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Everything posted by CruzGibbs1975

  1. As the outgoing District Vice-Chair of Membership and the incoming District Commissioner, I helped get six new Crews started as we moved into the rechartering season and now am hoping to make sure these new Crews get all the support they need to be successful. This evening I hosted the first Venturing-specific breakout at our District Roundtable and all Crews were represented by at least one volunteer! I think the most important thing was for these folks to meet each other and know there are people they can lean on for help moving forward. I also facilitated a discussion on the ALPS (Adventure, Leadership, Personal Growth, Service) model and shared some tips for recruiting . To date, our district has done very little to promote or support Venturing, instead focusing on Cub Scouting and Boy Scouting. With these six new Crews, though, I want to make sure they are successful AND sustainable, from a membership recruitment standpoint. As District Commissioner, I know it's my responsibility to make sure ALL units get the support they need. We can't afford to let six new Crews founder with little to no help and guidance from the District. Do your Districts/Councils provide enough support for your Crews? What kinds of things would you like to see offered from your District's commissioner corps?
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