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Everything posted by 5thGenTexan

  1. Printed off my ID card that has my name and shows I am a Committee Chair
  2. In the state of Texas, trailers of this size and GVWR are not titled at all. The registration is just changed from one owner to the next. I have it registered and current tags. I am as legal as I can be in that regard.
  3. At least in Texas the insurance of the tow vehicle extends to the trailer in the event of an accident. So, whoever is towing is on the hook. The adult that found and purchased the trailer has been with the boy troop for years, their Scouts have earned Eagle awhile ago. It was bought and donated for the used of the girl troop. I do have a bill of sale that was signed by both parties and appears to be about as official as you can get and it was provided to the tag office today when I registered it.
  4. Yeah,. Well, our CO is a Methodist Church and obviously changing to a new CO later this year and we are leaving this weekend to camp in another state, so I dont have time for all that. A parent paid for the trailer and all the gear in and it lives at my house. So as far as I can tell at the moment, I few of the adults own a trailer and some other stuff we let the Troop use. Which money are you referring to?
  5. we bought a trailer from a Troop that folded a couple of years ago. Its pretty much been sitting at my house while I work on it. We may or may not have taken it to summer camp with expired plates. I finally got the bill of sale from the previous Troop and went in to get the registration changed over. I had to leave because they needed proof I was really affiliated with the BSA. I was like, its hard enough to get real volunteers, why would someone falsely state they are affiliated in some way? 🤪
  6. Seriously though... out National Night Out was last Tuesday. Neither of our SM for either Troop could be there at the designated set-up time. I made sure our booths were set up and ready to go. I also spent 2 hours that evening "rubbing elbows" with other community leaders. Getting more information about upcoming events, letting some know what we can do, speaking with adults who used to be in the Troop as youth. A lot of the sort of thing that just doesnt work in an email conversation. There are just a lot of things outside of running the program that need attention, and I make sure that stuff gets done or find someone who can. I am CC for two Troops....
  7. This was on Facebook this evening. Circle 10 - 4% Overall Council Year-End Growth and 19% September Council Growth
  8. OK, thanks. I have that, but I have not read through it yet
  9. what games are yall using? I do plan on checking out the book suggested by @Mrjeff
  10. Its my understanding in our District there are Scouts attending NYLT without having completed ILST at all, and no one cares. Kinda of implies there are not SM making sure its happening in their Troops. So... here we go.
  11. I have discovered ILST is something that just isnt happening in my parts,. So I am organizing an event for some of out surrounding Troops. I have a couple of adults willing to help out. Seems there are so many Scouts without any training that it will be hard to have any help present the material. I think its going to be a full day Saturday evening a month or so before when NYLT is typically offered here. (I understand a lot of Scouts go to NYLT without ILST first) Other suggestions on how to organize this? Games in between sessions? Make a lunch a "Scouts cook thier lunch" instead of just having something delivered? Other......
  12. Going on an official BSA site and telling them their idea is stupid is not a headache I need.
  13. How many times have I told a Scout they can have all sorts of fun without a device. And now BSA does this? https://blog.scoutingmagazine.org/2022/09/29/calling-all-gamers-sign-up-for-the-bsa-esports-tournament-series/
  14. The entire text of requirement 6. Not giving permission to complete this requirement based on "due to beliefs" is adults going into it having a preconceived notion and they would probably benefit from completing this MB themselves. To complete this a Scout could speak to another youth who is of a different religion or belief has a physical disability that either limits their experiences or they have been able to do everything they want DESPITE the disability who is a different ethnicity there are so many possibilities that are NOT about what gender a person identifies as or sexual orientation or anything of that nature.
  15. Its on Facebook, so all I have is the link to it there. https://www.facebook.com/100065222312967/videos/2144406838983151
  16. We are one of those Units with a few Scouts. 9 Scouts / 1 SM, 2 ASM, 1 COR, 1 CC and couple of other committee members we signed up from the boy troop just to have enough when forming the Unit,. I know I can do the BOR as a CC, BUT I am also a parent so I can't do the BOR for my kid. I also don't know my place. Too much Den Leader and Cubmaster in me still.... I know all the girls and I still get out there and act as ASM on occasion. So, I have the old problem. I ask the rest of the parents to help out in any way and they almost run away while saying no. Then I have the adult leaders in the boy troop act like they don't have time to deal with the girls. All frustrating.
  17. How do others get adults for BORs? Our Troop for girls is just over a year old and we have asked adults from other Units to come over on occasion or in one instance we were able to pull enough adults together while on a weekend campout. Right now we don't have enough adults in the Troop that aren't the SM or ASMs to conduct a proper BOR. The Troop for the boys that has been around since 1913 has never utilized leaders in the community. I could see about working on that. Just looking for ideas and what everyone else is doing.
  18. When my daughter was the only AOL Scout in her Den... we met at home and I helped her with requirements. <shrug>
  19. Dude... I was a Den Leader... Scouts are totally preoccupied with poop, zombies, and farts. They will try to make it applicable to every adventure.
  20. I have been told Blue Cards are outdated and completion in SB or Black Pug is good enough....
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