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  1. Posted on my Council FB page today.... Today the National Council held a press conference call to address the inaccuracies and mischaracterizations that were made in yesterday’s press conferences held in New York and New Jersey. Below is the transcript for your review. Prepared Remarks of Michael Surbaugh, Chief Scout Executive for the Boy Scouts of America I am here today to correct inaccuracies and mischaracterizations about our organization and the efforts we have taken to protect youth, which has been and continues to be our absolute top priority. First, I want to reiterate our steadfast support for victims of abuse. ▪ We are outraged that there have been times when individuals took advantage of our programs to abuse innocent children. ▪ We care deeply about all victims of child abuse and sincerely apologize to anyone who was harmed during their time in Scouting. ▪ We believe victims, we support them, and we pay for unlimited counseling by a provider of their choice and we encourage them to come forward. In 2018, there were five known victims of sexual abuse in our Scouting programs at a time when there were 2.2 million youth in our programs. We steadfastly believe that one incident of abuse is one too many and we are continually improving all of our policies to prevent abuse. Experts note that among the general US population, one in six men have experienced sexual abuse or assault at some point in their lives. This is an unacceptable public health problem that must be addressed, and we seek to be part of the solution along with all other youth-serving organizations. Our volunteer screening database is a mechanism for keeping kids safe. Let me share with you the facts: ▪ ALL instances of suspected abuse are reported to law enforcement. We do not keep any reports of suspected abuse secret or hidden from the proper authorities. ▪ Long before there were smart phones, email, the internet, criminal databases, or other modern methods available to identify or track predators, the BSA took a vital step to help protect children from bad people by creating what is known as the Ineligible Volunteer Files, or the IV Files. Its purpose was to ensure that anyone seen as unfit to be a leader – even those not charged or convicted of any crime, would be removed and banned forever from our program. ▪ The creation of those files was just the first step in the BSA’s development of a comprehensive set of strategies designed to provide the best possible youth protection system. Today, record- keeping or databases such as ours are recommended by experts, including the CDC, as an important step in protecting children. ▪ While it has often been misunderstood and criticized, time and time again the IV Files, now called our Volunteer Screening Database, have successfully prevented potential predators from re- joining our organization and gaining access to youth. That is precisely why we have been maintaining these records since the 1920s. ▪ We have a very low threshold for removing someone from our scouting programs. Individuals are added to our Volunteer Screening Database based on suspected or known violations of our policies. They don’t need to have been arrested or convicted of a crime to be added to the database. This is because our priority is to protect kids, first and foremost, above all else. It is an ongoing tool the BSA uses to keep youth safe from potential perpetrators. I’d now like to introduce you to Dr. Janet Warren, a professor from the University of Virginia and a researcher and expert in sexual crimes against children. Dr. Warren has spent her career analyzing and profiling sexual offenders and serves as the University of Virginia liaison to the FBI Behavioral Sciences Unit. The BSA engaged Dr. Warren in 2011 to review the files maintained in our Volunteer Screening Database and analyze ways that the BSA could further improve its youth protection efforts. The BSA publicly released Dr. Warren’s first report in 2012. In our efforts to continually be on the forefront of youth protection, the BSA asked Dr. Warren to continue her work and evaluation of our database and barriers to abuse. She is in the final stages of that report. Dr. Warren has reached a number of conclusions as the work has progressed and we’ve asked her to be here today to speak to her work with us. Prepared Remarks of Dr. Janet Warren, Professor of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences (PNBS) at the University of Virginia • Good afternoon. I’d like to speak about the body of work I have done for the BSA since my initial report in 2012 and provide context to some of the figures presented in the media. I reviewed full, complete and unredacted files from the BSA that have been commonly referred to as the confidential files, perversion files or, as the BSA now refers to them, the Volunteer Screening Database. My team of researchers analyzed the data to see what attributes, patterns or profiles could be gleaned from the incidents. We made several key observations and we are in the process of finalizing our work. • I’d like to share with you some of the most salient findings today. I anticipate being able to present the work in a comprehensive manner sometime this summer. • First, one of the key observations we made is that the data demonstrated that the Scouting program is safe and the BSA’s use of a database to prevent unsuitable adults from accessing children was cutting edge and it worked. Even through the years when there were no computers, the BSA’s efforts were effective in keeping unsuitable volunteers from gaining access to youth in the Scouting program. • The rate of incidence of reported abuse in BSA programs was far less than the rate of incidence in society as a whole. And the data shows that the BSA’s youth protection efforts since the 1980’s have been highly effective in preventing abuse. • Second, there