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Everything posted by 5thGenTexan

  1. I have our COR saved as a contact in my phone, he shows up to events in uniform. He is involved and even occasionally comes to committee meetings. I brought this up to the CM last year and it went no where, and he is CC this year. I am not sure what the deal is, but all of a sudden he is not open to any criticism of the guy. I dont know if he is paying special attention trying to get him to perform his position better or what. We are having one of those times of bad adult drama going on. Believe me, it goes much deeper with this guy that just this one issue. Very frustrating.
  2. The CC was CM last year and I did coordinate with him. He chose to take no action. I have also witnessed this "Den Leader" vaping at camp on two occasions. I don't want to have to get the COR involved, but I am not against taking that route if I need to.
  3. My question pertains to my Uhhh Associate Den Leader. On two occasions I had parents come to me and ask if their Scout should wear their uniform to an upcoming event. Both of those times as I was explaining why they should this associate of mine decides to tell them no. On another occasion at camp we were all in uniform to head to breakfast and morning flags. He and his son in Pack t-shirts if we have to go in full uniform. I told him per my discussion with the CM the previous night that yes... They had to wear it to breakfast. He walks off in a huff and loudly complaining about he doesn't understand why since its going to be hot later in the day. This loud complaint around our Scouts and another unit we were sharing the campsite with. I have been kind, but next time I feel a different approach is warranted. BTW I am the CM now.
  4. We built rockets one meeting and the next week met at the launch site for the area model rocketry club to shoot the rockets. Everyone had a "BLAST" and wanted to do it again.
  5. I am a new CC for my daughters Troop that doesnt exist yet because I am still trying to find one or two more girls so I can turn in the paperwork.
  6. Thanks!! We have a committee meeting coming up. I am going to see if we want to count District camps as attending events for the purposes of this award.
  7. I had that in front of me but I wanted to make sure my interpretation was what they want. Thanks
  8. OK. Does this sound correct? If the Pack provides an activity opportunity each month (June, July, August) - The Pack receives the ribbon. If the Den has 50% participation in the activity in each month (June, July, August) The Den receives the ribbon. If the Scout participates in an activity in each month (June, July, August). The Scout receives the pin.
  9. Just trying to be clear on the requirements. Can individual Scouts earn the pin even if there is not enough participation for the entire Pack to earn the ribbon? I have events planned and on the schedule for June, July, and August. The Tiger Den (1 Scout) will participate in all three months. The Wolf Den (1 Scout) attended Resident Camp, but not our Pack event in June. The Bear Den (6 Scouts) 4 were present for June and July. Webelos Den (2 Scouts) both participated in Resident Camp but not the June Pack event. Can the Scouts that are showing up to everything earn the pin?
  10. I am a DL who wears my uniform to committee meetings as they are usually right at the end of den meetings. I am in the process of forming a Scouts BSA Troop for Girls that I will be CC of. I am already planning on putting velcro on my shirts so I can switch positions as needed.
  11. I was invited to attend the Boy Troop Committee Meeting tonight to discuss my intentions to form a Troop for girls. ( We will share a CO as well as the Troop Number). Everyone was very supportive and the entire committee promised to help out with whatever we might come across. They were also able to tell me about a few girls they knew who will probably be interested in joining. They also encouraged me to go ahead and go public with the announcement of the Troop formation. I was hesitant to open up to the community until we had everything lined up and ready to go as to not appear half-assed. To the next step we go...
  12. Well... it looks like I still have work to do. People from the other unit came to our meeting and they don't have the girls that are ready as I was led to believe. They (adults) also did not seem overly enthused to do the work. They came in hoping the Boy Troop committee would be on point for the next year and a half to get things rolling. One of them even commented that with only 5 girls they didnt see the point in putting in the time, its not worth it for that few Scouts. I have no issue seeking guidance from the folks in the Boy Troop, I have no issue using the resources of the DE, but I am not going to expect it to just all be done and then come to play when the hard work is done. Its a little discouraging, but I think I have a solid 4 girls and working on a few other leads. I am pretty sure in the Spring there will be more that are ready to come up. So... there you go.
  13. More than Webelos 3, I guess this is what I was going for. Starting a New Troop 1. With only a small group of boys available. The Scoutmaster-to-be who finds himself with a small group of boys wanting to be Scouts is most fortunate. He will be able to devote his whole time to getting that individual touch with these boys, which a large number would make impossible. And, at the same time, the nucleus of a fine growing Troop with a real esprit de corps is being formed and the Scoutmaster can look forward to watching it become a full Troop with thirty-two Scouts. Lord Baden-Powell was once asked why a Troop should not exceed thirty-two members. His reply was that as a young man he found it impossible to get a personal touch and satisfactory results in sound training, with more than sixteen fellows. He went on to say: "Assuming that every other, Scoutmaster is twice as capable as myself, it is best for a Troop not to exceed thirtytwo." When the Scoutmaster is starting a Troop with a small group his immediate objective is to put into being the Patrol Method. At first, before the boys have passed their Tenderfoot requirements, the Scoutmaster-to-be may serve as temporary Patrol Leader, meeting with the boys once a week for a month (longer, if necessary) to train the boys thoroughly in •the fundamentals of Scouting so that they may pass their Tenderfoot requirements with a complete understanding of what Scouting is and what it means to the Scout just entering. As this preliminary group grows in number to, say, ten, twelve, or fourteen boys, the time comes when it is ready to take the shape of a Scout Troop of two Patrols,
  14. I can not tell you why but our Pack has a different number than the Troop.
  15. I was told we will have the same number as the Boy Troop due to same CO. It makes some sense... the Troop was one of the very first formed in Texas, So it may be good to be attached to that history.
