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Everything posted by 5thGenTexan

  1. Is it always appropriate for den leaders to attend den meeting or just let the committee members do their thing and tell the den leaders what they need to know? If a den leader is there should they provide any input or suggestions or just sit in the back and be quiet? (Asking as a 1st year Den Leader)
  2. Well those are 1984-85 prices. You are gonna need a Delorean.
  3. What about yellow and green?
  4. Since this thread has been resurrected... This summer our district is holding Twilight Camp. (day camp at 5:30 - 9:00 pm). Its individual sign-up, we aren't doing it as a pack. I have a Tiger, it will be after May 31 so he will be a Wolf by then. My question is... If I am not staffing should I wear my uniform to that function or just go as a parent. Also, I have finally gotten real BSA green pants with the official belt, haven't bought the socks yet. I was quite (not sure what word to put here)... the other TIger DL showed up in jeans this afternoon which I was wearing as well up until last week. What really bothered me is the knees of his jeans were torn out. Really tacky looking.
  5. He has earned Tiger as of last Sunday. We found out half way through Kindergarten that he has a vision problem. So he is still kinda playing catch up, while everyone is moving forward. So the problems at school aren't transferring over to scouts. I never considered him repeating the Tiger year as someone suggested. I figured if he was not going to be able to advance to Wolf then he would just be finished all together. Not repeating Tiger and waiting a year to go on the Wolf track wouldn't work out either. I talked with our CC and he is telling me its based on age OR grade, so I don't think there is any reason he cant move on with the rest of the den.
  6. 1) The boy in question is mine. 2) I am the DL. 3) We talked about holding him back in Kindergarten bet decided against it. I sent a message to his teacher tonight to see if its something to think about. So, its not a done deal yet.
  7. Say a boy needed to repeat the first grade. If he earned Tiger does he go ahead and work on Wolf with the rest of the den even though he is doing first grade again or is he effectively done with Cub Scouts since there is not really a way to catch up with a grade and age match?
  8. Well... everything is just as it was the last time I wore it. I don't want to take everything off. If I can get a nice presentation I might take it to a den meeting to show. My Boy Scout shirt is a different matter. It was not as nice of an experience as Cub Scouts. I think I will remove everything from it and pass the shirt down to my son when he is ready for the tan shirt.
  9. I was in cub scouts during that era and my dad was cubmaster. My recollection is he NEVER wore a neckerchief and slide of any kind. He did wear a long sleeve shirt and necktie. This is a photo of me getting my Bobcat badge, and that is my dad (CM) holding me.
  10. In that case I might see if I can come up with another slide and place em on the wolf and bear neckerchief and polish up my Webelos slide for that neckerchief.
  11. I found a photo recently of the night I received my Bobcat badge (I was upside down) I was surprised to see the flag there instead of the shoulder, I just didn't remember that. I also have my dad's uniform from the 60's and there is no American flag at all.
  12. I was a Cub Scout in the early 80's having earned my Arrow of Light. Today I finally found my uniform in a box from storage. I washed it once and it doesn't smell as mousey and dirty as it did, :). I think I may want to try to frame it for display. Any ideas that present well? I have Wolf, Bear, and Webelos neckerchiefs. I for sure have a wolf slide and webelos slide, but I am not sure if there if there was a bear slide or not. None of my hats really did well in storage. So, I put the shirt in the frame, 3 neckerchiefs and slides, my belt, and maybe put all my camp patches in there as well. My shirt has all my rank badges, service stars, webelos colors (and pins), also have the plastic thing that the beads hung on.
  13. Shortly after the beginning of the new year the boys that have shown up to most if not all the meetings will make Tiger. Might have one or two that are short a belt loop by that point, but we have a camping trip planned in Feb. to make up much of that. It might not be a popular view, but I am not exactly enamored with some of the content for the elective loops. I would like to have a den meeting or two with something more practical for a Scout that of course is age appropriate. Things in our pack are changing from how they were done in the past. For instance, it has been discussed that each den will have its own chuck box and cook their own meals. I know that Tigers wont be cooking on a campout, but they will be able to observe the responsibility to provide the meal and not just come when its time to eat. So, what are some things we could work on to learn to be Boy Scouts some day? Personally I don't think things like making up a magic trick cuts it.
  14. Today was the deadline so I went ahead enrolled for university of scouting in a few weeks. My CM knows I'm nuts, and there is another more experienced DL with anxiety issues. So, at least it's not my little secret within the organization. Anyway my CM just happens to be in my first class and we will have lunch at the same time. I have my emergency meds from previous flare ups so I may just take a small dose to calm me down enough to get through the morning. I feel like I should be fine after that. I walked in the Christmas parade this past weekend in spite of the weak legs. Once we got going and my mind was on keeping boys from straggling I was fine.