is no evidence of a coverup by the Boy Scouts of America. • 100% of all cases reported over the last 50 years were reported to law enforcement. • Additionally, as experts in this area agree, there is no profile of an offender that can be discerned from the data. The research underscores the importance of moving beyond simplistic and overly inclusive explanations of child sexual abuse. • Finally, the research underscores the need for a national database to track persons unsuitable to work with youth, similar to the one the BSA has used for almost 100 years. Criminal records checks and sexual offender registries based upon criminal convictions are inadequate to protect against offenders who have never been arrested or convicted. Prepared Remarks of Erin Eisner, Chief Strategy Officer for the Boy Scouts of America ▪ My name is Erin Eisner, and I’m the BSA’s Chief Strategy Officer for Culture and People. I am also a mom of two Scouts. My son joined as a Cub Scout, and my daughter and I are thrilled that she is now a member of Scouts BSA. ▪ I’d like to pick up where Dr. Warren left off to discuss what we are doing to help keep kids safe, both inside and outside of Scouting. While our database has served to keep millions of children safe in our Scouting programs, we have learned a lot over the years, and we want to share that with other youth servicing organizations. We know that our policies and barriers to abuse can help prevent child sex abuse throughout our communities and across all organizations. ▪ Experts agree that one of the most effective ways to prevent predators from having access to children is to track data on those individuals who have violated youth protection policies or have even been suspected of violating those policies. Specifically, the Center for Disease Control looked at the issue of keeping kids safe in youth serving organizations in 2007 and noted that databases such as the one BSA uses are a recognized method of protecting children from predators. As you’ve heard today, the BSA has employed this practice since virtually the inception of our organization. ▪ We are eager to share the information contained in our database with other youth serving organizations. That is why we’ve advocated for and will continue to push for the creation of a national database to serve as a clearing house for all youth serving organizations. Our vision, and one shared by others working hard in this space to protect youth, is that all youth serving organizations would be required to track and document those adults who have harmed children or have been suspected of harming children and report this information into a national registry. Similar to the National Sex Offender Public Website maintained by the Department of Justice, our goal is the creation of a registry for those who seek to work with children. This would reduce the risk that potential abusers could gain access to children by moving or going to another youth-serving organization after being removed. We are working with other groups and organizations such as the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and the CDC to see how we can assist in this critical development. We’ve also called on Congress to partner in these efforts and to develop legislative mechanisms to facilitate this national database into a reality. ▪ We are optimistic about these efforts because we know they will make a difference – we have seen firsthand the impact they’ve had on our own organization’s steps to protect children. ▪ Children in our Scouting programs are safe today. Millions of children participate in and benefit from the character building and leadership activities in our programs – without incident. Parents can be confident in our program today and be proud of our efforts to protect children while they learn, have fun and experience Scouting as it was intended. I am confident in this. ▪ I am an Executive with the BSA but first and foremost, I am a mother. And my heart breaks for any child that has experienced the tragedy and trauma of abuse. If I felt, for a second, that Scouting was unsafe, I would not be associated with nor advocate for the BSA. To the contrary, I am confident in our program and confident in our efforts to protect children. My own daughter and son are both members of Scouts BSA and participate in Scouting locally in a dynamic and safe troop here in Dallas. I have no reservations about their participation and am excited to see more and more children, across the country, including record numbers of young women, be introduced to the Scouting program. +++
  2. Mine can't. Still a couple of times a month he still comes in wanting to get in our bed in the middle of the night. I cant see sleeping in a tent in the woods almost alone would work for him, yet.
  3. I can't have my own tent or hammock. Not now anyway. I have a Wolf now who will be a Bear next year. There is no way he is staying in a tent alone.
  4. I camped when I was a Scout. I slept on the ground 20 years ago on the second or third date with my now wife. I am 44 now and camping with the Pack honestly sucks. We tried an air mattress once and it wasnt fun. This past weekend my wife and I went for BALOO / IOLS and used pads on the wooden platforms with tent frames. I wasnt horribly comfortable, but my wife wasnt happy sleeping that way. Another issue... I dont sleep all that great at home, but on Pack campouts I feel obligated to go to bed early when I am "supposed" to go. I go in and can't go to sleep, but have to be still and quiet for the others in our tent. So I end up just staring up and hoping for the best. Last weekend I slept in 15 - 20 minute spurts at a time all night long. Makes for a bad next day. First thing I guess is cot selection. I was worried about carrying too much and looking like a wimp, but I am past that. Tired and sore all day seems to throw cold water on that idea. So... what do I want?
