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  1. Where to begin...? Several years ago, out council merged with a nearby larger council due to financial mis-management, we were going bankrupt. A new mega-council was formed which now consists of 16 counties in 3 states totaling 15 districts. Relations with the larger "mother" council has always been a little rocky. Committee meetings are nearly always held in their "home area", which can be an hour or more away and often on weekday afternoons, which makes it impossible for working scout volunteers to attend meetings, leading to "their" people dominating the meetings. They have stacked committees with people not looking out for best intrests of individual districts. This has left a bitter taste of No Representation that has become heated recently. We struggled through for a few more years but recent actions have broken the camel's back. They have recently voted to close the resident camp of our old council in favor of their council camp. They cite decreased numbers of campers and money constraints but analysis of camping data, that they released, shows that their camp has fewer campers and is losing money while our camp remains steady in attendance and has turned a profit over the last few years. Many if not most of the units in our home 5 districts are fed up and considering switching to another council, which has expressed intrest in keeping our camp open. Question is, can this be done, and if so, how? I had read on other posts the suggestion of not rechartering and then use a charter organization within the new council to start up again but that seems silly. The mega-council would be left controlling a large area with no units in it. Does anyone know of a "happy" way to switch out of a council?
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