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  1. Wouldn't your parents count, as the guidelines technically state that you need to show leadership over any two people, Scout or non-scout, child or adult? In any case, I do have ways to involve other Scouts in the troop. Things like helping to distribute the guide, contacting nonprofits, interviewing people in the community for some sort of video. The last one is what another scout in my area did back when Eagle projects had to have a lasting impact. I don't think that's a requirement now but nevertheless I want to produce something that can be reused and increase town pride.
  2. The "little over a month" is the time I expect to have after approval. I've learned that the election is on April 28th, and while the district says approval would come around March 18th if all goes well, I'm factoring in a week of buffer time just to be safe. Making the guide is something I'd ideally get done at least 3 weeks before the election. My current plan is to send emails to candidate the immediate day or day after approval, and in the meantime, consult with other Scouts and perhaps troop parents about what they want to see in the guide, and how best to design it. Then, using that information I could fully design, create, and upload the guide with 2 full days of work, or 1 full day with 2 school days. That portion's a bit of a sprint, I agree, but the rest of the project should have a big enough time horizon in my mind to take a lot of lessons out of it, especially if the ending date is extended by me making a visual display showing whether/how this project boosted voter turnout, probably with some quotes from town members. Plus I may need to do a fundraiser on the end stretch. Thank you for these suggestions, I will make sure to address them in the proposal!
  3. At the moment, it seems like the entire thing will only cost somewhere around $100-150, or perhaps less depending on how many paper versions of these pamphlets are actually spread around compared to a digital version I plan to make. If they're lower, I can probably self-fund the project; otherwise, I know my district has approved a project that didn't fund-raise until after it was compete, and considering how busy I'll be in the month I'm working on it, I would need something like that. If it got desperate, I could probably get about half the total cost raised through an online fundraiser.
  4. Thank you for the suggestions, it sure does seem like I can really bring together a lot of people here if I do it right. I guess I have to get better at describing it though if it was confusing @ItsBrian. I heard another scout in my troop was delayed a month in starting his Eagle Project because he couldn't explain to the district what his project actually was! That would definitely be problematic since I will only have just over a month to get this done with a little built-in buffer time, due to the date of the election itself.
  5. It's not the organizations that are promoting voting; they're just food banks, groups spreading awareness about various conditions, the town TV station, etc and my goal was to get them volunteers in order to give people a better "sense of connection" with the community. In those other towns I mentioned it was often the Town Clerk's office or a designated Town Council contact that was in charge of approving projects like this.
  6. For what it's worth, I have seen other councils approve projects like this. Read about a number of people whose Eagle Project was to organize and conduct a voter registration drive, as well as a few towns that specifically encouraged Eagle Scout candidates when they came forward with a plan to make a voter information guide. My scoutmaster does seem to like the project and thinks it would be acceptable as long as enough leadership is shown, heard something similar from a different adult leader too. But those questions about the beneficiaries and general nature of the project still remain.
  7. Hey, thanks for the response. So, The goal is to boost civic engagement in general, to increase the connection that people in my town feel to their community, and volunteering with groups in the area would be one way of doing that in addition to increasing the voter participation rate and their general knowledge of town issues. The main part of the project was a plan to create a nonpartisan voter guide for the upcoming town election, similar to what the League of Women Voters does in various towns. It would include candidate positions on some generic questions like "What is the number one issue facing the town?" plus general voting information. I also decided to try and boost participation in various non-profits in town as a way to expand the scope of the project and make it fit better with what I am trying to do. There's a few more things I can do such as hosting a debate and voter registration drive, but that would have the same beneficiary - the town government, through the town clerk's office. Is this sort of multifaceted approach OK, and would I need every organization's signature if I did it this way?
  8. Hello everyone, I have read this forum for a while but this is my first time signing up and posting! I have been having conversations with my adviser discussing Eagle Scout project ideas, and there were a couple questions that we could not come up with an answer to. The first: how specific would an Eagle Project have to be in its scope? This seems like a basic question but ended up getting more complex. For example, would a project to "boost community engagement and connections to the community" through a variety of specific methods be good enough, or does there have to be a single specific goal? I really have no idea, but based on how various beautification projects with multiple components get approved, I have been assuming taking a general approach is fine. The other question: how many beneficiaries can an Eagle Project have? One of my proposals has the town government as the main beneficiary, but one part of the project involves recruiting volunteers for local nonprofits in need of help. Would all the possible benefiting organizations need to sign off on the project, or is a signature from the main beneficiary enough?
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