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  1. This question was brought forth not too long ago. I don’t believe it was covered in any YPT or related training. Once a serious report is brought forth to Scout Executive against a youth, how exactly does the council handle/investigate this? Any knowledge would be appreciated. Thanks!
  2. I know, it seems somewhat odd. Brand new plywood platforms with a normal 120V outlet wired in the side. Only the “key staff” stay in cabins.
  3. Camp Managment would not ne the happiest if I had a television in my platform tent, I wish though.
  4. Thank you so much! The kids will understand if I shout at them to stop, not so much with the adults who act like they know what’s going on. Should be fun...
  5. A good ol’ green canvas ten, it does have an outlet though.
  6. I guess I’ll put this here... First year on Camp Staff in New Hampshire, I’ll be working as a Rifle Range Instructor. During the day I’ll teach the rifle merit badge, then during night I’ll be responsible for “open shoots”, night shoots, and paintball. What should I do to help myself prepare for ten weeks of “fun” this summer? Any suggestions for packing? Any knowledge or recommendations to pass along? Appreciate everything, thank you!
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