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Everything posted by cyphertext

  1. Yes, there are some parents that think Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts are related organizations... a lot of parents! Throw in the marketing video with girls saying "Scout me in!", it can add to that confusion. I don't know if GSUSA can win in a court of law, but I can see their point.
  2. Do you realize that the same words you just used to describe the NRA have been used by some to describe the BSA as well? In my area, the makeup of the BSA is very close to a mirror image of NRA membership. Many of the boys who are in Scouts have parents that are NRA members.
  3. FireStone, This has not been my experience. I have never seen any of this type of stuff sent home with a Cub Scout. I'll take the Ruger koozie though, if you don't want it.
  4. The "Tell an adult" part covers that... the adult corrects the situation in an appropriate manner. The main point is safety by teaching the kids to not touch the firearm and to leave the area. The effectiveness is debatable, but the point is not political.
  5. You would object to the Eddie Eagle curriculum? There is nothing political about the curriculum at all...
  6. Is there something that you don't agree with in the message of "Stop, Don't touch, Leave the area, Tell an adult"? Is there something that is not age appropriate in that message for Cub Scouts?
  7. I don't agree... If this woman was not on the trip in an official capacity with the troop (i.e. leader, driver, merit badge counselor, etc) then she was not trying to "get around the rules". It was a campground open to the public... no different than if I went camping and fishing one weekend at the local lake and at the same time my son's troop had an event there as well.
  8. I think they would look more "squared away" if they were all wearing matching footwear. With different colored sneakers, it doesn't look that good.
  9. That's hardcore... and one reason why draft style play is popular... everyone starts on equal footing in draft play.
  10. Sometimes that is the only way... For example, my son and his patrol, as well as other boys in the troop like to play paintball. I like to play as well, so I go too. Clearly can not be a Scout outing, as the G2SS does not allow scouts to play paintball. But according to the new G2SS, I would still be in violation as a registered leader and being the only adult leader there. Sorry, but sometimes a group of Scouts all doing something together does not equal a Scouting group.
  11. There really never is a conclusion on threads like this... what works fine and is accepted for one troop causes issues for another troop...
  12. Again, nobody in this thread has said if the SPL is making money or not... they "assumed" he is due to how much it costs. Magic cards cost between $3 and $4 per pack. If you charge $10 for a draft game and each person keeps the equivalent of 3 packs of cards, and there are extra packs purchased for the winner with any remaining funds, no one is making any money off of them. No one said that a Scout couldn't go to an event... this just seems like something extra to do while on a campout. Some scouts will want to participate, some won't. I've already given suggestions on how to change this where the game could still be played, but no money change hands between scouts at the event.
  13. It has been almost a year since my son sent the request... nothing.
  14. Does the pack welcome girls? If so, go with the new number as the traditions and values of the old number are dead and gone.
  15. So if a chartering organization and troop wish to continue with a boys only program, that is inane and childish?
  16. Not really... I was a volunteer with my son's JROTC unit. A parent volunteer. I didn't answer to any / all teachers either. If a teacher didn't like what I was doing with the JROTC unit, go take it up with the Colonel. Unless Colonel or Sarge say otherwise, we are going to keep on doing what we were doing. If this is a common occurrence at your school, teachers interfering with activities that they are not involved with, sounds like a bunch of folks are on a power trip. What about the rest of my earlier post? That seems to be pretty common here for units that are not chartered by a church.
  17. Pretty unique, as Catholic schools pale in comparison to the number of public schools. Maybe not unique in the Catholic school world, but that is pretty small piece in the big picture. And the point I was making is that the field/gym supervisor is not in charge of, and has no say in on field activities... coaches are in charge, as in our school system and those around us, coaching is a teacher position, not a volunteer. Same teacher acting as the gym supervisor has no say in what the basketball coach is doing on the court.