  16. As far as I know right now all of our girls are going to be AOL and maybe a couple who have no experience at all, but all 11 or 12 years. No rush for Eagle.
  17. We have our own Scout Hut here, the Troop meets there, the Pack meets there, and the GS Troop meets there, so we are good on a meeting place. We will discuss it, but I believe we can meet at the same time and place as the Boy Troop and do opening and then go off and do our own thing separate from them. We will be using the same Troop number as the Boy Troop, it will just be designated by "GT" on paperwork. We too "aint got no money" Camp Cards are pretty successful here, so I imagine we will do that next year and as much as I hate it I guess we will probably give Popcorn a try.
  18. This coming Thursday I along with a leader from a nearby Pack are meeting with parents of prospective girls to create a new Girl Troop. I am hopeful we have 5 girls, but that will be part of the meeting. What else should we try to cover? I have a New Unit Application for the CO to fill out (although it will be a couple of weeks because the Church is in the process of changing ministers), we have a COR, if its ok with everyone I am willing to be CC, we have at least one committee member from the Boy Troop that has said they will be on our committee. I know we will need to discuss who will be SM. I also picked up a handful of Adult and Youth Applications. Additionally I have been in contact with the DE, so he knows what is going on. What else do we need to address in this first meeting? Also, I have been thinking a lot about how the Troop will operate. (I know thats the SM job, but you know...) We will be starting from scratch so there are no Scouts that understand how it works well enough to Youth Lead at this point. Do we in the first 6 months to a year operate as Webelos 3 while at the same time slowly giving them enough rope to take over and lead as the program is designed next year?
  19. My thing is... A leader should NOT have to be told not to smoke or "fake smoke" in front of Scouts. If they dont get that, maybe its something that needs to be in writing so they do get it. I had rather not get on someones case about doing the wrong thing, but geez....
  20. Would it be inappropriate of me to developing a Leader guide that sets expectations and guidelines for our Unit Leaders? No smoking or any facsimile thereof around Scouts, uniform expectations for leaders, etc... Everyone knows straight up what is expected of them?
  21. I am leaning in the direction of not accepting the CM at all. I am thinking its better for my sanity to stay as a Den Leader only. In fact I don't want any position on the committee, and I dont want my opinion asked for. Honestly I want to be left alone and provide the program to the best of my ability to my Den. The only other option is to leave entirely and that is bad for my own kid.
  22. Last night we had a committee meeting and did a big stir of positions. Our longtime CC/Treas is leaving. The CM is moving up to CC it was suggested that the current ASM move up to CM. The ASM made the suggestion I move to CM and he stay in ASM. (He is a district level volunteer, OA Advisor, so on and so on, he is qualified, but will be leaving the pack in a year). Anyway, the outgoing CC fully supported me as CM as well as our current CM. So, my "Assistant Den Leader" this year is in my opinion useless. Last Fall we were attending a huge Council level event. I had two parents address me by name and ask if thier Scouts should wear their uniform. As I am mid sentence explaining yes they are representing the Pack and should wear the uniform, he walks into the conversation and tells them no because they are going to be playing and might mess it up. His uniform practices are less than desirable when he wears it, most notably... blue jeans with holes in the legs. We had a solo Tiger this year whos father is the Tiger DL, but he is also a police officer and is limited in the time he can give to us. I totally understand and support him in the time he can give. Now, the ADL was given the task last Fall of helping this Tiger DL make sure the Tiger advanced properly. It came to my attention in Feb that he had done NOTHING and this Scout had not earned a single adventure loop. Of course I took on the task to make sure he was completing requirements and recorded in Scoutbook. If that isnt bad enough I have witnessed him on two occasions being very sneaky vaping around Scouts at camp. I'd like to seem him have no direct contact just on that alone, but.... So... his wife has decided to become involved in the Pack. She planned Blue and Gold this year and initially had program that would have totaled over $1500 and is charging parents this year to attend the event. I am very very very against this, but it is what it is this year. Just hearing her ideas its obvious she has no knowledge of the Program and IMO has ideas that will "baby down" what we do have going. So. How do I go about learning to work and deal with people I can't stand? I have WB plans at the beginning of next year but I am not sure that will be included in the program. I really can not handle being in the same room with these people, but with my new position I have to find a way.
  23. There are girl troops, but they are 30 -45 minutes away. Its just not going to work with getting to bed on time for school the next day. The COR for our Pack and Troop here in town (4000 population) is on board with girls, so there is no issue there. I need a SM and ASM. I think our Pack CM is willing to be the Troop CC, but also need a Treasurer. Then I need the 4 girls. I am not concerned about equipment, I am worried about getting the leadership and the girls.
  24. I had to tell my daughter who is a Junior and also a Webelos that she wont have a Scouts BSA troop next year. Very disappointed.
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