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Everything posted by PACAN

  1. The "funny" thing is that councils who added council fees to each scout (which was not allowed before but ignored) seemed to think this fee would be additive to FOS. Another typical "no idea". The parents saw right through this and the result is that the council fee is FOS and the FOS goals were never going to be met as the only ones who contributed FOS were the obligatory contributions from the Executive Boards who for the most part have no scouts in the program any longer.
  2. I was wondering what OaklandAndy's percentage were compared to? Sept 2023 or October 2022. Based on some of the above posts, standby for recharter results!!
  3. Couple of thoughts: Has anyone seen this group's "charter"? Still need to see the requirements to see how leaders can get all the requirements accomplished. Given the new BSA President's stated goal to increase membership back to the "old days", is this new revamping of the entire Cub advancement designed to improve recruiting or retention? What is the current Cub recruiting from age to age now? How many youth join Cubs as a 10 year old now? "tongue in cheek comment" - will the BSA allow an older youth to just join and skip all the ranks and just do Eagle rank requirements? 😉
  4. The scout badge became the scout rank in 2016.
  5. Greenwich is one of the richest County in the country. If you had their resources you would not worry about council operations budget.
  6. I understand that there are over 30 councils with less than 1000 youth.
  7. The House of representatives can to elect a speaker (or not). 😜
  8. Yes. I believe that you can have a TM account with as few or as many scouts as you want. TM sells you a license. You populate your file
  9. @AwakeEnergyScouterI agree with you. My response was somewhat tongue in cheek. Councils who have added an additional annual fee on top of National tell units to sell more to offset their bill. Scoutreach scouts count as traditional members. They are anything but. Their fees are subsidized. Best I can tell they are an afterschool care program with an extremely limited program. They are not in a District and have their own Professional. I've never seen a Scouts BSA scoutreach unit at a camporee. Any others with experience with Scoutreach??
  10. Council's standard answer is " sell more popcorn"
  11. Here is an interesting item copyright 1921: 😄
  12. Both of these councils have 1000 youth or less. They are geographically close as well. I would think we would see a number of these mergers since 20% of all councils are in this same membership situation.
  13. Yes. I also notice how many units of cubs and scouts have folded for what they say is lack of volunteers
  14. @BetterWithCheddar require " parents to volunteer a certain number of hours" Sounds better than why one reason Packs and Troops go out of business - We are in a drop and run game.
  15. I'm sure there is a Paul Harvey "rest of the story" here somewhere. Who does the CO report to? These are all part of the need to have more direct oversight of their units that they CO is being told to make sure are being done to "protect" them a.k.a liability from being sued into oblivion. Some of this language is in these new agreements. The only one I see as being a stretch is the SM going through the CO. Where is the Committee Chair in this equation? The SM works for the CC.
  16. @yknotYep. I'm sure there are others but since I started this post none of the NY or MA ones were posted. I heard of some individual Parishes when the UMC issue was posted.
  17. Anyone hear of the final number of attendees?
  18. @Eagle94-A1Amen. Sometimes I wonder if the scouting professionals take the same course as politicians. @MattRContinue to flourish in spite of his Leadership? 🤨 Interesting that most of the Diocese in this topic are from the Wisconsin and Illinois area. Also wonder how many youth are affected?
  19. @TuckahoeJoe My friend is in a unit around Harrisburg but I don't know which one other than he said they are still going to recharter. I wonder how much the increase is. They look like that the insurance company definition of "promoting scouting" meant "as long as you pay us" @DeaconLance I think you are absolutely right....easy to drop scouts using liability as an excuse. Probably just looking for a way out. Curious if you know how much the increase was and how much the additional cost is?
  20. "our dissatisfaction with the BSA’s cooperation on the issue, " Wonder what that means?
  21. How about this: As we have seen on the forum Councils are giving National a "salute" on this already. Rules? we don't need no stinkin rules. Rules and Regulations - Local Council Annual Registration or Program Fees Under the Rules and Regulations of the BSA, a local council may charge an annual registration or program fee to youth members, adult program participants and Scouters whose primary registration is with the council in an amount not to exceed the amount of the applicable individual registration fee for their position established by the Executive Committee. In the new Annual Membership fee structure, a local council may charge a maximum of $80 per youth and $60 per adult. Also remember units are not key stakeholders: This has been a difficult decision that involved the engagement of key stakeholders but is essential to building a strong, safe, and vibrant Scouting program for our nation’s youth.
  22. @james6 not a cynic….direct knowledge of the appeal.
  23. The National fee will be the least of your problem. The usury extra fees that councils will add on with impunity as we have heard on the forums will likely drive more out of the program.
  24. A volunteer panel reviews and make the recommendation. I’ve seen it take one to twelve months. Never seen ,, although I guess it has happened, the scout turned down because it is always the fault of the adults even it there is clear evidence that the scout did not actually do the requirements.
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