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Everything posted by ScoutmasterDave

  1. With the raising of the National fee, we increased our dues to $125 for the year. In my troop this covers site fees (cabins, tent sites), advancement materials (merit badges, rank), local and national fee, and Boys Life Magazine. For camping trips we charge $10 per person, this comes back to the boys for food. As mentioned, if there is a site fee we cover it. The only additional camping fee is if we are going to a district event, or historical trip, and there are fees associated, these we pass on to the boys. We also do popcorn as our main fundraiser and require the boys to sell either $100 worth of popcorn, or return a check to the troop for half of what they don't sell. We supplement the sale sheets however with show-and-sells, which pretty much if a boy shows up to a couple they almost always clear enough to cover these goals. The popcorn money is spent for gear, food for yearly court of honors and trainings, and to reduce the cost of more expensive trips. scoutmasterdave.com Weekly video series on all things scouting.
  2. In my troop this actually came up a few years ago, where we had a gap between ages of boys, and the most senior boys had either had a senior position or didn't want one. While we didn't discourage the practice, we did strongly encourage a change in his assistants to include at least one from the next group coming up, this worked out so well, that we have made it common practice for ASPLs. The SPL in question did hold the position for 2-years, but as a more experienced leader we expected more of him the second time around, and actually earned the district trophy at our Camporee that year, something our troop had NEVER done before. ScoutmasterDave.com Weekly videocast on all things scouting.
  3. We are located in Plainview Long Island, but I grew up in Commack, only going back to the 80's though. -dave
  4. Hello All, A little about myself, I'm a Scoutmaster for over 7 years on Long Island, NY, previously I was Assistant Scoutmaster, and was Cubmaster for about 7 years as well. I'm a proud Bobwhite and OA Brotherhood member. I also started a new venture this year, a video cast on all things scouting, appreciate any comments and views: www.scoutmasterdave.com What actually brought me this way today is I was looking for some ideas to give to the boys for hosting our local OA meeting next month, so any good indoor ideas (we meet in a church gym) would be appreciated. Thanks, Dave
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