Hey fellow Scouters, my name is Eric and am new to the site. Just celebrated my first year as a Scouter. Back in October last year I came on staff with a local Troop as an Assistant Scoutmaster. Since then I have attended Merit Badge Counselor Training, SM/ASM Specific Training, IOLS, Wood Badge (Good ole Beaver too!), took over as Scoutmaster in May, summer camp in June, Jamboree in July, staffed a district level IOLS as a Troop Guide, hit 35 nights of camping this year and most recently received my beads at our annual Critter Dinner (err, Wood Badge/NYLT reunion). Been a busy year but a heck of a lot of fun. Through my experiences this year, I have thoroughly enjoyed learning of and offering opportunities to my Scouts that had previously had not been made available to them and seeing them grow through their experiences as young men, Scouts, and leaders! I look forward to checking out this site and learning from you guys/gals, I am sure this place is a wealth of useful information! Thanks in advance for the welcome, CHOMP, CHOMP, CHOMP.....TIMBER!