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Everything posted by Jameson76

  1. In the 80's we did the sunrise and were in basecamp about 8:30 or so. When we walked in they thought we were trailbound, what with packs on and whatnot. Then they sniffed us They did let us go in and grab breakfast. We had to loiter about to check in. My crew was an older group, hiked 3 to 4 miles an hour and I was much much younger. We arrived at many trail camps early., Good napping and hanging out with staff that trek
  2. Always entertaining discussion on towing the trailer. Have run across units held hostage by the Trailer Haulers that are able to dictate when and where the troop camps due to their "contribution" Glad our troop trailer is smaller, our gear is stored in a shed, and can be hauled by any SUV / truck. No extra requirements for hauling.
  3. Camped at a state park. The troop built survival kits, we built 'boats out of boxes, painters tarps and duct tape and there was a race. Also played putt putt, and also ran a cross country compass course. The weather was perfect and much hammocking. When we got back on Sunday had an afternoon Eagle Court of Honor for 5 of our recent Eagle scouts
  4. Southeast - council camp is $350 for the week / $360 out of council. Includes most MB fees and off site whitewater rafting
  5. 10 years, huge evolution? I am just a realist, and the BSA has continually lagged. National has been way behind since the 80's and 90's. There were computers and ways to link things, they just were inept and inexperienced. Not sure what all those board members are doing, obviously not offering advice. They were way behind the ball on on-line applications, most councils were still booking weekend campsites manually in 2010. When just a spreadsheet would have been better. Most summer camp registration software is home grown or at best cobbled together. The BSA has over 230 franchises (local councils) and thousands and thousands of PAID professionals, regional staff, and national staff. No coherent plan or ability to link things. Scouting.org is cumbersome at best. Scoutbook as has been noted is a 3rd party program the BSA bought, but does not support. We only sort of moved to on-line recharter last couple of years. Eagle applications are still handled manually on some BSA system, why isn't that on-line? As I noted, at no time has BSA leveraged their size and experience. Do not blame the bankruptcy on technology lapses, it had been that way for a years. What it comes down to is the professionals that run the organization appear to not care about the customer experience of the volunteers that deliver the program.
  6. Completed 2 Eagle Boards last night. The advancement chair was updating Scoutbook, 1 went fine, the other advised they needed Cit in the Society. Checked some other Scouts and it is showing now as required The date is supposed to be 6/1 or 7/1
  7. BSA continues to operate as if they are still in the 1970's about how things work. In our council, big office, at least 5 levels of management from DE to SE. I think at the main camp the ranger has or can answer to 3 or 4 different staff. At no time has BSA leveraged any of their size or experience to provide a better customer experience. They basically do not care about our experience as volunteers having to interact with the BSA at the District / Council / National levels. We are not worthy or their worry. That may be harsh, but it is pretty much how they operate.
  8. Let me guess, if we paid more FOS, then all of the system issues would be resolved. Local council staff wandered by a recent meeting, showing the colors I guess. They did get around to asking about when they could do the FOS song and dance. I asked about the council salary structure (available from IRS 999 form), I asked what real value the council actually brings at the unit level, and beyond building the bank of money the council has, what would the FOS fund? We don't have a DE and not sure what they would do and what value they would bring if we had one. Crickets
  9. My understanding is Beginning July 1, 2022, the Citizenship in Society merit badge will be required for any youth seeking to achieve the Eagle Scout rank. If a Scout has not had their EBOR by then, it will be REQUIRED for Scouts having their EBOR after 7/1/2022.
  10. I always am intrigued by the discussions on Scouts having trouble getting 20 nights camping, and why oh why can they only count 1 summer camp. That seems to be such an easy thing, summer camp (6 nights), that leaves about 5 nights camping annually over 3 years. And you can include ANY camping you do. The goal is not to check boxes, goal is to have fun. If Scouts don't want to go on outings, figure out why, not game the system
  11. From a risk perspective they love the online, day events, heavy classroom. No outings no YPT issues of chance of an injury. Also this meets the STEM (STEAM / whatever) that some feel they youth want. Agree that we are now dealing with kids who do not play and roam outdoors. We did not do a biking outing as so few of the younger Scouts rode (or knew how) to ride a bike. It is very hard, especially for those of us that grew up in the old old days of scouting. Back then Second Class - Take 3 hikes on a different day, not less than 5 miles each Second Class - Follow another scout that knows you are stalking him fore 1/2 mile without being seen Second Class - build a fire with no more than 2 matches, cook a meal without utensils First Class - point out 5 constellations First Class - send and receive 20 words using morse code First Class - on one of your overnight campouts carry your gear on your back for at least 1 1/2 miles
  12. Very true. The Eagle Scout rank should be the OUTCOME of a quality Scouting program at the unit level, not the GOAL of the program. Many of our Scouts are 16 /17 and realize, wow, going to camp and outing lo these many years, and doing some of the troop offered MB classes (scheduled before the regular meeting), I've pretty much completed this Eagle thing. Just need a few merit badges and the project. Now, if you could get a 17 year old to not procrastinate on the final items to wrap it up.....
