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Everything posted by FireStone

  1. Is there good timing for bringing a gun to school?
  2. Good point. It would be nice to see marketing that is dual-purpose and shows boys and girls together, but logistically that kind of goes against what is actually being proposed in the program.
  3. https://www.scouter.com/topic/29792-sunday-morning-segment-on-the-bsa/
  4. It's too soon for this stuff, especially Tiger through Bear. I'd rather the boys were off playing in the woods than working in the kitchen area.
  5. I think we're way off topic at this point, but on the subject of advancement... It kind of seems like no matter what pace a kid takes, it will bother someone. Go too fast and you're missing out on the journey. Go too slow and earn eagle in the 11th hour before turning 18 and they didn't take it seriously, didn't plan ahead, procrastinated, etc., etc., etc. My feeling is if this is supposed to be about the journey, let it be a journey that fits each scout. No two journeys end up being the same. The kids have their list of requirements, but even within that there is a lot of choice and different angles of approach. We want them to become leaders but we don't want then to lead on their own advancement trail? If we're going to say this is still a youth-led program, we should let up on the criticism of how they approach their own advancement. If the benefits of the program are so heavily dependent on time spent in the program, then we should have a requirement on the books that puts more time between ranks. Unless/until that happens, the boys should decide their own pace, whatever works for them, even if that means fast-tracking.
  6. Kinda creepy. I mean, I know I carry a phone around that is a giant tracking and data-capture device, but that's a communication device, we know it connects to things. Having my boots talking to the Bean mothership is on a different level.
  7. Looks like those girls are not models, but actual scouts. Which is cool. I'm not against using models in advertising and marketing, but for something like Scouting, I think it's preferrable to show real scouts. Even if they are real scouts doing staged activities.
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