Volunteer as a Corner Marshal for the Sports Car Club of America as well as participate with several local Jeep clubs.
My Scouting journey began in the late 1960’s when I joined Cub Scouts in Jacksonville, FL. I was inducted into the Order of the Arrow where I am a Brotherhood member, earned my Eagle, and had the privilege of participating in the Eagle Scout Bicentennial Celebration in Washington, DC. <br />
In 2013, following a concerted effort by a colleague, I again became involved in Scouting and am serving as an Assistant District Commissioner as well as a Unit Commissioner in the River Bend District in the North Florida Council. In 2016, I received the Daniel Carter Beard Masonic Scouter Award. <br />
I am a Bobwhite from Wood Badge S487-161 in 2016 and have served on Wood Badge staff twice.<br />
In 2017, I completed the Philmont Leadership Challenge.<br />
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I attended the September 2017 PLC.
I was thoroughly impressed by the level of preparation of the staff as well as their Scouting and real-world expierence.