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Everything posted by Jameson76

  1. Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!! I am the great and powerful OZ DO NOT QUESTION THE DATA!!!
  2. We did a 35th anniversary Managed to get back 40 or so of the 125 Eagles (at that time). We recognized a log time SM, etc etc. Your list looks good. Tried to keep it relevant for the current Scouts while honoring the troop universal. We have a troop of +/- 80 Scouts
  3. The youth was 14 at the time and later in the article it stated he is now 37. That would I suppose indicate 23 years ago or about 1997. Reading the article it seems to be more damning of the LDS Church and less of the BSA. Clearly alleges that the LDS Church and Elders actively covered up the issues.
  4. Here is a three hammock stand...DIY https://theultimatehang.com/2013/04/02/3-person-hammock-stand/
  5. We have tried several homemade ones, but have not found one portable enough. We did build one with some tripods, but the Scouts ask (and good question) "We used all this wood that was from these trees, why not just hook up to the trees like we always do?" There are several commercial ones Youtube has some really poor made videos.....
  6. Careful....you will end up with a YPT time out imposed upon you
  7. Hammocks is the answer, hammocks. Now I guess if Scouts groups together in hammock pods and they are more than 2 years apart the YPT zealots may raise an alarm. While we're at it, don't forget staying on museum ships. You have Scouts of all ages bunking right beside each other and adults all in the same area. Horrors
  8. The BSA is undergoing a period of extraordinary change right now. What are your thoughts on the overall direction of the Boy Scouts of America? When you think about it, the Boy Scouts didn’t change much during the early years of the movement. After World War II, a lot of things changed in America, but Scouting didn’t always adapt to those changes in the nation. When the organization’s growth plateaued and eventually began to decline, it still didn’t adapt. No business or organization can operate that way and watch its numbers continue to decline. That requires you to make some changes. Very revealing and interesting. The plateaued growth and decline he speaks of (which was 1973 - 1980) was in fact a direct result of change within the organization, the "Improved Scouting Program". Really like the way that BSA's own part of that is sort of glossed over and the decline placed into the changes in America bucket. Those who do not fully understand history are doomed to repeat it......
  9. Honestly I have never heard of the naming of top Scouts for units and councils. Must be a local thing
  10. Good Lord we had one that went 45 minutes at a meeting. Worst.Meeting.Ever
  11. Not to make light of any real issues, but am I the only one that sees all the hoopla of the molester behind every tree, etc sort of smacks of the communist scares of the 50's? Were there and are there bad people out there, yes. Is it to the levels that our media and lawyers would make us feel there is...no. Follow the reasonable YPT guidelines, do not overthink or you will be scared of your own shadows and question every decision you are making.
  12. Dude it was the Summit...nobody likes the Summit apparently
  13. How about ( with props to Nancy) Just Say No?
  14. If you can Dodge a wrench you can dodge a ball.... Not to compare the two items, but one of the reasons (and a good one I might add) for allowing girls into Cubs and Scouts was that siblings were tagging along and participating, so might as well make it official. Let's do the same for dodgeball... if all the units played dodgeball...well everybody is participating, so might as well make it official. Just an idea
  15. When Dodgeball is outlawed only Outlaws will play dodgeball They can have my dodgeball when they pry it from my cold dead hands Dodgeball..it's not about hunting
  16. We have several Grants in our troop, they go on outings, one is working on his Eagle project, great kid....not sure this is helpful to your question On a serious note agree with @robert12 - your money is your money, do the best program you can for YOUR unit
  17. There should be two separate signatures; Unit Leader and MB counselor. Assuming OP is indicating the same name is the MB counselor
  18. So - just to clarify, OP noted There would need to be 4 signatures on a blue card Unit leader on the front part: Application for Merit Badge MB Counselor on the part signing off the MB (backside of the Application part) MB Counselor on the Applicant record Unit leader on the application record What part of the Blue Card did the (possible) relative sign that is causing concern? Agree that an MB counselor for 9 merit badges may raise an eyebrow As a aside, in our unit family does not serve as an MB counselor for their Scouts unless it is a troop wide session offered to multiple Scouts. For our SM son we had other leaders sign as Unit Leader when he started an MB.
  19. We used Ace bandages, triangle bandages, some splints, things like that. Did not need gauze, band aids etc. Your course and mileage may vary by location, warranty not valid in CA, OH, and HI
  20. Correct. The most often confused statement in YPT and the one so many Scouters feel they know, but it's not what they think From the BSA - FAQ on YPT - https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/email/campaign/Youth-Protection-FAQ_03-07-2018.pdf Effective June 1, 2018, adults accompanying a Scouting unit who are present at the activity for 72 total hours or more must be registered as a leader, including completion of a criminal background check and Youth Protection Training. The 72 hours need not be consecutive Note that they are referring to THE activity, not ALL activities. If they come to summer camp driving up Sunday, leaving Tuesday morning (48 hours), then come up Thursday night and plan to stay until Saturday for the drive home, the 72 hours would apply. Now - don't get me started on how Scouters may not understand the difference between 2 Deep Leadership and No One on One contact.
  21. I am in a large council and there are several "marketing" folks, a Deputy SE, etc etc. As with you I am amazed at the lack of ACTUAL communications as opposed to the FLUFF and or FEEL GOOD communications. Sure they send out MB colleges, Scout days at the sports, etc etc, but real news, you might need.... nope. Over the last several months I have asked questions of our council about various things and actions taken by National that I have seen on other sources (that interwebs is amazing, no real secrets), and then I get confirmation or there is a message to Scouters. Many times I get the feeling that the attitude is "We will tell you what we feel you need to know when we feel you need to know...if you in fact are deemed worthy to know". Now that may have worked 20 years ago, but now you need to be out in front of issues and communications. Trying to control the narrative of your small fiefdom that is part of the much larger empire does not work.
  22. I would have possibly thought the same thing, what possibly could the issue be?? That is until I had a conversation with some of our council professionals about the leader requirement for girl troops, had to have a female. I felt that was gender biased as no requirement for a male leader for boy troops. Why can't two dads of girls BSA members be the leaders? So the professionals go into a dissertation about statistics, and adult male incidents with females, etc etc. My initial feedback was "well they should be following YPT so what would the issue be?". Then some doublespeak on optics and stats, and historical cases studies yada yada. Then I said so "Basically you (The BSA) do not trust male leaders", more double speak, etc. Not saying I agree or disagree with what they said / believe - but after that exchange...not sure what to think but would err on the side of caution.
  23. The 2 man tent weighs in at 2 lbs, wonder if you can use any trekking poles or do you have to use the ones with the fancy handles?
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