  5. It seems, at times, many people are more concerned with one and only method not listed here. Their year and program revolve around Popcorn... it at least seems that way
  6. They controlled the whole thing at the district level. They schedule the JSN night. This year then went to so far as to have plastic bins made up for each unit containing apps, little boys life mags, pens, etc. Its my understanding (I was sent to the gym with the youth to play games during the actual meeting) that the rep from the District took the girl apps we had and WOULD NOT take their money and told em we would call when there were enough girls. So... we are having our own event before school even starts where people can come out and see what we do. I also want to hit up the preschool that is physically at our CO to let those kids know they can be Lions when they start Kindergarten.
  7. The only tag along siblings I have are other leaders kids. I kinda have to deal with it I guess. One sibling is a Lion. Two others are not even old enough for that. Our recruiting sucked this year. The DE went to some Join Scout Nights, and another district committee member went to other. We (the Pack) we not allowed to speak, just smile and wave. District representative did all the talking. They took their $11 for national. So, the next week we lost a lot when they finally got to hear about our program and oh there are dues. This year we are going to have an event for the community before JSN to pretty much show off and let people see what we do.
  8. I was a Cub Scout earning AOL and a Boy Scout briefly in the early to mid 80s. We didnt have siblings tagging along nor did we have sisters doing the same stuff we were but not getting credit. So the girls have always been there reasoning has not been a convincing factor for me. I was against girls in Cub Scouts and Boy... Uhhh Scouts BSA. What's the logically next step for someone with my views on the subject?? Yep, I had a lenghtly discussion with my CM about laying groundwork for a female Troop in our area. My daughter is a 5th grader this year and a member in another national scouting organization. The have been working on their drawing badge. <eye roll> My daughter and one other girl want to camp and do outdoor things but no one else in the Troop wants to do those activities. So, they make posters and stuff at their meetings. With my training and experience I almost feel obligated to create the opportunity for my daughter and what I assume are other interested girls to have the scout experience they want.
  9. I don't have a normal PCP. I see a specialist once a year to get weighed, poked, and drain a quart for testing. So I will probably go to a local CNP for a physical and tetanus booster. The BSA says what they want BP to be and seem to indicate if its above their number you can't play. As for WB itself... I have CM, ACM, CC, COR, Troop leadership asking when I'm going. I feel compelled to find a way.
  10. They dont specify Philmont or High Adventure. Just what should be. Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) Scouts and Scouters should have a normal blood pressure (less than 140/90). Persons with significant hypertension should be under treatment and their condition should be under control. If participating in a Scouting event that is physically demanding, it is recommended that hypertension be under control in the six months prior to the date of the event. The goal of the treatment should be to lower blood pressure to normal levels. Those already on antihypertensive therapy with normal blood pressures should continue treatment and should not choose the time they are at any Scouting event to experiment with or change medications. https://www.scouting.org/health-and-safety/risk-factors/
  11. Should I forget about Wood Badge and ultimately being part of my units leadership? I recently had my annual visit with my endocrinologist to check thyroid. My BP was 150/80. I get particularly nervous in the doctors office. I know that is not going to cut it to pass the physical for Part C of the health form. It sounds like to me they are going to let me attend WB anyway so should I continue in my pack duties? Not going to be able to to do any camping more than a weekend either without Part C.
  12. They arent saying what the event was. We recently had a Council event where vendors were present, units were allowed to set up booths, etc. Maybe this event was the same sort of thing and there was no range of any kind set up. In that case a Scout bought something and used it where he knew that he shouldnt have
  13. i went to school to have lunch with my son one day. The boys not in his class came by the table and smiled and talked then went to thiei table. The boys in his class sat we us and talked the entire lunch. As long as they are going out of their way to be happy to see me and not avoid me in situations like that I know I am doing the right thing. That is my recognition. Not something I can sew on my uniform or other item that gets stuck in a drawer or cabinet.
  14. Any other info on this? I am not sure how its the fault of the BSA that a Scout did something stupid with something he bought at an event. I understand the BSA has deeper pockets than an individual Scout. https://www.apnews.com/3ea0abd816fd439fbdfa0be7afc79484
  15. Is there a setting to enable so I can go to my last read message when opening a thread? As it is, I come back to see if there are new messages, I click the thread, and it takes me back to message 1, page 1. I would like to be able to go to the page where I left off.
