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Burning Spear

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Everything posted by Burning Spear

  1. Wow!!! Thank you all so very much. I have been leaning towards wearing my full uniform. That seems to be the logical choice. This is a Troop function and I am an adult leader with the Troop. Beavah, I will most definitely be seated right next to my wonderful wife. Yes, let someone else take care of the ceremony so I can sit in the audience with a big grin.
  2. I wanted to ask your expert opinions on proper attire for my son's Eagle Court of Honor. Background... I've been Troop Comm. Chair for 7 years. Very involved in the troop at all levels and at all times. We will be having an Eagle Court of Honor for five boys (including my son - yeeehaaa). I was also the Eagle mentor for one of the other boys. What should I wear at the Eagle Court????? 1) Full Scout uniform. Since I am so invloved and the mentor to one of the other boys? 2) Suit and tie. Since I am the proud father of an Eagle Scout? I am really torn over this. This is an official Troop function and I am CC. So I feel that the full Scout uniform is in order. But I also feel that this is my time to sit in the audience and savor my boy's accomplishment. Thanks for your suggestions.
  3. We are part of the Western Massachusetts Council. (Formed with the recent merger of the Pioneer Valley Council and the Great Trails Council. This new Council has two separate camps: 1) Horace A. Moses Scout Reservation in Russell, MA. This is the camp that our troop has attended for many years. We absolutely love it there. 1600 acres of woods and water (and hills!). Great staff, a great waterfront, and a great advancement program. It is about 20 minutes from the Westfield exit of the Mass Pike. 2) Chesterfield Scout Reservation. I have yet to visit this camp, so I really can't comment on it. It is smaller than Moses. A couple of our boys did their OA ordeals there this fall.
  4. My son is OA Rep for his troop. Wednesday is OA day at summer camp. He was thinking of doing some sort of skit, song, etc. during lunch hour to promote the OA. Does anyone have any skit ideas that promote the OA??? Thanks!
  5. I am just finishing up this merit badge with a small group of Scouts. We watched "Remember the Titans" for our movie. I think it was the perfect choice too - It is a super movie with a positive message. It is about teenaged boys. Denzel Washington is the star. What more can you ask for?
  6. I have been a youth coach and Scout leader for years. One point no one has mentioned is that most sports have a finite amount of time to them... You start soccer in August - have a few practices and then 8 or so games. That's it - season is over. Scouting is year round. So I think people tend to put priority on sports because Scouts will be there next week, next month, etc..
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