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Jameson76 last won the day on November 19 2024

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    A Land of wonderment and intrigue
  • Occupation
    Blues Singer / Rocket Scientist / Amateur Time Traveler
  • Interests
    Getting Pluto reevaluated as full planet / Making sure we find flight 19 from December of 1945 / Ensuring that those responsible for wide bell bottoms in the 70's are held responsible / Working to understand why people thought La La Land was a decent movie
  • Biography
    Sometimes I just want to give it all up and become a handsome billionaire. A person of mystery and power, whose power is exceeded only by their mystery. If I could sum up my life in one line I would die of embarrassment. My passport requires no photograph. I once taught a German shepherd how to bark in Spanish. If opportunity knocks, and I am not at home, opportunity waits

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  1. Not a bad change, there are many competing priorities and some Scouts many only be able to attend say 1 night of some 2 night outings, yet can commit to camp each summer or high adventure trips. Agree and as a Camping MB I also used some discretion. We had a troop fold and had many of their Scouts join, 75% were older. Unfortunately they had not done as much weekend camping as our troop did, but, they did go to summer camps. Many were around Jrs in HS, so we had them camp as they could, and looked at summer camp as much as we could for those "extra" nights.
  2. Our Troop stopped by Jimmy Carter's boyhood Farm in January of 2024. We toured and had a Scouts Own Service there. Also stopped briefly in Plains. Reminded the Troop of this on Sunday that they had been there and to keep up with the news on Jimmy Carter and Plains.
  3. I wanted to highlight the subliminal messages. Our SE sent out the "Remember Scouting in the time of giving..." Give me strength. Every message we seem to get revolves around giving
  4. I would posit that National would rather we have no camps and would be happy if Scouts do not go outside at all. That is where bad things may happen. My view is that National and the Councils want to focus on the Cubs that are easier to manage and have parents there to oversee. This whole Troops out and about without generating revenue to National and Councils is not the desired process Scouts is about raising money. Youth out doing things is secondary. Legacy things such as camps are not needed in the new world order.
  5. We think there could be more success if: - It was clear councils appreciated and recognized these district level vounteers. Had recognition for district level volunteers raising more money $$ - councils invested in training and development of these district level volunteers. Had training for district level volunteers to raise more money $$ - council professionals placed a priority on recruiting district level volunteers. Placed a priority on district level volunteers raising more money $$ There - fixed that for you 😀
  6. And there in lies the problem. Get out and do. Way to much focus on classroom merit badges, class instruction, checking boxes, adult leaders preventing experiential learning. How many times have we seen discussions on how to game the system so a Scout can get 20 nights camping? The goal should be to go out and do things, not just meet a metric. 20 nights should be simple to attain, and the Scout will learn volumes along the way. We were looking at what an AOL needs to do in order to earn arrow of light now, apparently camp with a BSA troop is no longer a thing, visit yes, but they can camp with their patrol. But, looking at the "Adventures" the first multiple pages is about safety considerations; food allergies anaphylaxis and epi-pens, behavior around campfires, etc etc etc. No doubt all good things, but this "safety moment" (and it's more than a moment) is front and center for every Adventure. Safety is important, but that cannot be our reason for being. To a parent new to the program, is this the right "Go to Market" thinking? Then they move into a BSA Troop, and "GASP!!!", the youth do stuff on their own!!. Scouts is OUTSIDE and doing stuff. The leadership training should be a less formal item and more something they experience and grow from. They will screw up, we as adult leaders can assist in making the course correction. The simplicity of the Troop program is that a 12 year old whom ignores advice and input and gets wet when their tent leaks or sleeps cold when they did not bring the recommended gear LEARNS A LESSON from THEIR actions. They hopefully realize they need to do better. Later, maybe as they go off to college or first job, they can recall that all advice is not bad. They can help themselves be better.
  7. Make it a donation for goods, if BSA can do it with the grossly overpriced popcorn, then get some item of nominal value and then "sell" it for the donation. A dinner is always good, sell "stock" in the group that supports the Scouting program and have a stockholders dinner.
  8. Taught Wilderness Survival back in the 70's at various summer camps. For those that recall those days we would make survival kits, the scouts would provide one of the metal band aid boxes. We would put in a few water proof matches, some fishing line and hooks, band aids, little mirror, etc. One item would in fact be a couple of dimes so if one was lost and made there way out to the real world, you could make a call. In the early 80's we changed that to putting quarters in to reflect Ma Bell's pricing updates. Good memories. Actually found one of those a few years back in a box of old camping stuff that had been moved countless times over the years. The quarter still seems to be legal tender.
  9. Are they different timeframes? I noticed that the April 2024 membership highlights shows about 775K in Cubs and Scouts. For the same noted population the graph seems to show 1,014K for 2024 (which could be a goal??) and 966K for 2023 which is 25% under the highlight figure. I wonder if anyone questioned the figures or maybe they gave context in the meeting. Point is, if an organization is not clearly able to state where they are at a point in time, they do not have a realistic hope of moving forward in any cohesive manner.
  10. Well, that is optimistic at best. An organization is projecting 43% growth in 5 years, while they have experienced a 46% LOSS in the last 5 years. Most businesses would not project that type of growth unless they are rolling out new technology, acquiring a competitor, or expanding into new territories previously untapped. BSA (sorry SA) does not seem to be planning any of those efforts.
  11. Calling what BSA publishes on membership being a "shell game" is very polite. The BSA (sorry SA) has not published the "Report to the Nation" in several years, at least in the format as in year's past. That whole pesky Trustworthy thing not being observed. Typically when a company does not send out actual figures, the reason is it's bad news. With the revamped membership registration process, the move to coed (it's not a pilot folks), and the emphasis to push out any current leaders not embracing the move to coed (to make room for all the leaders waiting in the wings); while a very worthwhile and needed program, the future is not bright.
  12. Our district wanted our unit to name someone to be the "commissioner" for our unit. We pointed out that this seemed to be just a pencil whip of the position. What value would someone currently active with the unit bring to the unit? Shouldn't a commissioner be a neutral party to help and advise the unit as needed? District did not get back with us.
  13. In theory this is good, but the challenge will be what happens in practice with the information. If the anonymous report is not handled confidentially there could be issues. If this report were to move forward with the authorities, not sure how this would square with the 4th and 6th amendments. The anonymous accuser will hopefully need to be interviewed and vetted before anything should be done. BSA (sorry SA) National acting on what could be unfounded and non-verified accusations is the other side of the pendulum that swung all the way to not reporting to authorities and trying to handle internally. Cue up more lawsuits down the road.
  14. Curious what the actual membership numbers are. BSA (Sorry SA) has not been overly transparent of late with that data
  15. Scouter - we will tell you what you need to know and when you need to know it....and be happy we are engaging with the peasant leaders at all Signed BSA National Leadership
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