  16. Here is the response from Circle 10 Council. I know its been a few days since this was posted, but I didnt know about "123 Not It" before I volunteered to organize our Christmas Lock-In so I have been busy the past several days. Yesterday afternoon, the Wall Street Journal published an article stating that National BSA has hired a bankruptcy attorney in light of the costs of defending sexual abuse lawsuits. I wanted to share with you some information to help you with any questions you have so you can continue to do what you do for Circle Ten Council and the nearly 59,000 youth we serve. In a communication released yesterday, National BSA reaffirmed its focus on keeping children safe and delivering our nation’s foremost program of character development and values-based leadership training. BSA stated its commitment to the social and moral responsibility to fairly compensate victims who suffered abuse during their time in Scouting, and the deep care and concern for all victims of child sex abuse and the proactive steps to help victims heal and prevent future abuse. BSA stresses that at no time in BSA history has the organization knowingly allowed a sexual predator to work with youth, and will always seek to act swiftly when alerted to abuse allegations. BSA is committed to communicate transparently and stated there are no imminent actions or immediate decisions expected by BSA in light of the WSJ news story. They are in an exploratory phase of a possible financial restructure. We have assembled a few items of information from a Dallas perspective that may be helpful considering the news story. The strength of Scouting for over 100 years has been its local domain. Each troop is owned by its charter partner which is typically a place of worship, service club or educational institution. Each council is locally incorporated in the specific state where it operates. The Circle Ten Council is a 501(c)(3) entity incorporated in Texas. Our camps, our Scouting Centers, our bank funds and investments are owned and controlled by the Circle Ten Council. The Circle Ten Council does have an investment in the BSAAM Endowment Fund managed by the National Council. All Circle Ten Council dollars invested in that fund belong to Circle Ten Council and are not a part of the National Council. The nature of the relationship for a council with the national BSA organization is that our council is the holder of a charter to conduct the Boy Scouts of America programs in our defined territory. Councils receive no funding from the national organization; in fact, we pay fees to National BSA as a part of our charter agreement and for specific services. We receive value back from the national organization, but we operate as a significantly financially independent not-for-profit organization. All local donations to the Circle Ten Council stay local to support the nearly 59,000 youth served in our 24 counties and do not go to the National office. Areas where we partner with National BSA, for business purposes, include several insurance programs, services for IT and expertise related to camping, Youth Protection and so on. Also important to note is employee benefits such as healthcare and retirement are funded by each council but through programs controlled and operated by National BSA. The Circle Ten Council is one of the strongest councils in the BSA from perspectives of fiscal health, program quality, board and volunteer dedication and staff commitment and talent. It is our hope that the national organization can navigate the difficult waters that many organizations face over a century of existence. Locally, we will stand ready to help - and we will continue our primary focus on bringing high-quality Boy Scouts of America programs for nearly 59,000 Scouts in each neighborhood we serve
  17. Weird question assuming a worst case scenario. Could Councils exist and operate IF National went away as a result of this? Maybe under the umbrella of a central State office? Would there be different brands of Scouting across the country due to regional political and cultural differences?
  18. Of the 4 people in my family, my daughter is the only one not paying anything to BSA. I pay my $36, my wife pays her $36, and my boy pays $115.
  19. I keep going back and forth on attending. In fact my current line of thought is that I'm not going to attend and even leaning in the direction of finishing out and after my Den completed and is awarded Wolf I am going to be finished myself. I have it seems bought into the notion everyone has to go through WB to be a good leader. If i can't do it I might as well quit now.
  20. Earlier this week there was a picture posted on the town middle school FB page showing a class of 8th grade boys and girls cooking outside. I emailed the teacher and this is what I found out. I KNOW there is the interest with the kids now for sure I just want to get to them to talk about Scouts. I asked if he thought there might be interest with those girls in starting a Troop since we have nothing anywhere close. They are for sure not doing Girl Scout stuff. Anyway they teach is a coach and asked that I let him finish football for this year and he wants to meet to talk about possibilities.
  21. Parents and the public in general are confused that Troops and Packs are different within the one organization. Just this week I had to explain to our Chamber of Commerce that we (the Pack) participated in their opening flag ceremony for the town fall festival and the Troop had no involvement.
  22. My council's course is held on the South side of the DFW metroplex and I live about 40 minutes from the OK border on the Texas side. To have to get down there on a weekday morning in time to start is a big obstacle for me. The kind of obstacle where I have about decided not to do it no matter the benefits.
  23. I have been using two fingers, but I just wanted to check. Other DL or ADL or whatever he is 🙄 does something else and I wanted to verify I was doing the right thing
  24. I am a Wolf Den Leader now. I was a Cub Scout through AOL. I crossed over to the troop before circumstances i have explained in other threads. I dropped out before even earning Tenderfoot. Do I salute 3 fingers or do I salute as my Den?
  25. Our Council did not let the Pack talk at the Scout Talks or at our Join Scout Night. Totally thier prepared script.
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