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Everything posted by PACAN

  1. Methodists on board for a small ($30m) fee.😉
  2. Keep us posted. Does this possibly mean that each CO will get a bill? Lots will leave the program.
  3. The current status is "the song that never ends".
  4. If sashes or tattoos raise revenue for national, they'll do it! 🤑
  5. Yes I have seen this. Just wondering if there is any change given the methodists payment.
  6. Anyone heard what the Catholic Church might be doing ?
  7. Another almost 100 pages on this topic. I know Baden Powell said Scouting is a game but this game is getting ridiculous. 2 steps forward, 5 steps back. Seemed like when there was an announcement on how much each council had to contribute, maybe the end was close...but I guess not.
  8. Quick look comparing the Jan 21 "final" requirements and these Terms Bigotry, Intersectionality, Section in welcoming environment that lists gender identity, sexual orientation - GONE Choose organization that promotes positive change such as WOSM - GONE Public presentation on community efforts - GONE Attend an event - GONE Create a Pledge - GONE - how you will act if you witness bigotry or hate Discuss careers MB can probably be done sitting around a campfire.
  9. So the NCCS statement basically is telling catholic units to keep the Charter Org model and stay away from the facilities one unless you want someone else to control your unit. My friend got a mailing from National's lawyers asking if his unit wanted to contribute to the victims fund and what insurance option he wanted. Anyone else get one of these packages? So what really happens if this is voted down? Does the bill each council got become void and start over?
  10. Lots of info to try and digest. Question though: Are the amounts required from the councils locked in concrete? Seems like that could blow up and be reopened. Thanks to those who continue to track this.
  11. Very interesting numbers by council. Some are all cash, some all property. A lot are more than 50% property so you can see who's going to sell I guess. Only about 30% of the councils have numbers higher than the 600M/250 = $2.4 per council that was floating around. 13M in properties for Orange county is only one latrine at their camp. 😉
  12. Once you realize the LC EBs are lemmings to the SE, a lot of the "top secret management" will become clear. My B-I-L's EB voted a gentleman back on the EB who had passed away. "all in favor...say aye"
  13. GTA 2021 is on scouting.org. They no longer have a section with what has changed so in my quick look: Para removed the reference to the old Requirements books. Says the first place to check for the current requirements list is the web, not the Handbook or Merit badge Pamphlet. (No need for MBPs or Handbooks any longer) Registration should be done online. BSA ID numbers are not unique to councils anymore. (Good) The Process of Counseling Acknowledgment that while in person activities are preferred they are not required; (so do all the virtual MBs you want ) and counselors now have an obligation to ask the Scout if they have met with their unit leader first. (yeah right) Purpose and Timeliness of Boards of Review… Any advancement errors discovered after a board of review must not be held against a Scout in considering any future advancement, even if requirements were not properly completed. (Scouts have no accountability to know the rules - Blame the adults is the way to go) Eagle Scout Board of Review Beyond the 18th Birthday. An Eagle Scout board of review may occur, without special approval, within three up to 24 months after a Scout’s 18th birthday. (24 months!! That will make the average age of an Eagle surpass 18 years old since the age is calculated from EBOR date to birthday.) Time Extensions...3 tests to consider. Council can approve now #1 Interesting that they now allow that a Scout can have “refocused on advancement” as a criteria. So that Scout who remained active in the Troop the whole time but took 5 years to get from Tenderfoot to Second Class would be eligible for consideration for an extension now since there is not enough time to get the 16 months from 1st to Eagle. #2 A circumstance came Through no fault or choice of the Scout, an unforeseen circumstance or life-changing event #3 Misinformation from adults in positions of authority. )E.g. blame the adults...no accountability or responsibility by the scout is expected or required) National always took the approach that an extension should not be granted until proven otherwise; now, the standard is reversed, and councils should plan to grant the extension until proven otherwise. (Verbage used to say that the scout has a BSA handbook and is expected to read it..this is eliminated) There is lots of other changes some just reordered or swapping sentences around but I found these to be the most interesting
  14. So when do we see Exhibit C...LC contributions?
  15. Yep that extra $25 worked out well since now there are less Cub Scouts than Scouts BSA in the program.
  16. And the national fee is scheduled to go up and councils can add a matching fee and and and.... My friend did a look at the entire report (he has) and points out that about 25% of councils have 1000 or less youth. Need a lot of exponential doubling for these councils.
  17. Yes. 2021 March KPI report that the summary page numbers were shared with me. March 2020 to March 2021 comparison. I'm guessing the 2021 numbers are post rechartering. Cubs Scouts BSA V/SS Explorers Total 2021 348738 369716 13832 16787 749073 2020 641939 417360 25399 58311 1143009
  18. Ventures/Sea Scouts are fading away on their own regardless of what National does or doesn't do. V/SS have less than 14K and E less than 17K youth. More disturbing is that the numbers show that there are more Scouts BSA than Cubs. Mergers might work some but as long as Exec Bds have to approve them, no one is likely to want to merge with a failing (cash poor) council. An ever growing number of councils have less than 1000 youth. Some parents are hesitant to join as they hear about the bankruptcy and may be waiting it out to see what happens.
  19. @Eagle1993 do you think the almost 1 million (or a good chunk) previously registered will return or will this be new scouts who are willing to pay extra to join? any stats on numbers of youth that leave the program that return within the next year?
  20. Someone told me they had seen a Feb 2021 report like the one cynical shared and the total BSA was about 950K
  21. There is not much if any of a COVID reduction. March numbers reflect recharters which in this case LDS would account for the majority of the reduction. End of March 2020 total was 1143000, Dec 1199425 which is likely some of the fall recruiting.
  22. I would love to see the breakdown of these girls: Ages: 18+, 16-17, 14-15, below 14 . The 18+ are no longer members of Scouts BSA. Hopefully the next older ones will stay until 18 and help out or will they follow a lot of the boys and vanish after their BOR/COH. How many were given extensions? We know there were a number who were doing the requirements from their college dorms. Wonder how many boys joined that later and asked for extensions? What size troops were they in? We know there were approximately 33000 girls in Scouts BSA at the end of 2020. What PORs did these girls have? A number of the pictures you see of the girls have them with the extra long sash full of MBs in 2 years or less. Don't see boys with that many. Just curious,
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