  13. This is pretty much how we run our program. No advancement focused outings (though we do things on outings that shockingly can be used), and time for unstructured activities. At summer camp we have them do the MB classed in the morning, after lunch, go have fun. Every summer we have to talk some parents down off the ledge that summer camp fun is measured by completed merit badges. That's not how this works (or shoudn't) Typically some activity in the morning, like hike a gorge, kayak, wide game, etc. Afternoon are options to continue, nap., go beat on stuff with sticks. Non structured play is almost a lost art these days For our lock-in, kids bring TV's, games, etc and they have at it all night. We only have (as scheduled items) dinner, second dinner, dodgeball, dodgeball again and that's about it. The rest is open fun. They play video game until we kick them out at 8:00 am
  14. Moving to remote work has helped with vacation / time off Setup a hotspot and work away in the morning while the Scouts are out and about. We also advised that if they need something, to please come over and quietly asked as some of us may be working. Most of our Scouts understand the remote work process. When we had our own camp in 2020 the price was about 30% of the council camp costs. Of course no staff (volunteer leaders) and some parents did not seek reimbursement when they provided group meals. That being said, it was a lot of work. Camps can be pricey, but if your Scout is there, think of the food costs savings at home.
  15. I would disagree. My council is large. But the budget (IRS 990 for 2019 is the source) shows revenue of $14.2 MM and expenses of $13.5 MM with assets of $77.7 MM Compensation for the SE / CEO is $459K (W2) and $159K - other The Income and Expense is definitely not a large corporation.
  16. About 3 weeks ago our troop was heading out camping when a possible snow / ice event was coming to our area. The unit was headed south several hours (long weekend) and no issues expected, the weather should have passed by the time we headed back. Most of the leaders took some time for preparations for families left at home. Stoves, generators, lights, etc. were checked out and prepared. Ended up being a non-event but all of us understand the need to be prepared. Also we had a great weekend
  17. Look for your councils IRS Form 990. That should have the wealth of information.
  18. Well. In some places. But in the wastelands of some districts, beyond the borders, where DE's and Commissioners fear to tread, the art of dodgeball is still practiced
  19. Had a newer scout that was lugging the 5D Maglight around. I asked him why he didn't get a headlamp or pocket flashlight. His answer was one could not hit a bear over the head with pocket flashlight. I could not argue with such sound logic
  20. Oh My God, that is so true Had a Scout come to the leader area on an outing, his challenge was no sleeping bag. We went to his tent, sleeping bag was in fact in the bottom of his pack. His comment "I guess dad put it in" Chatted with parents on Sunday on the importance of the Scouts packing their own gear, being responsible for their gear. Assisting and guiding is great, but THEY need to OWN it!!
  21. The big one was Boypower Manpower that started late 60's early 70's. Plan / stated goal was to have 1/3 of age eligible boys to be registered. Much pressure on the professionals to "make the numbers". I think Chicago Council was ground zero for all that but it was widespread. Joke was that many units were meeting at the cemeteries as that was where the names for the registration came from. The eventual correction of that debacle and ISP, the Improved Scouting Program, rollout in 73 pretty much decimated the membership rolls looking at 1980 compared to 1970. Roughly a 32% drop You are correct that the inflated numbers in the late 80's and 90, and even up to 00's was in order to position the program as larger than it was and garner more UW and more FOS local contributions.
  22. Agree. When the UMC (and still is a charter issue lookin) challenge and with lack of direction from the council staff on recharter we assumed that the council ran / modeled the numbers and figured they could still be "Scouts" and maybe not worry about the pesky units out in the woods No need to worry the donors about such trivialities
  23. Well, they did in fact try that, and it led to multiple membership scandals and the push for "inner city" scouting where they sign up youth in large groups and many do not even realize they are in the BSA Did not end well for the councils and some of the professionals.
  24. Pretty sure my council is a 100 level, assuming that is the larger ones. SE base compensation is maybe $362K and total compensation is $622K. That's a bunch. 4 others over $100K Also the council now has 68 staff, but only 16 appear to be directly working with districts or Scouts (DE types). 16 DE types 12 Program specialists / Scoutreach 9 Development staff 4 Middle Management 4 Camp rangers 13 Admin 3 Executive 7 Marketing Really nice office that seems to be about 25% of the budget. They continue to run the operation like a business in the 80's. Top down management, very structured. There was an issue at summer camp, the exec team was on a call, then they had another call, then they asked the camp director what he wanted to do, then they deferred and sort of left it open. Nobody wants to make a decision, classic corporate problem solving. That is they don't actually solve it and put their name on a solution. No real leadership. The council advice and direction during covid was nothing. Massive marketing staff and not sure what they may actually be doing. They continue to be successful at raising money, but their support for troops is non-existent. They seem to be able to play on the memory and cache of the BSA and not showing what the current state of affairs may be. Hardest information to find is how many youth are being served in actual units. With the recent (and ongoing) rift with the UMC there has been no direction or input from the council. Cast of many and cares of none
  25. Could start a whole thread on the way councils spend their money. It's not pretty. All volunteers should look at their council's 990 IRS form. Gotta scroll through the pages. One section details total compensation of any staff member over $100K, Can be interesting. Also the first page shows the income and expense. Then the expense is detailed. In our council boatloads of money spent on the office expenses and occupancy (literally 23% of expenses). When you see the compensation levels, then do the math, the whole "fair share" selling point for FOS is really what they need. In our council less than 25% of the staff are unit facing. The rest are management and overhead. Maybe if they tightened things up be more receptive to that. Personally, my money stays local in the troop. Not really convinced the council are great stewards of the money.
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