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  1. I hope this is in the right place. I am one of the Key 3. So it looks like we may be losing the COR of our troop and pack, she is one of the parents. She said that she was done with the complaining of all of the parents (other non scout programs as well). I really don't know what happened, she changed so much so fast. She seems to be a my way or the highway type of person where she asks for help for stuff and then completely takes over, changes it, gets mad when she has to do it. She wont take suggestions and if you do suggest something you are one of "those" parents. She has literally done everything for the troop, not because people wont volunteer but because she just does it. Advancement records, rechartering, organizing events, everything. I have tried speaking to her about it and I believe I am on her list of bad parents. I get short answers with everything, "are you okay," "no". "Anything I can help you with" "no", etc. Part of me is dreading if she leaves because we have always had someone to do those things but the other part of me thinks it could be a positive experience because some things really do need to change. I do worry about our chartered organization too, it is our meeting place and she is the one with the keys and no one else is really involved with them. If she does leave can I get a general list of things that we will need to continue our program like passwords to what sites, important dates to know, etc. etc. I want to see our organization thrive and grow. Also any suggestions and advice would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Thank you for all of the comments. Of course she has not volunteered, though I hear "when I was a leader" quite often. I am a fan of all of the recommendations. We are going to have a sit down and chat very soon. For the discrepancies I think I may just say, "here are the requirements, do you feel as though you completed this?" Yes, sign and move on/no, when would you like to do this? If mom jumps in to remind him, I will go back and ask him again if he feels like he completed the requirements. For the requirements that are not signed off, I will remind them again that I need to sign and to please come to me for any items completed at home so I can do it. It really is a shame to want to rush your kiddo through a program like this. Yeah, you can rush and get done with the minimum requirements but it overlooks the spirit of the program.
  3. I need advice please. We have one parent that has been difficult to say the least. All of a sudden they want their child to bridge up because they don't want them to be a part of our pack and they want it done by the end of the year. They want to move on to a troop (that their other boys are in) because they do not like our troop or pack, apparently they do not like what we are doing. I think we are doing a banging job, we have expanded our program to incorporate more of boy scouts' offerings. They are constantly telling the other parents that we aren't following the safety rules for the kids by having two deep leadership. Well we don't have enough leaders for 2 deep leadership so we always grab a parent to come along so we are never alone with the scouts. She was also going around telling people I would not let her kiddo bridge up. I had a parent approach me asking if it was true and I explained that I will not discuss another child's progress without their consent but that I would never keep a scout from earning an award when they have completed all of the requirements. Well, their scout is only 10 and in order to bridge up they need AOL. They had only completed the requirements for Webelos in Oct. because they missed a lot of the meetings. The parent has now signed off on a lot of the requirements in the book. When we went over a few of the items with the scout he could not recall doing it at all. Heck, I can tell what he actually did with the leader last year because it is written in child's handwriting and the stuff she signed off is written in hers. I do not want to award a child a big honor when they have not earned it but at the same time I don't want the drama. I hate drama. The Webelos book says that the den leader is to sign off requirements, what do I do? Do I let electives go but be more firm with requirements? Please help.
  4. Hi! So, I am trying to work on building up our cub and boy scout program and I can see a great many things in the future. I think part of that is visibility, what are our scouts doing and what are they doing within our community. To aid in my quest, I am trying to get some Class B shirts done and I know a very talented graphics designer that is willing to design a shirt for us. We are a pretty small group so shirts tend to be more expensive. We want something "cool" that the kids will want to wear not only for our events as deemed appropriate but also just because they are cool. So, onto the politics/issue. We had 1 troop in our area and due to politics, had another troop be created. The new troop and pack share a chartered organization and a pack/troop number. Could I create a single shirt for both the new pack and troop? Just incorporate the number and not tack pack or troop onto it? We could increase our number of shirts to help decrease the cost. Our designer knows all about trademarks/copyrights and how to not get in trouble. I hope that makes sense. Thank you!
  5. Relatively new scout parent/leader. I am looking to have some questions answered and get some great ideas for our program!
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