  15. I am a Den Leader for Tigers. If I don't do it any everyone else does then I look like a jerk. Everyone else in the pack is saying how great it is and I should do it. CM was there, two experienced DLs were there as well as the other new Tiger DL.
  16. During the recruitment meeting I kept saying in my head "don't look at me, don't look at me" when they were talking about adult volunteers. I have anxiety problems that seem to get worse when I am tired. Surprisingly I have almost no issue when I am up in front of the boys during den meeting, or not much of a problem. However, going to my first Roundtable last month was a different story. Had the wobbly legs when I got there and was worried I was going to have to sit down during the Pledge of Allegiance... they had Boy Scouts there describing each part of the Pledge as we went along. Worried about BALOO, Woodbadge, and other day long training where I cant just leave if I go into panic mode. I know it sounds weird, but... Any others, or do people like me just typically not volunteer for leadership positions?
  17. We have 19 signed up and one of those has already bailed for sure. I think we are only going to have 11 maybe 12 active. There are no Asst DLs. One guy that signed up asked in front of the whole group to the CM "if y'all are here anyway why don't you run the meeting?" (Whole pack has den meetings at the same time at the Scout Hut in different rooms,) Other Tiger Parent told us he would help if needed but "don't have time for this crap" of running den meetings. So it's the two of us and I will take the high road and make it work without causing trouble.
  18. First, some observation about "19 Tigers". It looks like there are 13 that have made advancement so far. There is one family decided not to continue and there are 5 others that no one has heard from or seen. I had 8 in my last Deem meeting, so I figure we are going be lucky if we can consistently have half remotely active. I was rather impressed I kept their attention and they remained engaged for almost the whole hour meeting. CM suggested I try to condense some things because I wont always get that lucky. I will update again after our next meeting this coming Sunday. Thanks for all the suggestions.
  19. So, this other guy and I are the Tiger Den Leaders this year. We have 19 Tigers and that group has been divided into two dens but more than likely the whole group with work together during meeting. Since there are two dens, we are both designated as Den Leaders. We turned in adult apps about 5 minutes apart. We have both taken the same online training. Last weekend the whole pack went on a campout that I wasn't able to attend due to prior plans made long before I got the pack calendar at the end of September. Today I get an email that he wont be able to be at the next den meeting and proceeds to instruct in detail how I should conduct the meeting. Point by point for each requirement, telling me where to find things in the scout hut, to whom I can pose any questions. As far as I can tell he has about a day and half more experience than I do. Sorry, just needed to vent some place.
  20. I am a greenhorn den leader for a group of Tigers. We have 16 boys, but going to make two dens. Although will probably have meetings together. Myself, another DL and a ADL. So three leaders for 16 boys. I am a little anxious about this. Speaking on front of people isn't my favorite thing anyway. I figure it will work out or I will need to ask for a committee position. ,
  21. I am still new to this so... Our pack had put up signs around the school advertising the recruitment night about a week prior. One day at school they pulled ALL the boys out of class to go hear the talk. That afternoon my boy climbed in the truck saying he could go shoot BB guns AND bow and arrow AND camp and fish. He was very animated and excited. The meeting was in the cafeteria and I think there were 4 or 5 cafeteria tables with parents. There was a Boy Scout there to present the colors, we said the Pledge, Scout Oath, and Scout Law before anything else. Boys went to the gym to play games and first thing that was talked about was it going to be $125 instead of the $12 on the flyer. Upon completion of the meeting there were 4 people in the back set up to take applications and money. Each line had a wait because it sure looked like most were signing up. Seems like the CM said there were 12 or 13 Tigers that signed up. On Oct 7 we went to a half day Tiger Day and 7 Tigers showed up for that event.
  22. Recently there was a program at school that my 1st grader enthusiastically reported to me about. Apparently he could shoot BB guns, bow and arrow, and camping and he really wanted to be a cub scout. My kids never want to do anything, so we jumped at this. So far we have had a pack fishing trip on local property, Tiger Day, and a helicopter is coming next meeting for a first aid talk. I have on my possession an adult application for where ever I am needed. I joined cub scouts in the early 80s and was one of those boys that had my Bobcat pinned on while I was held upside down. My dad was cubmaster, my mother was my den mother, and my grandfather (an eagle scout from before WW II) led my Webelos group. I received my Arrow Of Light before moving over to Boy Scouts. Then the wheels came off for me. For whatever reason I missed a meeting and some kids told me the next day at school I couldn't come back. I took them at their word and never went back. I do regret that now.
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