I am a parent of a Boy Scout (and a Girl Scout leader of my own troop but that not the topic here) who is having trouble. My son has social issues that make it difficult for him to interact with other boys. This, along with a speech problem makes him a target for teasing. However, he also has anger issues that cause him lash out verbally and become destructive to his own property (think scout book here). Over the two years he has been involved in boy scouts he has had several instances were he has become angry and defiant at troop meetings and events, sometimes in response to teasing and sometimes in response to other things. He is also an enthusiastic participant in troop activities and has repeatedly expressed that he wishes to remain in the troop.
We have tried to work with troop leadership to formulate plans for behavior management. We have gotten assurances from the scoutmaster that leadership will work with my son to help him integrate better but these plans are not followed through on. This includes situations where other members of the leadership team have contradicted plans we discussed with the scoutmaster (largely due to them not being informed of the plans) and poor communication.
Unfortunately things have now come to a head. In response to being teased, my son smacked another scout. Obviously this is unacceptable and warrants significant action from troop leadership. The consequences are banned from meetings until court of honor and my husband will need to be present for all meetings. This also will result, although it is unspoken, in not making rank for the next court of honor.
In general I accept that the consequences fit my son's actions. But I do not feel that there is adequate work being done to address the underlying problem. My son is not well integrated into the troop and I very much get the impression that leadership just wants him to quit, but does not want to take the steps to remove him. I am worried that there has not been adequate communication between the various leaders and the troop committee about this and other issues. I am worried that after court of honor he will be asked to leave anyway - in effect leading him on. Finally I am worried that taking my concerns up with the committee chair will further label my son as troublemaker.
My son does not want to leave scouting - he does not want to change troops - but I am at a loss of how to address this in the best way for him.
(PS if my scoutmaster reads this, please feel free to contact me about this post)