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Everything posted by PACAN

  1. Cburkhardt...thanks for the info (I think). Not clear how the powers that be can say the program won't change. What do we define as the program? We will see what details get shared by our key threes or if they will be under their usual stellar communication with their councils. Also i wonder if they addressed the elimination of poor councils, property sales (Local and national both) and mergers. Given the Covid and the advent of virtual summer camps, why do we need dirt camps anymore. 😣 Anyway...keep us posted as you have as you hear more.
  2. Probably a bit late on this but my input would be: Improve communication and customer service up and down and sideways in the organization. Our forum should not be the source of official communications (but we are cool) Focus on a massive streamlining of all advancement, training and minutia that detracts from programs and makes adults not want the hassle of spending hours on non value added items Eliminate the franchise organizational set up...allow units to go to the best support they can. Units are trapped in poor service. Eliminate underperforming councils...make their JTE a true outside evaluation not an internal check the boxes. JMHO.
  3. So will there be "LDS" troops and packs registered through the local councils? They would have to be to earnBSA ranks etc . We have some scouts who were in LDS sponsored units who have joined us. If this is just a way for scouts of the LDS church to earn religious awards where will these scouts find counselors trained in the requirements of these? Their Bishop? i don't think the other religious organization would ever have an organization like what you are setting up but good luck to you.
  4. @Cburkhardt Here is what is on the Maryland DNR page..not a ringing endorsement of large attendance camps. Did you see something else? CAMPING Effective Thursday, May 7, at 7 a.m., DNR will begin accepting reservations for overnight tent and RV camping in state forests, parks, and other campgrounds, however: Campers must be with immediate family members or people with which they reside. Guidance on social distancing must be followed. No parties or reservations for more than 10 people will be granted for any one site.
  5. I saw where virtual camp outs will count toward OA camping requirements.
  6. These events are fundraisers for councils. If anyone actually reads the BSA guide to group instruction (LOL) class sizes advertised in some places are way out of line. As much as scouters and parents rail against MB universities where scouts have to actually meet with a MBC, these seem to be yeah...give us more. The way of the future?
  7. Moderators....can you split off the virtual mb posts into a separate topic?
  8. The NCAP "Standards" are in a 372 page document - even larger than the G2SS! There is no way an inspection team can do even a poor job on this in the amount of time they are onsite. The last time I saw an inspection team they arrived between 9-10 and were gone by 200 after the pennant photo op. Here's just one example of a standard....Does the camp provide MBs. Yes? you pass that one. Of course if the camp doesn't get a trophy it is likely the end of that camp and the SE is history.
  9. Here's a test of the new virtual scouting system done with an AOL crossover Session 1: 30 minutes: Scout Rank Completed Session 2: 45 minutes: TF 1-5, 6a, 7-9 completed Session 3: 60-75 minutes: 2nd started 1. completed 2, 3, 4, 5a, c, d, 6, 7c, 8, 9,10 Session 4: 60-75 minutes: 1st started 1. completed 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 b-d, 7, 9,10,11 And so it goes...also completed his FA MB class in a class size of 1000
  10. I suppose under the reorganization banner, national could change the conditions under which a council gets a charter.
  11. Why not do all the requirements virtually? If you read the requirements they all could be done. If they limited it to the "administrivia requirements" , there are ample things that could be done in a Zoom patrol meeting. But do the BSA Swimmer test in your bathtub? The camping says do these outdoors not virtually in your living room under a blanket attached to your couch....this is what a 4-5 year old does on a sleepover.
  12. @walk in the woods I would love to see what you said in your last sentence. Units have been trapped by the franchise model forever. Councils have been allowed to provide little or no service to units with zero alternatives for the customer.
  13. @CBurkhardt @Cburkhardt Thanks...interesting thoughts. The dominant council providing management and direction to me begs the question why not just merge them. Councils are in competition with each other so what authority will the dominant council be given to inject themselves? What would be the definition and structure of a field service council? I wonder if the current organization has costed out the new one to see what and where the savings are and the affect on customer service which is already woefully lacking. Thanks again for providing some of the current thinking.
  14. IMHO...Given the current environment and the BSA membership losses, the odds of turning things around in a year seem slim to none. Merger actions should begin now.
  15. Early retirements mean retirements. Furloughs mean some possible return to their jobs at some level. @Cburkhardt @Cburkhardt I wonder in the new National Structure how many of these folks return?
  16. The option to do either pullups or pushups has been allowed since 2014.
  17. Don't disagree with @carebear3895 or@Cburkhardt . One item that is very possible if the summer camp season crashes is the end of smaller councils (2500 youth or less) with their own camps) since the majority of their revenue is from the camping fees. Sale of the property and merger with larger (remaining and now smaller) councils. Still looking forward to @CBurkhardt response to my earlier post. Thanks.
  18. @Cburkhardt. Curious on what you believe the spectacular reorganization of the BSA was going to be. Thanks.
  19. Not concerned about summer camp attendance but scouts do miss out on some things that are likely not available locally. The OP did say he hadn't seen this scout in FIVE years? That's the scouts entire time! Not sure if he is in the troop or just a district rep.
  20. @qwazse I love your "trajectory of membership growth" statement. The end of 2019 numbers showed around 40% of the membership as Scouts BSA or Ventures/Sea Scouts 800k out of 2M. These are the eligible attendees of the HA camps. The impact of the LDS is not included but is rumored to be up to 300k loss. These numbers do not bode well for the BSA HA camps anytime soon.
  21. @Jameson76 Probably not. Just seen some posts from around the different blogs arguing that where the crime took place is where the lawyers will attempt to go to sue.
  22. Sent to me by someone from this area. https://www.abc27.com/news/former-harrisburg-boy-scout-leader-accused-of-making-sexual-advances-on-minor/?utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook_abc27_News Another example that maybe councils may not be immune from being added to the bankruptcy???
  23. Cburkhardt ... okay. 50% or larger reduction in the number of councils in those states with 10 or more. CA, GA, NY, NC, OH, TX, PA using Michigan as the model. 25% reduction in other states. One council in New England combining 13 into one. 250 councils for 1.5 M scouts (after March) is way too many. this is made with zero knowledge of the financial status of any councils.
  24. @Cburkhardt I think all of us really appreciate your efforts in getting these (slightly) different thought provoking topics posted regarding the current issues. My question is do you have a contact at national who has any influence on affecting any changes to the topics who you can bundle these postings and send to? Thanks.
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