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Everything posted by mrjohns2

  1. They made that move starting in 2007 and went from ~312 to ~111. There were a couple of lawsuits that ended up allowing a couple of councils (at least 1) to not merge. It was an interesting take.
  2. Yep. That is basically what happened. It is my understanding they were cost neutral to the council. Not a drain. My guess was that someone was trying to simply Bay-Lakes to do another merger on the south side, but that doesn’t seem to be happening.
  3. I don’t think merging councils reduces the work of the registrar. From a unit “customer service” standpoint, the registrar is the last place I’d look to save money. Now camping director, director of funding, etc, sure. Rangers, DEs, and registrars make my unit go round. The rest, I hope they are proving their value. I can’t tell as directly.
  4. It has been announced as discontinued in Scoutbook, I believe.
  5. This actually seems interesting to me - not just a study of one’s own faith, but of multiple faiths.
  6. What did they expect? 17 isn’t that low for winter.
  7. I love your philosophy. So many make it super serious and hard to achieve some crazy unarticulated vision of the course director.
  8. I try to be super duper involved, but also try to think I may have to walk away if needed. I don’t want to be so invested that I feel like I CANT walkway. It may be the healthiest thing to do if push came to shove.
  9. Yeah, that was the conclusion in the article (Nationals? APs?). I’m not so sure about that.
  10. "According to court documents, the boat's propeller struck Keoni while he was swimming in the lake."
  11. I’m confused about the downtick in boys. Too bad there are good exit interviews. I am very confused by the membership increase. The renewal system has been an utter failure. Are they just counting everyone who renewed, and could renew, as members?
  12. Gotta read the whole post “At this point, I'm thinking maybe just wait until he has two more activities done, then mark the requirement as done?”
  13. The internet is a tough place out there. If you are wondering, this is why I have a concern with your post. Because the previous troop used different software you will have the scout wait? Preposterous. The requirements are done.
  14. Very clearly states after you go to a 6 year old document and follow a couple of other tortuous paths. Sure it is required. Yep.
  15. 😞 Scout involvement / satisfaction is inversely proportional to the program being like school. Scouts didn't sign up for night school! As a nerd, I loved it. So, if we want to only appeal to the 1 in 15 or 1 in 30, keep it up!
  16. Where is it in the registration guidebook? Also, do you have a copy? The 2024 edition came out, but has been only posted internally for registrars. Would like to have a copy.
  17. That was my search findings. It makes a little bit of sense - accept government money, you must be transparent to how the money is used.
  18. Well, maybe? Not really? Have you been in the same council? Scouting IDs are not portable, so to see my eagle (and NESA life), I had to find my youth ID. Pretty neat they had it from 1990. Other registrations? No.
  19. IF they are subject to FOIA, it would only be in relation to how the grants are used. Not "in general".
  20. Maybe? Maybe not less tarnished, but less irrelevant. Irrelevance is likely a bigger threat.
  21. Out of all of the changes, I am pretty sure National doesn't care much about the loss of camps. They would rather there be 1/2 the camps. Then those camps could be filled closer to capacity and have funds to at least staff and do routine maintenance.
  22. All 4 parts within 60 (?) days? Sometimes people do one or 3 and don’t do the 4th for a few months and it won’t count them all by design.
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