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  1. Thank you, desertrat77, great story, I would like to know the great desert of Arizona.
  2. Thanks NJ, a lot of light to my question.
  3. Thanks WonderBoy, HA HA HA! Yeees It's true, we always found something revising the field in the final round.
  4. Ian, thank you, friend. Great story Do you remember her name? Maybe I know her. As for the Falklands, well ... it has been a conflict overcome. We have many things in common and very few that are different. Argentina and the UK have a long and rich history in common and this has hardly been an incident. The most important thing is our Scout brotherhood. It's moves me. Thanks friend.
  5. Thanks NJCubScouter. You have put a lot of light on my question. Then, recapitulating: Cubs had yellow tassles or tabs. Boy Scouts had green tassles or tabs. Explorers had red tassles or tabs. Scoutmaster had... ???? (Do they have their own color or do they respect the color of each unit?)
  6. Ouh Waw!!! Yes I know Coronel Suárez, yeeees. I'm from Buenos Aires D.C. (Scout Group Nº 314 - San Telmo). Greetings to your son!
  7. MattR, thank you for your prompt response. I take note of the advice, I'll contact the guys in the UK. So, you were a young scout. Do you remember if your Scoutmaster used garters and tabs?
  8. Partners, Hi from Argentina, South America. I followed the conversation with great interest. I have seen old BP's photographs. I have seen that he used garters and tabs, but, obviously, the photos are black and white and I can not distinguish the color of the tabs. So my question is, what color were BP's tabs? And the second question, Have Scouter ever used garters and tabs? What is the color of tabs that corresponds to the Scouter? Thanks!
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