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Everything posted by 5thGenTexan

  1. You can go into Scoutbook and run a report for the Den and just the adventure you are working on that meeting and then print that.
  2. I don't think Little League is even a thing anymore. It's all Elite BB around here now. Start em off young with the intention of a long term commitment. And that's a parent decision. Despite what the kid wants.
  3. Feb camp was cancelled due to lack of adults. Yes, I agree I need to have the conversation, but I tend to be uhhh abrasive and I have to think about a new SM if this one were to decide to walk. The lure of Scouting is lessened when 90% is dealing with adult issues.
  4. We have a Scoutmaster that sometimes doesnt announce the campout location till the Thursday before the Friday the campout begins. As CC I am about tired of it. As a parent, I dont let my kid go.
  5. Scouts Own Service. Scout Sunday,. etc. I handle it this way.... Smile and wave... Smile and wave.... Our Unit had Scout Sunday a couple of weekends ago at our former CO, a FUMC. It was the first Sunday of the month and therefore it was the Sunday they did Communion. It was awkward for our family sitting there in Uniform while everyone else in the building got up and went down to the front, even some of our Scout families. I havent had anyone made an issue of anything before. So...
  6. I know I earned Arrow of Light because I have a letter on Council letterhead from a Council employee. It congratulated me... now the best part. The guy gave me his phone number with an open invitation to call if I ever needed help or had any questions. Totally would not fly now.
  7. I did not stay in Scouts,. so no Eagle, but I did earn Arrow of Light. So I have the adult knot for AOL on my uniform. Its the only one I really care about Also have the DL award. I stick to what I can do for our Units and don't get worked up about how many awards I can show off. Just not my thing. There are some adults who just like to show the bling.
  8. Yeah. I just saw this part and the CC in me went directly to you can't alter requirements. Sorry it was taken out of context.
  9. There are requirements that specifically state a GPS is to be used. The Geocaching MB specifically states that GPS is to be used. You can't change or alter the requirements.
  10. It sure is. I just did a little back of the envelope math. We are headed to WDW in Florida this summer. For an 8 day trip its gonna run us about $1700 per person. Disney resort hotel, tickets, food estimate.
  11. We were in camp sometime last year, or maybe the year before. I was doing something in the "kitchen" of the GT and looked over and there were Scouts from the BT 30 feet up in a tree and passing up chairs to sit in. Leaders werent watching them and I just knew someone was gonna die that day.
  12. Arrow of Light. Highest rank/award in Cub Scouts. 5th Grade kids. The majority of the requirements are designed to prepare a Scout to crossover to a Troop. AOL is one of the 3 youth awards that can be worn on an adult uniform as a knot. AOL - Eagle Scout - Religious Emblem
  13. I took my AOL Den to the grocery store with a menu they had developed and we talked about store brand vs generic in various parts of the store. Went through the entire store to see what was available and where everything was.
  14. Right now he is welding on my bush hog. 5 feet of flat space to practice all he can stand.
  15. I just have this weird wish that Scouts will actually learn life skills that will help them overcome all sorts of adversity. The winter storm in North Texas in Feb 2021. Power was out, no water, etc for a lot of people. Not something Texas is typically prepared for. I knew we would be fine because I made a store run before and we had multiple ways to cook, get water, stay warm. I'm not sure the way our Scouts are experiencing the program doesn't prepare them to get in out of the rain. Lazy adults bother me.
  16. https://www.kxii.com/2023/03/06/mom-hiking-with-sons-boy-scout-troop-dies-after-tree-falls-her/?fbclid=IwAR2mDTnAH91Z7Jj4iZg4YC0m-wi5LCXDNQnPDU8ng28ikXheLd0zAd7pL9g
  17. I have suggested to my kid that he needs to practice and once he is getting pretty good, he can start welding some things like those horseshoe puzzles and set up a booth at our community market that is held once a week during the spring and summer.
  18. I am totally convinced if a Scout cooked a weenie on a coat hanger over a propane burner, all the cooking requirements would be signed off. Its all really frustrating.
  19. We have a GT, a BT, and a Pack all sharing the same space as well. I am the CC for both Troops and I am also the guy that makes sure things get fixed at the place. Its a challenge to coordinate 3 groups for sure. Tonight at our committee meeting I am going to bring up a discussion on a Duty Roster for the building so we know who needs to clean and maintain what at any give time.
  20. In our Troop I can not for the life of me figure out how a Scout can complete the cooking First Class requirements for instance. We have no patrol structure and there is no planning for meals. Typically there is an adult that picks what they are going to eat and picks its up the day before they leave on a campout, but there is no shortage of "fun" once they arrive at camp. By "fun", I mean absolutely no structure during the weekend and just running in the woods. Same thing at meetings. We have a playground near our meeting place and it serves as a "babysitter" DURING meetings sometimes because its "fun" for the boys. Recently, I had an adult who is serving as ASM explain to me that the Scouts planning meetings in a PLC is not really fun and what they like to do, so they shouldnt really have to do that. From my personal experience lately, I am about fed up with "fun". Around here it means the adults are lazy and don't want to do their job.
  21. My son attended an organized Merit Badge College a couple of weekends ago. It was a $25 fee that included lunch. My son picked the Welding MB, so it was all day class... not one in the morning and one in the afternoon. He also got safety glasses and leather gloves to keep. So far, so good. Now, due to that class I have bought a new welder, helmet, roll of wire and some new tips. I have spent another $300 something dollars. As we go along, what other Merit Badges are going to be this expensive? 🙃😂
  22. The way I understand this rule.... Unit Coordinated Camping is ANYTHING planned by the Pack. Council Coordinated Camping is ANYTHING that Council plans and invites Unit to participate in. As far as #3... As far as I can tell there is a conflict in the guidance. It says that Webelos/AOL can camp with a Troop. Then the very next bullet points says they can only attend Camporees as "Day Visitors" So, can they camp with a Troop or not?
  23. I don't deny that Scouting should be fun, but when the entire emphasis is on fun above all else without goals of the Aims & Methods... Leadership skils, character development, citizenship, etc. Well, then all you have is an outdoor play group with uniforms. You can't always get what you wantBut if you try sometime you'll findYou get what you need
  24. I don't know... I think it might end up killing me.
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