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Thunderbird last won the day on March 27 2020

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  1. You could try posting in the discussion forums at: https://discussions.scouting.org/ If you post the adult's BSA member ID number (no names), there are a few people on the board who can check for duplicate accounts or other issues.
  2. You don't need approval by the local council if all of your contributions come from: the beneficiary the candidate the chartered organization the candidate’s parents, guardians, or relatives the unit or individuals in the unit Guide to Advancement section Fundraising Issues
  3. Units also have access to the Training Manager: Scoutmasters (Cubmasters / Advisors / Skippers) - unit Key 3 Committee Chairs - unit Key 3 Chartered Org. Reps. - unit Key 3 Key 3 Delegates Unit Training Chairs If you run into difficulty adding the training, another person to contact could be your District Training Chair.
  4. Good advice. Also excellent advice. Unfortunately, council Registrars no longer have the ability to merge and retire BSA member numbers. Right now, they can combine BSA member numbers under your my.scouting username, which is basically the same thing that users can usually do for themselves at my.scouting (using Manage Member ID). However, you can only do this for yourself if your name and date of birth match exactly between the different BSA member numbers (goes back to your rule #1).
  5. The Trained Leader report at my.scouting can be difficult to read, but Scoutmasters / Assistant Scoutmasters need the following in order to be considered "trained": Y01 - Youth Protection Training Certification Scoutmaster (and Assistant Scoutmaster) position specific training (online learning plan) OR S24 - Scoutmaster Specific Training (in person) SCO_800 - Hazardous Weather Training (online only) - supposed to be renewed every 2 years. S11 - IOLS (overnight campout / in person only) If you have proof of the training (for example: training certificate for IOLS taken in a different council) then someone in the troop with access to the Training Manager at my.scouting can add your training. With the Training Manager, they would need to go to "Add/Search", make sure the "Add Training" tab is selected, then select the program (Scouts BSA), select the course (Intro to Outdoor Leader Skills (S11)), enter the date, and then click on the blue "Add Members" button to select the individual(s). At the troop level, the registered adult leaders who should have access to the Training Manager are the Key 3 (Scoutmaster, Committee Chair, and Chartered Org. Rep.), adult leaders designated as Key 3 Delegates (up to 3 people), and the Unit Training Chair. Key 3 Delegates and Unit Training Chairs are functional roles that can be designated with the my.scouting Roster -> Position Manager -> Functional Roles.
  6. It depends. Does your pack advance its dens to the next den level at the end of the school year? If so, when is the last day of school? Your Pack Committee has some discretion to grant time extensions at the end of the Cub Scout program year:
  7. I agree with @5thGenTexan . I would recommend using the Protect Yourself Rules adventure in place of the Cyber Chip: https://www.scouting.org/programs/cub-scouts/preview-adventures/protect-yourself-rules/
  8. Sounds kind of similar to the videos that the BSA used to have online for some of the (older) rank requirements for Tenderfoot - First Class. You can still find the videos at YouTube: BSA rank videos
  9. Don't use it! Go to scoutbook.com/mobile/, and login to regular Scoutbook. After you log in at regular Scoutbook, go to your calendar where you should see a Hide DLE events button. Alternatively, you can move the calendar events into the past. Having said that, the Resources section of the Den Leader Experience is kind of nice. There is a free pdf of the Den Leader Guide.
  10. If I remember correctly from a conversation a while ago, I think the "white sheet" @Eagledad is referring to is his council's version of the blue card.
  11. Updated BSA COVID-19 FAQ (advancement) are at the following link: https://www.scouting.org/coronavirus/covid-19-faq/
  12. I would leave the individual requirements blank (SC 5b and FC 6a) in Scoutbook if the Scout has not passed them yet. Scoutbook has a Notepad & Comments feature that is available for each individual requirement and at the bottom of each rank, merit badge, and award. You could add a note to First Class / Star / Life ranks and maybe one or more of the individual requirements that the Scout still needs to pass the swim test (the first requirement for each rank, Scoutmaster conference, board of review, etc.). At Scoutmaster conferences and boards of review, check to see if the BSA's COVID-19 swim test deferment is still in effect and whether or not the Scout has passed the swim test. You could also write notes in the Scout's Handbook saying that the Scout still needs to pass the swim test for the next rank(s).
  13. Not sure if this helps, but there is a Prohibited Activities FAQs that says:
  14. Help a Venturer earn the Silver Hornaday Award & Venturing Summit Award by helping to pick up 1 million pieces of trash by August 30 (his project close date). Anyone who spends at least 2 hours on the project and has their collection reported on the project's Google Form is eligible for the Messengers of Peace award (environmental dimension). You can find more information at the following links: Bryan on Scouting: Venturer’s conservation project involves worldwide effort to pick up 1 million pieces of trash Facebook: 1,000,000 Piece of Trash Great service project for all ages!
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