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Everything posted by hoosierscoutmom

  1. Hello all! I am hoping that someone here could give me some specific information on the requirements for an adult to be approved as a merit badge counselor for swimming. I am not able to find details about required certifications and training. Here is our troop's situation: there are no swimming MB counselors in our district, which is fairly rural. The nearest one we know if is in another district over an hour away, which is difficult logistically for many of our boys. As a result, our boys have no opportunity to qualify for the badge except during summer camp. Not all boys can make it to camp; maybe we go to camp and it rains all week... you get the idea. So I am hoping to try to find people who would be able and willing to register as MB counselors closer to home. We have talked with our Scoutmaster who has gotten conflicting answers about what is required: some have said that a person must be a current swimming coach or have completed the ARC/WSI class. Others have said that BSA Lifeguarding certification is sufficient. And others have said that the BSA Aquatics Supervision : Swimming & Water Rescue class could qualify. The very least I am able to gather from this is that an adult without formal training (but who is a personally strong swimmer and could complete the requirements of the badge themselves) cannot serve as a counselor, even if the counseling and testing takes place in a regular pool with a lifeguard on duty. Is this correct? I'm grateful for any input, before I try to recruit folks to apply who may not be qualified/approved. Thanks.
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