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Everything posted by seaoat

  1. I enjoyed CBG from 1962 -1967. It helped shape my life as an eagle scout and OA, brotherhood recepient. The calling out at the firebowl was a wonderful memory which is seared in my memory. I enjoyed scouting with Troop 1 and Troop 81 in North Aurora, and would go to Hoke's bait shop on the west side of the North Aurora dam and they would let us use a net to get crawdads which they paid us a penny a crawdad. That and selling golf balls at Fox valley country club from the cornfield on hole 3 paid my 24 dollar week camping fee. Three times I spent back to back weeks, and I fell in love with nature and now own two campgrounds, one in Illinois called campingislands.com and one in Florida called little pelican bayou. We have made beautiful natural areas where families can connect with nature and share the joy I had as a scout. I am now on the final leg of my battle with cancer and as I look at those things which shaped my life, I can say without a doubt it was CBG. I was angry when it was sold because young kids need that exposure. My fondest dream would be to repurchase CBG for scouting but that boat has passed as I fade away with fond memories of a magical place. Thank you for this blog. I think about trolling baker lake in a row boat with red and white daredevil spinners killing the bass and dropping those tasty white meat into a frying pan of butter......paradise, freedom, and self reliance perfected.
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