used for many sports, I believe. USA Archery uses them.
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