  18. David, your organization sounds very unique... here, a teacher does not tell the high school football coach how to run his team. The football coach is the AD for the campus. His staff are all paid coaches, not volunteers. The field supervisor controls what happens in the stands, not on the field. They are responsible for security, monitoring weather, etc... not interacting with the on field activities. Same thing with our COs. Our troop was chartered by a business who has locations world wide. I would not expect one of their executives on a visit from Japan to stop in and direct our Scoutmaster how to run the troop. We wouldn't know the guy from Adam! Our COs also act more as a sponsor than owning the troop. Neither troop that my son was in met at, or were provided space for meetings from the CO. We did fundraising and paid dues. Both troops met at local churches, but the troops were not affiliated with the church. The CO merely "owned" the troop on paper, but the troops operated autonomously.
  19. No den meetings? You should walk away based on that alone. As far as the Cubmaster "bullying", I wasn't there, but for him to come check on your son doesn't sound unreasonable. From what was written, that doesn't sound bad, but of course I am not getting the tone. When the child hid from him though, he should have changed course... I will tell you that having a group of Scouters go against you is something that I have seen as well. In a troop that we left, there was a complaint made about the Scoutmaster by another parent and the district was called in. The District Executive told all of us in leadership that he would always side with a Scoutmaster over a parent, as he can find plenty of parents but not enough Scoutmasters! My son changed troops for his own reasons, but I was shocked to hear this from the DE!
  20. It is simply a visual warning system to the Scout... Like I said before, three strikes and you are out. We have a conversation and a little remedial training when the corner is cut. I guess I could do it your way and just take the card and make the Scout redo the class for every infraction. As far as knowing that a 17 yr old Scout had an infraction when he was 11, I agree with you... but knowing that the 11 year old Scout had an infraction just last campout is pretty good info to know when it comes to knife safety. I've never had to ask a 17 yr old to see his totin' chip. They typically know how to handle a knife in a safe manner by that age, so I wouldn't be aware of their minor infraction. Funny thing is though, if you ask my son (who is aged out now) why he is missing a corner on his chip, he can tell you exactly what he was doing... He remembers it. Seems to be a pretty well rounded individual with no negative trauma from losing a corner on his card.
  21. So a Scout is supposed to wear the merit badge sash as his "trophy case" and be proud of his accomplishments, but they can't wear items such as their 50 miler award? I can tell you now that my son is more proud of his 50 miler awards and other patches of that nature than he is of most of his merit badges. Those awards were earned while he was actually out "doing" vs. merit badges that he earned. They represent the things he enjoyed in Scouting, such as earning the 50 mile award and the BSA Historic Trails award at Northern Tier. Or his BSA snorkeling award from Sea Base. These awards are so much more representative of my son's scouting career than Personal Management, Family Life, Environmental Science and other classroom badges. Guess we ran afoul of the uniform rules, because all of those things are on the back of his sash.
  22. The cutting of the card shows that the Scout had a safety violation. As I stated earlier, we gave them a little remedial training when the corner was cut to make sure they knew what they did wrong. It was an effective way to remind them of the rules and knife safety, as well as let other Scouters know if the Scout had previous issues with knife safety. I guess you disagree with having different color tags to denote swimmer vs. non-swimmer as well? After all, anyone can see who passed and who failed the BSA swim test... and some Scouts are embarrassed by it. And as far as parents not complaining... My wife and one other parent in my den were teachers. If they thought that I was doing something to harm the children, I am sure they would have spoken up. I asked my wife about this subject this morning, and she said it is no different that writing the child's name on the board as a warning for discipline in the classroom (or changing their color from green to yellow and red as they do now).
  23. The thought that removing a corner of the Totin' chip for safety infractions amounts to hazing just blows my mind. When my Cubs earned their whittling chip, they received it with one corner already removed by me... We had a three strikes rule. Minor infractions would result in removing a corner and a little remedial training. If you lost all three corners, you lost the chip and had to redo it to earn another one. Major infractions would have been dealt with differently, but I never had one. Never had a parent complain.
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