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Everything posted by scout010

  1. Belt keepers are belt loops with snaps to keep both belts together: you wear a normal (smaller) belt in the belt loops of your pants. The duty belt or sam browne belt comes on top of it, and is attached to your pants belt with those belt keepers. This way it stays firmly in place, and you can easily take it off without having to remove all pouches from your belt.
  2. Hello all, I am new on this forum and just wanted to say hello to everybody! I am a Scout from the Netherlands, 40 years old. I used to be active as a scouts leader for many years. Right now I am a member of our national events supports team (materials, logistics, policies etc for national and international events) and our scout security team (providing security services to scout events). So mainly active with large events. Hobbies: Outdoor, hiking, trekking, camping...and travelling and meeting scouts all over the world. Love travelling and being active in the nature ! Looking forward to talk to you all !
  3. Indeed....a Sam Browne belt used to be a wide belt supported by a shoulder strap.....but the shoulder strap has mostly disappeared now for safety reasons. But police officers still call their duty belts "Sam Brownes", which refers to a 2.25" wide leather duty belt with a two prong buckle, and which is used to carry their equipment (I used to work in law enforcement myself). Here an interesting article about it. https://www.policeone.com/police-products/duty-gear/articles/117535-Sam-Browne-and-beyond-A-look-at-duty-belts/ Those belts are like a do-it-yourself construction package: You can easily add and remove those holsters and pouches that you need. The belt is generally worn with beltkeepers over a smaller under belt. On my belt I currently wear: flashlight, pocket knife, D-ring (for large flashlights), key holder, cell phone, small first aid-kit and optional water bottle. I personally prefer the look of this wide leather belt, especially with a uniform, rather than nylon or webbing belts or putting everything on my pants belt. But maybe to some it also looks 'overdone' or screams too much 'POLICE'. Just curious about your opinions and if anybody else wears those Sam Brownes.
  4. I was wondering if anybody else here wears a Sam Browne belt with his uniform or for outdoor purposes? I am referring here to a 2.25" wide leather duty belt with two prong buckle, which is worn by police and military officers. I really like the appearance of those belts on a uniform...and the possibility to carry all my personal items on my belt when I am in the woods. Do you think this is appropriate with a uniform as a scouts leader? Or what kind of belts do you wear for outdoor/survival activities? some photo impressions below:
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