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Everything posted by PACAN

  1. This topic will be added a requirement for the DEI MB and rank.
  2. Maybe we can close this thread and have cburkhardt and cynical and inquisitive summarize the status of the bankruptcy under a new thread like "bankruptcy 2021 status ". Or something like that.
  3. @CynicalScouter Obviously (or maybe not) my comment was facetious. I've never seen the BSA return anything to the customer...seen many comments where even getting a $5 refund for a cancelled event was a major production I did like your #3 "adjusting expenditures to the new reality of income/revenue". I think a lot of councils are still in a fantasy world.
  4. Wonder how many millions will be saved and returned to the scouts. The Requirements Book ($5) is really a book the scout, leader, parent can sit down and read through to see everything they can earn. Unless this is available as a single file, scouts need to click on each individual badge or award to see the requirements and peak their interest. A number of MBCs and leaders use the book all the time as a reference out in summer camp or just regular meetings instead of flipping through their phones if they even have connection. Might as well just put the handbook and filled in worksheets on the site too.
  5. I think what @RememberSchiff is saying is that units never see these numbers until after the fact. The Activity Fee is mandatory vice FOS being voluntary. Some units are lucky in that their members still have money left after the national fee and unit fees to voluntarily give some more. In today's world not so much. Some parents walked away with the $25 extra fee just to join. A 3-5 year projected budget might be helpful but never seen one. With the huge reductions across the board in the BSA, most would want to see a corresponding reduction at their council...not pretty but reality. They see it possibly in their own paychecks and living expenses and something has got to give. They see an "always need more" approach. Throwing an 80% of FOS is spent on program means nothing to the average parent. JMHO
  6. I think most units have their own EIN number and don't or can't use their CO but that doesn't mean they file Federal Income taxes or does it?
  7. So now that recharter season is essentially over, how many of you have a council fee added to each scout/adult and if so, how much.
  8. No worry. The Eagle workbook says you must use form 512-927. This form is 2021a.
  9. @InquisitiveScoutergiven your process I'm surprised anyone would apply to be a MBC and if it takes 16 weeks you will have zero counselors before the 1 May date.
  10. @InquisitiveScouter 10-16 weeks? What council are you in? That's ridiculous.
  11. Remember although the MB is required if a scout wants to earn Eagle, there are supposedly going to be rank DEI requirements as well so it ripple through the entire advancement program.
  12. I have all our blue cards filled out and ready to load into internet advancement on Friday.😇
  13. @elitts I'll spot you the 500k LDS but that's still 500k other boys lost in one year. Has nothing to do with how many girls joined but not likely we get them back. @qwazse 13 was on a news feed but can't remember the location. Over achievers are fine. It's when you see the Mom with a day planner making sure he can fit you in his schedule for another MB that makes you wonder who is earning the MBs. IMHO
  14. @CynicalScouter councils get these numbers every month @qwazse The age was just an observation of those I have seen. One girl was 13 with a sash of at least 50 MBs.
  15. @Cburkhardt If your 130,000 girls in the program is correct, we have lost almost 1,000,000 boys since their arrival. End of October there were 1.1M total Cubs and Scouts. Start of 2020 about 2M. Seems like Surbaugh plan didn't work so well. Just a question as we see press releases around the country about the "first girl Eagle Scout". It appears that almost all the young ladies are 18 or close to it. So how many will remain with the program or will it be a "got mine" and gone.
  16. Cynical.....and there is that too! the last brand new eagle mb was sustainability. Some of the same PC arguments were made then.
  17. @CynicalScouter "this is going to be a mess" And this surprises you? Following the pattern of most other roll outs
  18. @ParkMan not to worry. We know the BSA will provide succinct guidance to the MBCs which will include a completed worksheet to handout to the scouts.
  19. Lots of good discussion but here is the bottom line: They are going to implement this MB and evidently rank requirements. This will be Eagle Required reducing the number of non required badges for scouts. 50000 scouts will earn this before May 2021. A good number will be pencil whipped and completed in one hour. Not sure how this one fits the purpose of the merit badge program which is supposed to allow Scouts to examine subjects to determine if they would like to further pursue them as a career or vocation. Finally...no one who is on the panel who came up with these requirements (and we can only imagine what the rank requirements will be) care what any of us think as they are on their mission.
  20. I'm looking forward to seeing the look in the 11 year old face when you ask "what do you think about intersectionality?" They answer...is that like a 4 way stop at an intersection? C'mon man admit it! Everyone one of us had to look that up to see what the heck the BSA was talking about.
  21. This MB will be the least popular and last one to be earned for Eagle. Lots of rubber stamps for those who just need this prior to 1 May. It has repetitive requirements that could be halved and still get the points across. Should eliminate American Cultures MB. There is the obligatory "careers" requirement but where is the First Aid one like in every other MB? Wish there was a "research the BSA's history on DEIBI" and tell how the BSA has been in the forefront of these items since it's founding. Identify specific milestones. JMHO
  22. Cynic....not suggesting organizations don't have fixed costs or staff should work for free. Companies need to review their fixed costs as well especially when they lose 35% of their customers. Downsize their footprint of office space for example. A solid business case analysis is certainly appropriate which should include all the resources properties, reserve requirements etc. you are not going back to the funding levels of even three years ago and if you try and spend your way out, there will be for sale or auction signs at your camps.
  23. Comments on a few items scattered in a couple of topics: We need to see what comes of the bankruptcy for reorganization changes before much will happen. DEs - The job is not what most believe it is when they get into it. It's not an "Executive". It's really a behind the scenes working the administrivia (my new word) of the council and doing projects at the whim of their SE. They are given unrealistic goals to meet by their SE that not even the SE could meet and then axed. That's why they leave and/or are expendable labor. All DEs will vanish before any SE will get rid of their registrar. I do not believe they get any training (carebear 3895 can correct me) in how to manage and leverage a volunteer workforce and deal with individuals who have much more experience not only in scouting but in other pieces of business like budget execution. Thumping the desk gets them nowhere. Charter Partner: Not sure what the game is here but any unit that says they want a council to be their CO is nuts. If your council can't provide services now, what chance does an individual unit have. Will those that are not under the charter agreement of the council get less service. I think the franchise (territorial) model the BSA uses has failed as well. Units have no real ability to find the best value for their unit even if their unit borders a council that in their opinion provides better service and requires less travel to district or council meetings. FOS vs Activity fee: It always seems "we have to add" (like Congress) vs an honest analysis of the expense side. With the overall membership of every council down at least 25%, the income needed to support those youth should also be reduced appropriately. The activity fee is a tax. FOS is a voluntary donation where people see value to donate just like other non profits. The activity fee might be palatable if the activities were of quality. We have had many activities cancelled (pre-Covid) for lack of planning or just a crappy theme the units decided to do their own thing. The BSA blew it big time with the new scout $25 joining fee. Lions down I hear 70%. What risk analysis is done on potential losses when you tack any fee on a scout's parent? Don't go down the "we are a great value compared to x/y/z". and 69.00 must pay goes to national so don't blame us at the council. Those arguments are dated and no one buys it. The new regular Charter agreement requires participation in FOS and product sales. A user fee (camp sites, university of scouting, camporees, special events) seems more fair than a straight tax. All the above is just MHO.
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